Monday, December 21, 2009

Updates on my life

Here’s some updates on what is going on in my life. First of all, remember the younger girl who I recently discovered had a crush on me, well, she moved out of the building. Her parents split up and strangely it was her father the one who stayed in the apartment. She, her mother and brother moved out about 2 weeks ago.

I think things are better this way. I will not have the temptation of doing anything to her, and she will probably have a more relaxed life without her parents fighting day in and day out. It’s weird getting home and not seeing her on my way up at the top of the stairs doing her homework.

I will miss her and her innocence. I just wish I would had the chance to say goodbye to her. Everything happened so quickly and out of nowhere.

Now on with the guy who accused me of having an affair with his wife. My next door neighbor, the one from Lithuania, told me he saw him and his wife back together about 3 days ago. Poor guy, having to live with a girl like that. It must be hell trying to decipher if her words are true or not every time she speaks. Last Sunday, when I was getting home from the Laundromat I ran into her. I didn’t recognized her at first. But then I noticed who she was because she has holding the hand of a young boy. And that boy turned out to be that other guy’s son.

She is uglier than I remember. I would first cut my balls off and feed them to Daffodils before putting a finger on that woman. Stupid girl, almost got me in a huge mess because of her lies. I don’t know why this guy is with her. If it was me, I would divorce her and fight the custody of the kid. But that’s just me. Maybe he is so desperate because he can’t get any other woman.

Now to my favorite subject: my motorcycle. Today I installed new front brake pads. I’m becoming more familiar to it and little by little I’m tackling more complex jobs instead of taking it to the shop every time I think something is wrong. If things go well, in about 3 weeks I’ll be able to fix the seats. Today I bought most of the equipment necessary to do an engine oil and oil filter change. I got the oil filters from the internet while the oil I got it from AutoZone. I know all the steps, the only things I’m now missing are a 17mm open wrench for the drain plug and a 5mm allen wrench for the screws holding the oil filter cover.

Its nice not having to ride in the rain. You guys here in L. A. know what I’m talking about.

Now I’m going to go over some interesting things that have occurred in the last Friday

Remember the new girl at the taco place where I normally go for lunch at work? The one who rumor has it is the owner’s son girlfriend and he paid $5000 to bring her from Mexico and is supposedly pregnant? Well, I saw her Friday.

I had not been back to that place since October when I first noticed her. When I came back and noticed she was working, the first thing I checked was to see if she looked pregnant. I’m sure if she was pregnant, it would be showing right now, right? Guess what, she doesn’t look pregnant at all. She is as thin as a model. So this time I decided to make a move on her if I had the chance.

As I was ordering and making small talk to the other girls working there, the ones I already know, I noticed she was preparing an order for a table. At this place, the waitress takes your order to your table. As she was doing that, she looked up and we made eye contact. As many girls had done, at first we made eye contact, she then looked down, but only to look back at me one second later. She is about 5’3” and I say about 110 lbs. She is Mexican but has very light brown eyes, with brown hair and fair skin…just how I like them.

She turned back to the order and passed in front of me on her way to the table area. After ordering, me and my partner looked for a table. Found one on the other side of the table area. The place was almost empty.

She was cleaning one table and when I walked next to her she looked up and made eye contact again. You could feel the tension in the air. I didn’t say anything, just kind of half smiled and I heard a very faint “Hola” from her. She then went to the other table occupied, the one where her last order had been. As I could see, one of the guys was flirting, or trying to flirt with her. She is a very friendly girl, and she was laughing. But they were older guys.

After two or so minutes. The guy gives her a card with his number and tells her to “Call him to make sure the bus didn’t run her over” Strange. Gave me the feeling he made that comment trying to “justify” why she should call him. She kind of laughed and said she would.

After that she disappeared and strangely, I kept getting more and more nervous. About five minutes later she appeared with our order…my torta de milanesa and my friend’s gordita. She was putting our plates down and I asked her if she was mad or why did she have that expression on her face. We looked into each other’s eyes, and she said smiling, “I was born like that” then I asked

“Are you new, or were you hiding all this time?” She laughed.

“I only work here 3 days”

“Do you want me to tell the owner to give you more days?”

Smiling she said “No thanks. I’m fine just like this”

She leaves and I started to eat.

Some minutes went by and the older guys at the other table leave. Soon after she is cleaning the table and I noticed they left something that from my point of view looked like candy. So I asked her from my seat

“Are those candy?”

She laughs at laud and says they were salty cookies.

“Give me one” I shout.

She comes to our table and gives them to me. Natively she asks

“Can I get you something else?”

I smiled and answered, “Yes, you can give me your phone number”

She smiles back and says she doesn’t have one yet. Picks some of the plates and leaves.
Some minutes later she was sweeping the floor near our table, I turned to her and she smiled at me. I smiled back.

So this is game plan:

1. The next time I go to that place and get to talk to her, I’m going to cut straight to the cheese and ask if she is single or not. If it turns out she is single, I will go to step 2. And if she is with someone, I will shut my mouth and shoot myself when I get back home because most likely this is the girl from my dreams and I will never find someone else like her.

2. I will ask her to meet some later time. This time I’m going to try something new. Instead of asking for an e-mail address or a phone number, I will ask for her address because I’m planning on picking her up on my kick as motorcycle; and I don’t want to look as pathetic as that older guy giving her a card with my number and wait like a moron for her to call me. Something she will most likely not do. If she says “yes“, I will take her out...and if she says “no” I will not try any move on her again.

Wish me luck guys.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Nothing really has happened since my last post.

Well, my brother got arrested last Thursday night because he got in a mess with a night club bouncer. But we only knew until Friday night. He moved out some years ago, and since he didn't want us to get too worried about this mishap, he called his roommate instead of reaching me or my mom. Which was worse, because his roommate called our house around 5 pm Friday when no one was home. On top of things, he left 3 very disturbing messages in the answering machine.

Not only he didn't leave his call back number and ended the messages abruptly, but all of them were identical.

"Hello. I want to talk to you about your son...he is...he is." (ends message) That lead us to believe he had been in an accident or something along those lines. So at around 7pm we left for his home near where the 110 and the 10 meet. Such a nice place to be. Since it was raining the streets were desolate.

Once we got to the old house, we could not find his roommate. So we went back home. My brother's girlfriend was with us because before leaving for his house, my mom had called her to ask if she knew anything about my brother. Once she knew of the messages, she insisted she wanted to go with us to his house.

We waited until 10pm and drove to his house again. This time we found his roommate and he told us all everything that had happened. He gave me the name of the bail bond company that was taking care of my brother's case. I called them and they told me he was in the West Hollywood police station and that in about 3 hours (Saturday's 1 am) he was going to be let free. So we drove there and the bond agent told us to wait until 2 am for him to be freed. So we waited there at the lobby. I even felt asleep in the bench, right under the the white know, the one that looks like a 3 year old threw a bunch of paint on a canvas. I even drooled a little.

At 2:30 am my brother's girlfriend talked to the officer and he advised us to go home because he wasn't going to be out of jail until the next day. So, after a long Friday night/Saturday morning, I was able to have some decent sleep in my own bed at around 3 am.

Eventually my brother was came out Saturday at 8 pm. And now he has to pay about $850 to the bond company.

Hey, look. I did have something to write about.

Friday, December 11, 2009

so far

So far everything in my life has been calm. I mean, after last week incident. No girls, I did however got my rain suit to ride my bike under the rain. It is quite comfortable.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Last Friday I was confronted by a guy who thinks his wife is having an affair with me. He lives in my same apartment building. It was a surprising thing to have this guy come to me and just ask it. After I answered I didn’t know anything he was talking about, he seemed to relax and started telling all about the problems he has had with his wife.

Apparently this girl is not a “quality girl”. Stupid girl, almost got me into trouble. Besides, I’ve only seen her once or twice in the parking lot when I‘m out about to leave for work. She is not even good looking or has a nice body. Come on, this guy should see the girls I date or even talk to. I personally don’t talk to girls I consider less than a 9. And I immediately ask if they are single, without kids, and if they are willing to support me financially.

That almost all the time gets a laugh out of them, but it also gets out their status without making me look bad.

Thank God this misunderstanding is over. However, I will keep on watching my back for a couple of weeks. Who knows, guys who act like that are unpredictable. It would be unfair if something happened to me because of that ugly bitch, when nothing happened when I was seeing Sandra behind her boyfriend’s back.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Esa Chica Es Mia

In the apartment building where I live there’s a girl. She is kind of young. About 15 or 16. I noticed her family moving in about 2 or so years ago.

Not so long ago, when I was starting my “bicycle project” Remember the pictures of the bicycle? She suddenly appeared and started talking to me. I was in the parking lot of the building working, so I don‘t know where she came from. That day she helped me sand away the rust from some parts of my old bicycle. Since that day she got a little closer to me. We became kind of friends, but one day, without any notice or anything, she just stopped talking to me at all. She would not say “Hi” like she always did. And today I think I know why.

A series of events took place that kind of got my attention, but never really gave them a lot of importance.

The first one happened before she stopped talking to me, but after the “bicycle incident”. One day I got home early from work. I was pulling up to the parking lot of the building, where I park my motorcycle. I noticed her and her cousin, who is kind of her same age, were playing there. Well, the kids were playing with a ball, and the girls were just hanging out near my parking spot. I came into the parking lot and then backed my motorcycle up. I stopped the motor and while still on the bike, I took the helmet off. I noticed she was looking at me. So I smiled, looked into her eyes, and asked her “How are you?”

She was still looking into my eyes, and instead of saying something like “I’m fine” “she just nodded nervously with her mouth half open and half smiling. I waited for her to say something, but instead she just kept talking to her cousin. Didn’t give her a lot of attention, so I locked my bike and went up to my apartment.

Weeks went by. One Saturday afternoon I was playing my guitar sitting on the stairs of the building…the ones near my apartment. I hear someone’s door opened. It turned out to be the girl and her cousin, who just decided to hang out on the stairs too, but not the ones where I was, but the ones near her apartment…on the other side of the hallway. I’m playing, well, I was trying to play my guitar when I hear the girl’s cousin say “Hi” and waved at me. I said “Hi” back. 5 or so minutes later I hear the girls walking toward me. They said they just wanted to say “Hi”. We all talked for some minutes and then they left. I didn’t think much of it because most of the kids always just come to say “Hi” when I’m out trying to play my guitar.

One night I was walking down the hallway heading to the parking lot, I was going fishing. I see the girl sitting on the stairs doing her homework. I said “Hi”, but she didn’t answer. I asked if she was mad at me. She didn’t smiled and said “No”. I thought she was having a bad day. Later she would still talk to me one more time, when I was waiting outside my building waiting for S to go to a party. She, her cousin, and her many more younger cousins were out playing outside too. Out of no where she walked up to me and said “No, I’m not mad” and smiled. Before I had a chance to say something, she walked away. By then I knew something wasn’t right.

2 or so weeks ago, I came home from fishing one night. She and her relatives were playing “wrestling” in the middle of the hallway, so they didn’t hear me come. When they did, everyone cleared the way. As I was walking I was greeting all the kids, for some reason, they all talk to me, and I’m not the kind of person who doesn’t say “Hi” back. By then I was used to walking near the girl and not saying “Hi” or looking at her because she would not do the same. I noticed the girl’s cousin, the one who is her same age, smiling and looking at her as if there were an inside joke going on. I turned to the girl to see what she was doing, to my surprise, she is just standing there, with a serious expression on her face, hands behind her back and looking at the floor. I turned back to the cousin, still smiling and looking at her. Right then I knew something was going on with this girl. The latest and most revealing event took place less than a week ago.

She and her family live a couple of doors down the hallway from my apartment. So, it is common to run into her or her mother, father, or brother. Last Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, I came out of my door to the hallway with the turkey, I was taking it to the car parked in the back of the building, I see her and her mother outside their door too. I’m walking with the turkey in my hands and as I get closer to them, I noticed she saw me. She then quickly turned away and gave me her back. She was facing her mother. I’m thinking to myself “Mmm…weird”. When I passed in front of them I greeted her mother like I always do every time I see her, but the girl just went into her apartment when I stopped and talked to her mom. I left the turkey in the car and went up to my apartment. They weren’t there anymore.

Last night as I was heading to my apartment and was walking up the stairs, for some reason a song came to my mind. It was “Esa Chica Es Mia” by Sergio Dalma. Suddenly it hit me: This girl has a crush on me. For one, she is doing all the things the song talks about, you know, first getting close and then without any reason, being distant and cold; acting as if they didn’t like you. Don’t believe what I’m saying? Go ahead and Youtube that song.

It is not that she is doing the things the song talks about, but now I understand why there would be these weird silences every now and then when we talked, and why she would talk so much about her personal life. Sometimes a simple “Hello” would be enough to have her by my side when I was in the parking lot waxing my motorcycle.

This girl is pretty, and she will be really hot when she grows up, however she is just too young for me. I don’t know what to do now. Should I keep trying to talk to her? Or should I ignore her as I have been doing? The thing is I don’t want to send the wrong message. I don’t want to “be” with her, but at the same time, I don’t want her to be cold and distant, as if I had done something to make her upset. Why can’t she be a normal kid that says “Hi” every time we run into each other?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

3 Things You Need To Start A Conversation With A Pretty Girl

How do you start a conversation with a really pretty girl. If you are like most guys, probably the thought of being in a situation where you have the possibility of talking to a really beautiful girl you don’t know, makes you nervous. That’s OK, there’s nothing wrong with that…unless you become her personal stalker.

In order to start talking to a really pretty girl and have real chances with her, you need to have three things:

1. Confidence

2. A funny line or just a line that will break the ice

3. Be able to keep eye contact.

Why am I writing all this? Well, I guess I do have too much time in my hands, and it gives me the opportunity to learn; remember every time you teach someone something, you also learn from it.

The first thing you need to be able to talk to a really hot, I mean really really really hot girl and not your average “she is fine” kind of girl, is confidence. That’s the most important part of them all.

Most of us guys when faced with talking to a pretty girl become nervous, and if we do end up talking to her, we come across as if we were afraid of her.

That’s not the case whatsoever. Most guys are nervous because they don’t know what to tell this beautiful girl or how she is going to react. No one ever taught us what to tell a beautiful girl to make her be attracted to us. Sure, you can fallow the advice 99% of the girls give and “be yourself”, “take her out to a nice place” “give her compliments” and all that crap. But has any of that ever worked? It never did for me…and I’m sure I’m not an isolated case.

Be confident when talking to a pretty girl. If you have a funny line be confident it will make her laugh. If you ask for her phone number, be confident she will give it to you when asking. They can sense if you’re nervous. Just relax and have some fun.

There’s a deeper and more complex side to being confident. It relates to being a real man and what it means. Since this is David DeAngelo’s work, I’m going to refer you to him and watch his video “On Being A Man”. You can you tube it. The one I found consist of 7 parts of 10 minutes each. Worth seeing them. I guess that’s all I can say about being confident for now. David DeAngelo is the guy to go to here.

You are also going to need either a funny line, or just a line that will break the ice. Funny lines work better than your average “Hey Baby, can I buy you a drink?” because if you get her to laugh, you would had make her relax. Laughing is a away to relief stress and being stress free is a key part when meeting new girls. I could and probably should give you some of my personal funny lines or “ice breakers”, but if I did so, you probably would never buy David DeAngelo’s book. Read his work. I’m not the kind of guy who follows advice often, but I sure am glad I read his work.

You don’t need a funny line to start talking to a beautiful girl. Even a simple “Hello, how are you?” will do the trick. Sometimes the most simple things can give the best results. All of this is based on results. Do what works.

However, I suggest using funny lines, that way you’ll be able to weed out the stuck up bitches with no sense of humor. There’s lots of them out there. And it is really hard to distinguish them from the nice girls, the kind every guy likes, just by looks.

The 3rd thing you’re going to need when starting a conversation with a beautiful girl is being able to keep up eye contact. Some guys would say that if you look at one girl in the eyes for more than just a couple of seconds, or turn away after she does, you will come across as a pervert who intimidates girls. The reality is quite the opposite. Normally the kind of guy who can’t hold eye contact with a girl comes across weak…and this is the kind of guy who actually grosses girls out. They go: “What? Why can‘t you be a man?”. The last thing you want from a girl, is to think you’re weak, either mentally or physically.

I would like to take the opportunity to greet the member gsb89 who has criticized me so much for looking into the eyes of girls when I’m out fishing. I guess you will never experience that thrill of holding eye contact with a beautiful girl. She will hold eye contact, then turn away, one second later, she falls into your eyes again and becomes nervous. Then you deliver your “line”…she laughs and is calm again. After 5 minutes of talking, you leave with her e-mail/phone number. Yes loser, that’s what holding eye contact can do for you.

From 1st hand experience I found out some girls will look you in the eyes for a really long time. 7 or 8 seconds. That can mean one of these two things: she is testing how strong you really are, or she just felt in love with you. Whatever the case is…don’t fucking turn away before she does. Let her know you are the man and the eyes of a girl won’t intimidate you.

Holding eye contact gives out the message “I’m strong, and I’m not intimidated” Girls are looking for guys like this, who can’t be intimidated by getting into a fight with a huge guy or by talking to a pretty girl. Why do you think the “nice cute girl” always falls for the “bad ass bully”? Think about it. Now it’s time to start acting like a man and less of a girl. As David DeAngelo puts it “It is ok to be a man” We don’t need to be super sensitive and be in touch with our feminine side.

Well, there you have it. To start a conversation with a pretty girl you need three things:


A funny line or just a line to break the ice.

Be able to keep up eye contact.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

Friday, November 20, 2009

new look

After listening to G's advice, I've cut my long hair and now it looks like Aaron Diaz in this video. So far I've found out younger girls tend to like it more than older girls. Maybe I should keep this hair cut a little longer. I do have to spend less time getting ready everyday.

Yes, with the "lines" in the sides of the head and all.

Pretty cool, eh?

Monday, November 16, 2009


I wonder why so many people read my blog in a regular basis, but they choose not to follow publicly. Strange, isn't it?

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Today I woke up with a headache. It always happens when I fall a sleep late. Even when I was in bed I couldn’t fall a sleep. I was thinking about a girl I met last night when I went fishing.

I was sitting in my table in the café. She came in and sat right behind me. The minute she walked in I knew I was going to talk to her. She had short brown hair with light blue eyes. I’d say about 5’ 5” and 130 lbs.

After she sat down, I waited a couple of minutes before turning back and start my “routine”. I decided the time was right. Turned around, looked her in the eyes and delivered my single most successful A-material line.

She responded the right way. I quickly looked at the stuff on her table…you know, to get material to work with. I see a pack of cigarettes, and suddenly something happened. I didn’t want to keep talking to her even when everything was going the right way.

I could had ask her so many things. I could had make her laugh. But I just let her go. Ended the conversation abruptly with an “Ok, I’ll see you later” and went back to my drawings.

Late last night I was thinking if I’ll ever meet a girl who will actually make me feel butterflies in my stomach. I haven’t feel that in a long time. Heather and Erin were the two girls that kind of made me feel that way. Gabriela, back in junior high school, made me feel that too, but eventually she didn’t turn out to be how I consider her to be. So the only two who really count are Heather and Erin.

Strangely they both looked alike. White, brown hair; Heather has light brown eyes while Erin has brown-green eyes. And strangely enough, they both come from German families. However, Erin identifies more with her Irish heritage more than Heather did with her Italian/British one. Heather was 21 and I was 19. And I was with Erin when she was 21 and I was 24. I wonder if I’ll meet another girl like them when I’m 29.

I don’t know where this post is going. I guess today I’m feeling a little depressed for not finding “the right girl” last night. But who knows, maybe I’ll find her today. After all, the day is just starting.

Maybe today I’ll run into another hot blonde and end up in a date with her. You never know what life has in store for you two hours from the present.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Taco Adventures

Me and my partner had ordered a “burrito de asada” each. I was at the table already because I had washed my hands in the restroom first. I was waiting for her to appear. I noticed her when we drove in front of the place. She is new. I needed to know “her story”

She was cleaning the tables. She gets right in front of me, but even when I looked at her face trying to meet her eyes, she didn’t look at me; as if I wasn’t there. She leaves.

My partner comes out and sits. We started talking about work stuff.

One of the waitresses comes to the table with our orders. “Hola muchachos, como estan?”

We talked and she made sure the orders were right. “So, what’s up with the new girl?” I asked.

She smiles and says. “Esa esta mas cerca de ser la patrona que nadie mas” “Es la nuera del mero-mero”

Which in English means: “She is the one closest to being the boss than anyone else. She is the owner’s daughter in law”

After that I knew I would be better off leaving her alone. Decided to enjoy my burrito. I always get an extra serving of salsa roja. I got up and went to get it. I was about to get to the salad bar and I see her, she is looking at me, but I don’t look at her. Got my salsa roja and went back to my table.

We were eating when she starts to sweep the floor near us. Our eyes met and I quickly said “Hi. How are you?”

She looks at me and smiles. Says “I’m fine”. All of it in Spanish. I was going to start my “routine” on her right there, but something stopped me. Probably the rumor of knowing she is taken. She left without saying anything to me.

We ate and talked for a while. Got up and went to pay. My partner was talking to the cashier. Suddenly she comes out with an order in her hands; asks me if it is for me. I looked into her light brown eyes. I felt chemistry between if I could just walk up to her and start talking as if we were long time friends.

“No, maybe is for him” pointed at a guy in a table all by himself. She went up to him and it wasn’t his order either.

She doesn’t look older than 20. Rumor has it, the son of the owner’s place paid about $5000, yes 5 fucking dollars, to bring her from Mexico; and that she came from Mexico already pregnant.

She doesn’t look pregnant. Rumors are rumors after all. She is about 5’ 3” and about 120 lbs. Really pretty, and as I’ve mentioned, with big light brown eyes. Fair skin and brown hair.

I don’t know if the rumors are true or not. I don’t know when we will back to that place, but one thing I’m sure of, and that is I’m going to learn from her lips if the rumors are true.

By the way…this is the same taco place where the owner’s younger daughter kind of “hit on me” some months ago.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

My name is Juang. I am a 25 year old guy. I live in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is a city in California. California is a state in the United States. The United States is a country in the world. The world, earth, is the 3rd planet from the sun in our solar system. The solar system is in the universe. And the universe is everything and nothing at the same time.

Today is October 31, 2009 and the time is 8:23 pm. I am writing in my computer. To my left is my cat Tomas. Tomas is sleeping. I’m watching ice skating in TV. I’m not paying much attention, but an Asian looking girl with a red skirt is doing her routine. I am writing in my computer because I’m bored. I already played two chess games against the computer. I won one and drew the other.

I am bored and I don’t know what else to write. Right now, I could be getting ready to go to a Halloween party. Lth and Iv threw a party in their house and since I…Akiko Suzuki was the name of the girl doing the ice skating thing…ok back to the Halloween party. I could be getting ready to attend Lth and Iv’s party because I designed the invitations and Lth personally invited me about a week ago when me and S picked her up at work because she got in a nasty fight with her manager.

Their parties are very good. I think back in June I went to a couple of them. In one I “hooked up” with a girl named P. We danced reggeton all night. You know, my thing touching her thing. My hands all over her and her hands all over me all night…just like in the old days when I used to party about every weekend in the clubs of LA. I think I posted what happened in that party, I don’t remember. If I didn’t, please let me know and I’ll let you guys know all about it.

In another of Lth and Iv’s parties I met a cute girl who looked white but turned out to be Hispanic…and she looks the way I like them. Fair skin with dark eyes and hair. I posted that story. Remember? The one where I was getting kind of close to the girl, and she was letting me, and all with her boyfriend at the same party. Now do you remember? Since then I haven’t seen her. Maybe she is going to this Halloween party and I’m here at home with my sandals, and my Barcelona short on. And don’t worry, I’m not wearing socks with sandals. But who cares, she already has a boyfriend. There’s no point of “dating” a girl who has a boyfriend. I learned my lesson with Sandra.

About an hour ago I got a text message from G. He wanted me to go with him and his girlfriend to West Hollywood to the Halloween Carnival at Santa Monica. I asked who else was going. He said AM (the girl from the Colombian Festival post…if you haven’t read it, go ahead and do so. The title is “AM and the Colombian Festival” or something along those lines) and some other people I didn’t know were coming too. After hearing the name AM I completely discarded the idea of going with them.

I just don’t like that girl. I don’t know why. She is nice and sweet and all, but I just don’t like the idea of being in the same room she is in. Not too long ago, when P came from Arizona and “the gang” got together, we took G’s girlfriend to a party in Eagle Rock. I got a “sick” feeling in my stomach when she commented AM was going to be at the party. Thank god I didn’t see her.

Why is this happening? Maybe I’m in love with her? Nah. Maybe is just me and my tendency of being a rebel. Since everyone likes her a lot, I do the opposite without any motive. Heather once told me “why do you always have to be such a rebel?” Back then I didn’t give her an answer because I didn’t have one…years later, I’m asking that same question to myself…and I still have no answer.

I know I have chances with AM. Back at the Colombian festival it only took looking into her eyes, a smile, and taking the initiative to have her sleeping in my chess after not really talking to her all day long and saying “no” every time she asked me if I wanted something. Do you want water? No. Are you hungry? No. I remember once she was eating some Colombian dish or something. Looked at me, took the spoon and with a big “good girl” smile on her face she tried to feed me. I just turned away and kept walking. I didn’t even turn back to see what her reaction had been. Ha ha ha. I was such an ASS. Life is fun when you're an ass, don't you think?

Still, after doing stuff like that, at the end of the day, she was sleeping in my chess and I had my arm around her as if she was my girl. A simple strategy that got me results: looking into her eyes, a smile, and taking the initiative. I know she enjoyed it when I played with her hair.

You know…maybe that’s why I don’t like her…because she is just too easy. Vieja puta…I could fuck her the day I want! Ha ha ha.

Right now the time is 9:53pm and S texted me. He wants to go to Lth and Iv’s party. I don’t feel like going; he says Ch is already there. I really don’t feel like going out. Maybe I’m getting old. Or maybe I’m getting tired of always meeting sluts at parties. It is like dating an actress…first it is a dream come true, then it turns into a nightmare.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Poema a Gabriela

Ya no estaba ahí, estaba en otro lugar. Un sitio obscuro en donde sólo había un sillón de terciopelo rojo frente a una televisión antigua; que era la única luz en el lugar. Volvió hacia el televisor. El equipo rojo se jugaba la final del ascenso y con el marcador empatado, embatía la puerta del equipo visitante.

Por alguna razón dio vuelta a su derecha y notó que del otro lado del sofa de terciopelo rojo estaba Gabriela, quien lo veia fijamente. El ruido del televisor lo distrajo, pues el delantero del equipo local habia fallado solo frente al portero en los segundos finales del encuentro.

Volvió de nuevo hacia Gabriela; súbitamente se dio cuenta que ahora ella estaba sobre él. Sus manos al rededor de su cintura y las de ella al rededor de su cuello. Le preguntó dónde había estado y por qué había tardado tanto.

Antes que pudiera responder, ella añadió que eso ahora ya no importaba pues estaban juntos y el tiempo ya no iba a correr.

El Irapuato ascendía a la primera mientras él la besaba.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's Leonids Time Again

I found this article and I wanted to share to all my beloved followers.
It's Leonids time again
Enjoy this meteor shower all year by snapping some photos.
Laura Layton
November's Leonid meteor shower offers a great opportunity to get outside and enjoy nature's light-show fantastic. Bill Cooke predicts the shower's peak will take place November 18 between 11:45 P.M. and 1:33 A.M. EST early November 19 (See "Get ready for the Leonids" in the September 2006 issue). Astronomer David Asher of Armagh Observatory in Northern Ireland predicts around 100 meteors per hour near the shower's peak.

You need no special equipment to observe meteors. A dark site and a clear view of a good portion of the sky are all you really need. If you wish to take a few Leonids home with you, then take some pictures. Use a single-lens-reflex (SLR) camera on a tripod and film (ASA 400 or higher) to take a time exposures. A 45-second exposure will result in no star trails, but longer exposures can result in more meteors in the frame.

Remember to dress for your location's November weather and bring a red light to find your way in the dark while retaining your dark-adapted vision

Thursday, October 22, 2009

At The Cafe Part 2

…That night I didn’t have any other interaction with her. I minded my own business and nothing worth mentioning really happened. Well, I met a girl named G late that night as I was leaving the place, but that’s all.

Next morning after waking up, I remembered about the note J2 had given me. Looked for my pants and took it out. I don’t know why, but I laughed. In the back of someone’s receipt she had written: “I love you”

Yes, you read right “I love you”. I wasn’t expecting it; even looked at it twice to make sure. The ball was in my court, and I knew I had to do something she will never expect. You know, to return the favor.

It was a Monday, so it meant I had to get a clean up hair cut from G. I get a clean up hair cut every two weeks or so between real hair cuts; you know, to look good most of the time. It pays off to have a close friend who is an stylist in a fancy ass hair salon.

Arrived at G’s place at around 5pm. The stupid elevator didn’t work, so I had to go up to the 5th floor using the stairs. Finally got there. After he cut my hair we started talking in his living room. Like we usually do. And then this girl came to our conversation.

I told him everything that had happened with the girl at the counter in the coffee shop. Both the “hands” incident and the “note” one. Previous to these events, I had told him I felt a certain thing between us (not me and him, but me and J2) but I wasn’t going to really go after her because, after all, she is not really my type of girl. And besides, we were taking all this as a game.

He laughed after I told him what she had written in the note. I laughed too. I showed him the note and he laughed even more. He returned the note and said “Ole, matador!” . I laughed more.

Then I told him I didn’t know what step to take next. Basically I had two options. One, I could write her a funny e-mail; like I’d previously done. (yes, I have her e-mail…hate me all you want :-P). Two, I could write her another little note the next time I see her.

He told me to go for option two. “She started with the notes. It means she likes this kind of things”, he said. I finally listened to one of G’s advice and went for option number two. But now I had a new problem. What could I write in a little note that will communicate I like this kind of games without looking like a wuss and also that I wanted to take things to another level.

I didn’t go fishing to that particular café for about a week, you know, so she could miss me.

So the day came when I had to go back. I don’t know why, but I was nervous. I knew exactly what I was going to write in a little note if she was there.

I got off from my bike and for some reason I was really nervous. I could feel my heart beating faster. And feeling a little anxious. I even dropped to the floor my bike’s lock, which I have never done before or since that day.

Somehow I managed to get myself together and headed to the café. At this point I was sure she was going to be at the counter, and for another reason as I was getting closer to it, I kept getting more and more nervous. Without realizing it, I was walking faster than usual and I was looking to the floor; something I never do.

So I came to the entrance of the café. Stopped and told myself “Orale cabron, no vayas a salir con tus mamadas” And went into the café without having another thought.

She was at the counter and she noticed me when I came in. I looked for a table and put my stuff down before ordering. Went up to her.

“Hey” she smiled.

“Hey” I smiled but deep inside I felt I could not even talk properly.

“How are you?” she asked

“Fine and you?” for the first time in a long long long time, I didn’t know what to say.

“Good…so…did you read my note?”

“No.” I lied.

“No?” she seemed confused.

“No. I forgot. What did it say?” Looking into her eyes. I wasn’t as nervous as before and I felt my confidence levels getting back to normal…super high.

“Well, I guess you will never know”

“Uh? No, tell me.”

“Nope, sorry.”

Took my stuff and went to my table. Time passed. Started to mind my own business. After about half hour things in the café quiet down. No more costumers came in. This was my chance.

I have a small notebook from when I got my new computer. It has somewhat of small pages. In one of them I wrote:

“So, when are you going to ask me out?”

Folded the note and headed her way without thinking anymore.

I approached her and said:

“Hey…I have something for you” She looked at me.

I gave her the note. And told her not to read it until she got home and was all by her self. She took the note and…

…to be continued.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Male Fashion 101 - Shoes

We are going to start this fashion post with some of the basics: Shoes

Wearing the right kind of shoes at the right time will make you stand out from the rest of the guys out there.

Remember when you were a kid and your footwear consisted only of your school shoes and your dirty-good-for-any-occasion sneakers? You don’t? Well, I do. And I kind of miss those more simple times. However, now I look better. Which is always a plus.

I’m going to give you some very important information about shoes, and the right type of shoes for the right places. Just follow these simple rules.

Gym shoes don’t go well with everything in your closet. Gym shoes don’t belong outside the gym, basketball court, etc, etc. Don’t wear them if you’re not practicing any kind of sport’s activity like hiking or playing a soccer match with your friends.

Every guy needs at least 4 pairs of shoes. Your “grown up” shoes (oxfords), “gym” shoes, “going out tennis” shoes, and a pair of sandals to “kick it around the house”. If you live in very hot places, like Miami or Los Angeles, you should consider getting another pair of sandals for walking down the beach. This second pair has to be leather sandals. And please, please, please, please, don’t ever, ever, ever, ever wear sandals of any kind with socks on even if you’re just around your house.

Always keep all your footwear somewhat clean. Not only you will look better, but they will last longer.

They are called oxfords and these are the kind of shoes you wear to formal events or when you want to look nice, as when you’re out on a date to a fancy restaurant. These pair of shoes have laces on the top and look mature. Make sure to get a brown and a black pair. Wear the black shoes with black shirts, and wear the brown ones with brown shirts. A variation is getting a pair of black oxfords and a cool dark brown pair of motorcycle boots. This combination will work wonders. And will cover almost any formal or informal event you can attend.

Oh, and don’t worry, you can buy and wear motorcycle boots even if you don’t ride a motorcycle. However, don’t wear motorcycle boots if you ride a scooter/moped. Those things are more for girls. (the scooters/mopeds, not the motorcycle boots)
I know we are in the middle of hard economic times, however, I highly recommend getting a pair of brown oxfords. But if you can’t afford them, then at least make sure you get a pair of black ones. If you end up doing this, please stay away from brown shirts. Trust me, girls will notice this brown-shirt-and-black-shoes look…and they won’t like it.

And from now on, please don’t refer to them as “grown up” shoes; “oxfords” is the correct term. Let’s all grow up a little. Can you image going to a shoe department store and asking the beautiful assistant “Hi. Do you know where the grown up shoes are?”.

Don’t wear them outside the gym or if you’re not practicing any sport’s activity. Try to keep them clean. I’m not a fan of white gym shoes, but if you are, that’s your decision. I tend to go for the darker gym shoes. I feel they give you more of a mature look, but at the same time an athletic one.

When you buy them, make sure to buy the right type of tennis shoes: The ones with special support for the arch of your feet. Just look at the sole of the shoe. If you see it is made up of two pieces…that’s a gym shoe.

I’ve said not to wear gym shoes outside the gym. Now I’m saying not to wear anything other than gym shoes to the gym. Other wise you may hurt your feet. Other footwear don’t provide the necessary support/protection for an intense work out. So please leave your cool “going out” tennis shoes in the locker room before breaking a sweat. Outside fashion, is not gym fashion.
NOTE: I highly recommend buying New Balance gym shoes. Why? Because they are made in America. And we need to help our own economy by buying American products. As for me, the second my Adidas gym shoes break, I’ll go get a pair of New Balance.

There’s a wide variety of these out there. You will be fine with a pair of Converse shoes. Stay away from over designed glittery shoes; like Ed Hardy. And if you end up getting stuck with Ed Hardy shoes, like I did, make sure to keep the less “fancy” ones. Actually, if you look close enough, they are not that bad after all. Right? Don’t worry, as soon as my Ed Hardy become less popular, I’ll throw them away and get a pair of Converse.
I mostly wear my Ed Hardy shoes with jeans, which means you hardly get to see the shoes themselves. Most of the time people think I’m wearing Converse shoes. But if for some reason, they end up looking at my shoes, they like them. So, if someone says “Levi jeans & Ed Hardy shoes don’t go well” you can answer:

“Estás pendeja y mala del culo como Dreamerhippie”

Use this footwear when you’re going out, but want to be a little more comfortable and give a more relaxed look.

They can go from flip flops to something more sophisticated. I prefer to use Skechers sandals over regular flip flops. Why? Because they provide a proper support to the arches of your feet. Remember, with flip flops, you’re pretty much walking over pieces of plastic with no special design or anything. They can hurt your feet in the long run.

With these sandals you can walk all day and not regret it in the afternoon. They work great if you’re going out to the movies or just anywhere. Ideal for a 90+ degree day here in L. A.

If you live in a very hot place like Miami or Los Angeles, I suggest getting a second pair of sandals. Leather sandals. You can use them for more formal occasions. Make sure they have support for your feet. They can be a little expensive, but if you’re going to use them a lot during the summer, it will be worth it. That way you can leave your Skechers sandals at home and use your nice leather sandals when you’re going to a “formal” event during a hot summer day; like a date. This leather sandals will look magnificent when worn with a white shirt-pants combination.

This information pretty much will take care of your basic shoe necessities. Remember, always try to wear the proper shoe for the occasion. I hope after reading this you won’t go out to a first date with blue jeans and white gym shoes in a hot 92 degree day thinking you’re the shit.

Feel free to post any questions or comments.

For more information on male fashion check: a free online portal designed for men.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Oh No seems I may be moving to another another side of the city.


Last night when I came home from the gym I found my brother with his girlfriend in the living room. I said hi and went to take a shower.

I don't know why, but that got me thinking. Time is passing by and I'm still doing the same shit. He found someone to be with whereas for me, that same can't be said. Sure I meet lots of great looking girls, go out with them and have fun, but I can't imagine having a real relationship with any of them. You know, where you take them to meet your parents and shit like that.

Good thing I'm still young :-)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


It was as if someone had planned it, as we had talked on the phone and set it up. It was so perfect, it doesn’t feel real. This is why life is fun and why you should wake up with a smile on your face every morning.

After writing the Made In USA post, I remembered I hadn’t used my Perry Ellis shirt in a while, so I put it on. Monday came and went fishing, but not to my usual spots, I decided to go to a new place. A café that recently opened and seemed interesting from the outside.

Before, I went to the gas station, to the bank, and finally to this new place near Melrose and Fairfax. Found parking and locked my bike. After walking for about 1 block, and as I was about to enter this new café, I notice a girl I know from the gym, her name is A, was about to enter the same place. She didn’t see me at first, but I walked behind her and as we entered, I noticed the place was full. I was looking at the crowd and I noticed she had recognized me. She said “Hi”

I answered, “Are you stalking me?”

She laughs and says, “Me? You’re the one following me”

“Are you still doing the massage thing with the thing at the end?” I asked, we always joke around ever since she told me she is a masseuse.

She laughs again and says “Yes, but I only do the massage. I’m not that desperate for money” As she said that, she was taking something out of her purse and I don’t know why, but for some reason she dropped two or three quarters.

As she was picking them up I said “If you don’t want your money, you should give it to me” She laughs again.

“This place is full”, I commented

“Yes, and I need a table to study” She added.

“Do you want to go to the ice cream place across the street?” I noticed it as I was walking to the café.


Got out and crossed the street. As we were walking I pointed out “You look taller”

“I’m wearing high hills” She is about 5’2” or 5’3”. She looked taller, almost as tall as me, but of course, even on high hills, I still had 1 or 2 inches on her.

Since I met her at the gym, I am used to see her from above. Without any reason I added. “I like being with you, you make me feel tall” And who wouldn’t like to be with her? She is a good looking girl with kind of short blonde hair, beautiful light blue eyes, and a nice figure. Think of a Shakira kind of body, but not as short, of course with the very same womanly hips.

As usual, she laughs. And asks me “So what are you studying?”

“I’m actually planning on how to take over the world”

For the 20th time in 10 minutes, she laughs. Continued by saying, “Well, I hope that doesn’t conflict with my plans”

“What are your plans?”

“I’m talking over the world too” We both laughed.

We were about to enter the ice cream place and I opened the door for her and said “Ladies first”

She laughs and says, “Thank you”

Got in and the guy at the counter greeted us. “How can I help you guys?”

She ordered a latte or some of those fancy ass coffee drinks. Then he asked me what I will be having. I asked for a vanilla ice cream and then added.

“She is going to pay for everything” I hear her laugh. Turned to her and said in a sarcastic way “Yes, that’s what I do. I make women pay for my stuff” Looking into her light blue eyes.

“Oh, shut up” she replied in a playful way.

Then I hear the guy say “It’s going to be $X for you and $Y for you” pointing at each of us.

Before she gave him her credit card, I took some money out and said to the guy I was going to pay for both of us. Then turned to her and kind of whispered to her ear “She is going to pay me later with one of those massages with a thing at the end”. She is laughing…again.

Since there were lots of tables available outside, I thought we will be going our separate ways. After all, this was a spare of the moment thing. I got out and put my ice cream and laptop in one of the nearby tables as she was getting some stuff for her coffee. Then I remembered I forgot the napkins and went back in. When I came back out, I see her putting her stuff in the table and I said, “I didn’t say you could seat in my table”

“Well, that’s too bad. I’m already here” answered with a big smile.

She is taking her books out and I asked what she was studying.


“Does that mean eventually you will ask me to get naked and touch all over my body so you can keep ‘studying‘?”

Laughs out laud.

“I’m studying my dreams” I added as I took out my Dream Interpretation Guide book. This is where David DeAngelo is completely right, well, to be honest, he is right all the way. I would probably be a dateless bitter guy who is all the time on the internet without his newsletter (for some reason after writing “dateless bitter guy who is all the time on the internet” I thought of Chivas. Hi loser with no life!) . I bought the book because he recommended buying books like that because they will catch women’s attention immediately. It worked. She started to tell me all about these dreams she had had and the conversation turned out to be quite interesting. Sorry, too personal to mention her dreams in my blog.

Eventually each of us got to do what we were supposed to do. She kept studying and I was reading my Dream Interpretation Guide book but listening to music from my computer. Lots of people passing by. I noticed about 90% of the women passing by would look at, and make eye contact, with me. --It must be because I’m with a beautiful blonde and we look like we are in a relationship--, I thought to myself. --Plus, my ass looks great in these pants-- And we did look like a couple who’s been together for sometime. You see the two of them in a café each doing their own stuff, but eventually they would turn to each other, say something, and smile.

I see two girls go into the ice cream shop. When they come out, one of them has a cup with ice cream and a little spoon. They were right in front of our table when she drops the spoon to the floor. I go like Nelson from the Simpsons “Ha-ha” but really low. I looked at A and I noticed she witnessed the event, she smiles at me and we both kind of laugh at it.

Then I say at laud, “Don’t laugh. It is not funny” with a serious face. And from the corner of my eye I see the girls looking at us.

She was wearing a pair of “diva glasses” really big and dark. So I didn’t really see her eyes, but for the expression in the rest of her face she had a “I can’t believe you just did that” face, but ended up laughing.

Some minutes went by and suddenly she droops a pencil from the table. I look at her and she says “That’s what I get for laughing at that girl” .

About ten minutes later, she drops the same pencil, we both reached under the table to get it, and we ran into each other’s eyes. You know, went you look at each other but don’t say anything. And all, under the table. Kind of weird, but fun.

She then got up and got a cup of water inside the ice cream shop. I was surprised they served anything other than ice cream in an ice cream shop.

About ten minutes later went by. I don’t know how, but she managed to knock over the cup of water and spilled all the content to the floor.

I took my headphones off, looked at her and said, “You know, I think it is your hair”

She laughs. “Yes, I’m blonde”.

The way I see it, it was a mini-date. Thanks for taking the time to read this long ass post. Don’t forget to click the ads at the top, you already made it this far, keep sponsoring my crazy adventures. But don’t just click for the sake of clicking, who knows, maybe you’ll find something interesting and worth buying.. Go ahead and have fun.



Saturday, October 3, 2009

At The Cafe Part 1

I came back to the coffee shop after the incident with the girl. I normally I don’t go there Sundays but I didn’t have anything to do. I was happy and feeling really good because a new technique I’ve developed had worked very well on some girls, so I decided to try it at the coffee shop.

The place was almost empty. To my surprise she was at the counter…her name is J2. She looked at me from the counter and I walked up to her and said “Hello Beautiful” and then smiled. She smiled back.

She was playing with a blackberry phone. I though it was her phone and I asked “What are you doing?”

“Just looking at some pictures I took” answered without looking away from the phone.

“Can I see them?” I asked.

Showed me the phone and there was a picture of a guy’s shadow as he was taking the picture with the phone.

“Yes, that’s what I do when I’m not doing anything” commented. Then added as she was showing me another picture, one of a trash can with trash in it, “Pretty lame, eh?”

“Yes”, I replied and she smiled.

“I have lots of free time, don’t I?”

“It shows”, I answered and she just laughed at loud.

As she was laughing I saw a guy coming in through the back door. As usual, he was looking at her directly even before getting close to the counter. And no, this wasn’t the same guy from the previous post.

Before he came to form behind me I asked her, “Did you miss me?”

She stopped laughing and got a little piece of paper and put it where I couldn’t see what she was writing. She smiled as she wrote. By then the guy was right behind me waiting to be served. Stopped writing and folded it. She handed it to me and as our hands were touching said “Don’t open it until you’re in a place where you’re alone”

“Why? Did you write something sexual?” I put the note in my back pocket.

She laughs again and notices the guy and says “So, what do you want?” still smiling.


She got it out and I tried to play the “’No, that one” game. But it didn’t work, she just gave me the one she felt like giving me. As I was giving her a bill to pay I said “You can keep the change” and proceeded to give her my good old 1 million dollar bill. She took it and laughed again.

“You’re so lame, you always give me that one” laughing as she was closely looking at the fake bill.

She was about to give it back when it ripped in two pieces. It was an old bill, so I wasn’t surprised.

“Oh no. This was my conversation starter” I said.

“I’m sorry”

Looking into her brown eyes I said in a very serious voice:

“You know, this actually means you like me”

She had no reaction and just looked at me with a blank expression. I didn’t know what to do, so I just gave her a $20 bill to pay for my stuff and she was about to give me the change when the guy behind me said

“Don’t forget what he said. You can keep the change”

She smiled, but gave me my change. I took my stuff from the counter and as I walking to my seat I heard a phone go off. It was the phone she was playing with. I turned a round and saw how she was giving it to a guy and say “Hey, someone’s calling you”

…to be continued (the story only gets better)

If you want to read the second and third parts of the story you better click in the ads in my blog fuckers.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tomo Su Pincel De Punta Gruesa

Tomo su pincel de punta gruesa y trazo en el lienzo tres lineas horizontales verdes. --Curitiba, Brasil--, penso.

Irene dormia en la cama. Su cabello castaño con los mechones claros en una cola de caballo.

Volvio hacia el reloj en la pared. 1:56 am. Otro pensamiento llego a su memoria. “Gabriela, recuerdo de una cincuenta y seis de la mañana. Gabriela, tatuaje en el alma”, murmuro

Que le habia pasado? Que habia sido del muchacho tierno y sensible que veia la vida a traves de unos ojos de cristal? Que paso con la necesidad de expresar sentimientos con un papel y un lapiz. Estrofas, rimas; faltas de ortografia a proposito.

Se levanto del banco donde estaba y busco en su cajon. Despues de 4 segundos de busqueda, pues tenia todo bien acomodado y sabia donde estaba cada cosa en su caos, saco una libreta de hojas verde claro. Sabia que ahi estaba y por alguna extraña razon ahora sentia la necesidad de verla, de leerla y sonreir como siempre lo habia hecho:

Zeta, zeta, letra zeta;
Todo cae, todo se quiebra

Todo se hunde
Todo se destruye
Como la vida
Que se me escapa y me rehuye

Zeta, zeta, letra zeta;
Donde estas ahora?
La noche que un dia vivio,
No vive mas ahora

Zeta, zeta, letra zeta;
Recuerdo de una vida perfecta
Zeta, zeta, no eres mas
Que una letra

Zeta, eres la ilusion
De un futuro prohibido
Zeta, eres la magia
En unos ojos infinitos

Zeta, zeta,
Mira como la luna cae y se quiebra

La vida ya no es incierta

Otra vez nacia la necesidad de escribir, de volver a la vida a Marco y a Enrique; a Marcela, a Gabriela y a “ELLA”. Pero eso no era posible. Como podria alguien volver a la vida a alguien que no ha muerto o que no ha dejado de existir. Lo mismo se podia decir de los personajes ficticios, como revivir a alguien que nunca nacio y que por ende nunca murio? No lo sabia.

Queria otra oportunidad. Queria volver a contar sus historias y sus pesares; sus luchas contra la vida y contra ellos mismos. Las sensaciones y los ecstasis que se provocaban uno al otro.

Pero en si no fueron ficcion pura y plena. Fueron basados en la vida real y en la mirada verde-amarilla de “ELLA”. Era por eso mismo que escribir para el era personal y tan emocionante. No solo se limitaba a describir las experiencias y sensaciones que sus personajes viven. El vivia la escritura pues el camino que cada uno de sus personajes tomaba, ya lo habia recorrido.

Regreso la mirada al reloj. 2:06am. Junto a la cama estaba la mochila donde mantenia su computadora. Precisamente estaba en el lado donde Irene decidio dormir. Se acerco con cautela para no despertarla. Tomo la mochila y sin prender la luz, prendio la computadora. Espero que los programas terminarian de bajarse y comenzo a escribir sin saber que direccion tomaria la historia.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Something Weird And Interesting

Last night something very interesting and weird occurred. I don’t know when I’ll be publishing this, but today’s date is Sep 24, 2009. About 8:32 am.

As usual I went to a café to fish. I walked in and the place was packed. At the front desk there is this girl with who I often practice all my material on. She is about 5’ 7”, looks Hispanic, but has never talked to me in Spanish. If you ask me, she looks Brazilian. But not the black or white Brazilians, more of those indigenous people who eventually got mixed with the other races. A little on the skinny side, but a solid 8 after all. If she had some more curves, she would be a perfect 9.

By the time I got to be second in line, there was no one behind me. She noticed and looked at me to say “Hi”, but I didn’t look at her. Remember, “never give a girl what the wants”. She would be talking to the girl she was attending, but would glance at me quickly to see if I was looking at her. I wasn’t looking at her, I was looking at the girl in front of me. She did it about 3 times.

Then another guy walks in. I noticed even before getting in front of the counter where the girl was, he was looking at her directly, kind of expecting her to notice him and say “Hi”. She does, and the guy delivers this “Oh, hi!” with a big ass smile. She does the same, but not as big of a “Hi” and with less enthusiasm; of course, she is at work, and has to be nice with everyone there.

My turn comes. She says “Hi, how are you?” and I answered:

“I’m doing fine” With a serious face.

She bends into the display case and asks if I’m going to have the usual and I answered I was going to be having something else, something that’s on the other end of the display case.

She smiled because in the past, I practiced on her that “No, that one” technique/game I talked about in the Gustavo & Irene post, remember? When they get to the café and he makes the girl at the counter smile. Well, this is where that part of the story came from.

She walks to the other side of the counter, which is kind of big; about 10 feet. Smiling she takes out a bottle of water and asks if I’m going to have that one or if I’m going to change my mind.

With a serious face I say, “No, that one is fine” and then proceeded to ask “Do you feel like making a chicken sandwich?”

“No”, she answered and smiled.

Looking into her brown eyes I say “Well, that’s just too bad because I want a chicken sandwich” She smiles again and her eyes closed a little because she kind of laughed at my demand. Yeah, we are mean to each other, but that’s the way we always talk.

“Ok, but it is going to take a long time”, said in a serious, but playful way. “What kind of salad do you want?”

“I don’t want a salad”

“Well, it comes with a salad”

“You take the salad” Looking into her eyes.

She gives me this smile, but it wasn’t your average “you’re funny” smile, or the “I can’t believe you just said that” smile, it was more of a “aww, thanks” kind of smile. I hope you get what I’m talking about, if not, you need to get out there and make friends with girls.

All this happened with a smirk in my face. I paid and she gave the change back. I left for my seat and turned my computer on. I logged into the chat room and found Abaddon.

Que paso cabron? No te hagas pendejo, deja un pinche comment de vez en cuando, si bien que sigues mi blog.

We chatted a little bit. You know, your average chat room talk, well, kind of. We’ve known each other for years.

About 15 minutes went by and I got really hungry. Got up and went to the counter to see how my food was coming along. The girl notices me. Stops what she was doing. Leans over the counter towards me, puts her right hand almost to my face with two fingers up and says in a mean, but playful way

“It’s going to be ready in two minutes”

I don’t know why, or what took over me, but for some reason I grabbed her hand, but not in a wussy “your skin is so soft” kind of way. I did it firmly, I actually grabbed her wrist and not her hand, and pulled her a little towards me. She tried to fight back to free her hand, but she couldn’t. The tension was raising, but not “bad” tension. It was more like the tension you see at the movies when the guy is trying to kiss the girl and she fights back, but end up kissing passionately anyways.

No words were exchanged. Only looked into each other’s eyes the whole time. Then she tried to use her left hand, but I moved mine along with her right hand. We were like little kids who fight, but won’t really hurt each other. It was a really weird event.

I let go and went to my seat with the smirk always in my face.

About 10 minutes went by and I saw in the reflection of the glass doors that she was looking at me. I concluded my chicken sandwich was ready. But I wasn’t going to get up, so I pretended I didn’t see or hear her.

She leaned over the counter and stretched her arms trying to call for my attention. I was giving her my back because of the way I was seated, but I could see everything through the reflection of the doors.

I see she turns away and disappears, seconds later she comes with my order in her hands and gives me this karate chop in a playful way in my shoulder. She said something, but I didn’t really understand what it was since I had the headphones on.

Now, I don’t know what really happened, but I think it was something worth mentioning.
So that’s the story of this posts.

If you’re reading this and didn’t click on any of the ads in my blog, well, fuck you. You’re getting to read my adventure but won’t help me? Come on.

Please click on the ads, I’ve clicked a few of them and they seem to sell pretty good quality stuff. I clicked the one where they sell shirts.

Well, thanks for reading.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Male Fashion 101-The Conclusion

This is the last post of the “basics”. I covered the shower and the body hair section, now its time to talk about the things that are too small to have their own section. Like mouth hygiene, clipping your nails, and getting rid of food odor.

First things first:

Mouth Hygiene

I seriously hope you didn’t learn from me you have to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day (and do so with your tongue once a week) But if you
did, well, start doing it now. It’s never too late to change.

If you’re going to brush, don’t forget to floss too. Dental floss is not expensive and it will do wonders for you.

But why do we brush and floss? Really simple answer, right? To have a clean and odorless mouth. However, sometimes our mouth will smell even if we had brushed our teeth and haven’t eaten anything.

A long time ago, a girl I met told me the human mouth smelling even if you brushed your teeth. Why? Her explanation was gastric acid in our stomach will create this odor. I asked her what was the best way to avoid it, her answer was to eat something, like an orange, at least every 3 hours. Sounds simple, eh? But what do you do if you can’t eat an orange or something every 3 hours? The solution is even more simple:

Buy a Listerine Pocket Mist

It will help you fight mouth odor and it fits anywhere. That’s my personal choice since the Listerine Breath Strips weren’t really handy if you have to take them with you anywhere you go. I had two bad experiences already.

One of them took place during a Halloween party back in 2006, I think; I was dancing with a girl and had the package of Listerine breath Strips in my pocket. I reached for them and took out what I though was only a single strip. To my surprise, it was more like 10. Due to the heat inside my pocket, they melted together and I ended up having a “freshness overdose”

Something similar happened one afternoon at work when I was about to go into an apartment where I had to service something. This time I did noticed there were about 10 strips melted together before putting them into my mouth.

In conclusion, buy a Listerine Pocket Mist, you will not be disappointed and you can forget about “freshness overdoses”

Clipping your nails:

This one is really simple. Do so every week or when necessary. No one likes a guy with long dirty nails.

Smelly Feet:

Don’t think no one is going to notice. Remember, just like you don’t want to scare a girl when you take your shirt off and she sees your natural sweater, you don’t want to disgust her with your smelly feet once “the fun” is about to start.

I think I have covered all the basics.

Don’t forget you’re doing this for yourself and not for the girls you may run across. Hygiene is a very important part of the human behavior and it tells a lot about you.

If you want to take a deeper look into the “basic” category, don’t forget to visit It is a free online portal designed for men.

Take care and I’ll see you next time.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Donde Estabas"

NOTE from the author: Some of the events described below actually took place, word by word and reaction by reaction.

“Dónde estabas? Tengo casi media hora esperandote.”, preguntó Irene una vez que apagó la moto.

“Nada, el tráfico”, contestó sin dar más explicasiones. “Todavia te sigue molestando?”, agregó.

“No, desde el susto que le metiste ya casi no me habla”, dijo Irene con una leve sonrisa en su rostro mientras se subía al asiento trasero.

“Espera”, Gustavo sacó algo de las bolsas de su chamarra. “…Y estos, son para la princesa” , dando un par de guantes de piel a la joven.

Irene sonrió, le dio un beso y comentó “Aww, gracias”, con su tono claro y dulce de voz.

Detalles simples como éste era lo que los unía. Aunque a veces Gustavo pareciera serio e ído, de repente la sorprendia con aspectos de su vida que no concordaban con su personalidad; o con actos sencillos y, desde la superficie, triviales, pero determinantes.

“Entonces? A tu casa o a la mía?” preguntó antes de encender la motocicleta.

“Quieres ir a comer algo? Yo invito”

“Contigo hasta el fin del mundo, princesa”

Volvió sonreir. Encendió la moto, y poco a poco el sonido del motor fue haciendose cada vez mas ténue a la distancia.

El café estaba medio vacío y la poca gente que había parecía tener siglos ahi. Todos en sus computadoras y un silencio reinaba el lugar.

Atendiendo estaba una joven alta, blanca, con cabello lazio y muy negro; como de 23 años. Ojos gris-azules y de buena figura. Se levantó de una silla, se puso detrás del mostrador cuando los advirtió venir.

“Qué vas a querer?” preguntó Irene sin prestar atención a la sonrisa de la joven y viendo los envases de refresco frente a ella.

“Si te digo, te vas a enojar”, respondió Gustavo sonriendo y viendo a los ojos a la muchacha que atendía, todo, aprovechando que Irene estaba distraída.

La joven detrás del mostrador sonrió. Irene, todavía sin noción de lo que sucedía, preguntó con extraño “Por qué?”

“Voy a querer uno de esos” señaló una botella con tepache a la muchacha.

Abrió la puerta del mostrador y señalando el envase que el había indicado preguntó, “Esta?”

El contestó, “No, la otra” Movió el dedo hacia la otra botella esperando su respuesta. “No, la otra” volvió a mover su mano. “No, la otra”.

A través del vidrio del mostrador notó que la muchacha sonreía más cada vez que la hacía apuntar a una botella distinta.

Finalmente dijo, “No, mejor ésa” Concluyó apuntando a la primera botella que indicó. Finalmente soltó una carcajada. Toda la conversacion con la joven fue en inglés, pues era Americana y no parecía hablar español.

Volviendo hacia Gustavo, Irene preguntó, “Si pido uno de esos, te comes la otra mitad?” Apuntando hacia un henorme menu que colgaba en la pared.


“Me das un chikin Panini?” dijo a la joven con acento muy marcado en su inglés.

“Sólo uno?”, cuestionó la joven de los ojos gris-azules.

“Sí. Estoy a dieta”

La muchacha, levantando su pulgar izquiero, dijo, “Bien por ti”.

Las dos se sonrieron. Y al dar la vuelta Irene notó que Gustavo ya no estaba ahí, vio a su alredor y se dio cuenta que estaba sentado en una de las mesas en la parte trasera, donde no había nadie. Caminó hacia él.

Gustaba verla de lejos, sus pequenos 5 pies y 4 pulgadas de estatura eran distintos a los de las demás, eran más tiernos. En si era una muchacha muy común, sin embargo tan distinta a todas. Nació en Puebla, México. Tenia 22 años y había llegado a los Estados Unidos a los 18. Su tono de piel era moreno obscuro, pero podía distinguirse que alguién en su familia fue blanco; sus ojos eran grandes y negros. Tenía aquella mezcla de razgos indígenas y facciones Espanolas que sólo en Puebla podían encontrarse. Usaba el cabello algo corto, casi le llegaba los hombros. Era de color castaño y algunos mechones eran muy claros, casi rubios; especialmente cuando andaba bajo la luz del sol. Boca de tamaño regular, pero labios muy carnosos.

“Qué pasa?”, preguntó pues notó que la veía fíjamente.

“Nada, sólo estaba viendo el cuerazo de mujer que eres”

“Ay, tu”, sonrojó. No sabía por qué, pero gustaba de sus piropos, aunque a veces fueran algo vulgares.

“Y ese milagro que decidiste salir a mitad de semana?”

“Pues ya ves, hoy amanecí de buenas”

“Se dice ‘chiken’, pero está bien; te doy permiso que sigas diciendo ‘chikin’. Me gusta tu acento”

Sabía que no había perfección en los humanos, que no era como dos angulos rectos que juntos daban 180 grados sin importar las circunstancias o adtitud del sumante. Y es que no era que Irene fuera perfecta por su imperfección, sino que era perfecta ante los ojos de Gustavo porque encontraba sus imperfecciones como cualidades y no defectos. Su acento marcadisimo, sus faltas de ortografía, y su terquedad de seguir ayudando a personas que la lastimaron y abusaron de su confianza, incluso el bendito gato que había encontrado en la calle y que después hizo que viviera con él en su departamento pues ella no podía cuidarlo por su horario entre escuela, novio, y trabajo.

“Ya me dijo el maestro que estoy lista para ESL 4”

“Y Karina? Cómo va?”

“Si es bien menza. No se le pega nada ni aunque le ponga resistol en la cabeza. Creo que es su hijo, no tiene mente para otra cosa. La semana pasada faltó 4 días y dice que quiere aprender rápido para poder conseguir un trabajo de secretaria en una tienda. Pero si sigue así, no creo que vaya a poder”

“Chiken Panini!” Exclamó la muchacha del mostrador.

“Vas o voy”, preguntó Gustavo.

Buscando dentro de su bolsa Irene respondió “Ve tú”. Después extendió la mano y dando un billete de $20 dijo, “Ahí le pagas”.

Tomó el dinero y se dirigió hacia el mostrador.

La joven de ojos gris-azules sonrió al verlo. “Quieres que lo parta en dos?”, preguntó.


Sacó un cuchillo de uno de los cajones y procedió a cortarlo. “Gracias” Dio el billete a la joven.

Abrió la caja registradora y dijo “Aquí esta tu cambio”

Con tono serio y viendola a los ojos Gustavo comentó, “Gracias, te amo”

La muchacha sonrió y antes que pudiera decir algo, Gustavo tomó el plato y se fue.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Male Fashion 101-Body Hair

When was the last time you saw a guy wearing a sweater one hot summer afternoon and then realized he didn’t have a shirt on? Pretty weird, eh? I bet you found this terribly sexy, right? Yeah, right.

Nature provided us with body hair to protect us from the elements back when humans used to go around with nothing on and lived in caves. Now, thousands of years later, most of us don’t live in caves, but for some reason the hair has stayed in our bodies. Some have more than others, but we all should take care of it.

Where am I going with all this? Body hair is not sexy and it turns disgusting when you have lots. Yeah, some women are magically attracted to guys with lots of hair in their bodies, but for the most part, they are not.

This is a very personal choice, but I’ve decided to talk about it because you don’t want to scare a girl when you take your shirt off and scare her with your natural sweater. Of course, if you’re a guy (or a girl) who has a “well, god made me like this” kind of mentality, then you should stop reading right now.

There are many ways to deal with body hair. Hot wax, trimmers, scissors, shaving blades, etc, etc.

As you probably know, when it comes to some aspects in life, I only talk about the stuff I’ve used myself. I’ve never dealt with hot wax, sounds too painful and I’m allergic to pain; neither messed with scissors, my body is to precious to risk cutting it, specially down there. Shaving blades are not my thing because after two or so days, you get these little hairs and you have to shave once more.

When it comes to body hair, I say get rid of it however you want. Specially back hair. I’ve met girls who are attracted to guys who have a hairy chest, but I never even heard of a girl who thinks a guy is sexy because of his back hair. Lets face it, it is plain disgusting.

Like I’ve said before, this is a very personal choice, I’m just giving out this advice because your skin is something you have to show, specially during the summer.

This was a very short, and to the point post. It is also in the “basic” categories. I hope you guys knew all of what I just said and realized body hair is something to get rid of.

Take care…and keep on playing.

Friday, September 11, 2009

En Su Cuarto

Muchas veces se habia preguntado que seria de su vida. Que seria de el si Irene no existiera, si jamas la hubiera conocido aquella noche de Agosto en donde todo parecio estar trazado por una mano, quiza un mago o Dios que lo planeo todo e hizo posible que todo sucediera de la forma correcta.

En donde estaria? Cuales aventuras y tragedias habrian asotado su vida si hubiera escogido el otro camino en donde la vereda se parte en dos?

Volvio hacia el casco que yacia en la unica silla en el cuarto. --Tengo que pulirlo--, penso sin saber realmente por que.

--La vida y sus tareas--, se decia mientras ponia la primera capa del liquido limpiador sobre la superficie del Casco y reflexionaba que hacia poco que toda habia cambiado.

Ya no era un nino, ya no era aquel joven que creia ciegamente en las palabras de toda persona que cruzara en su camino. Realmente nunca tuvo alguna mala experiencia de confiar en alguien que despues lo traicionaria. Era como si tuviera un angel, un ser que le decia en quien confiar y en quien no, pero no con palabras, sino con senales. Brillo en los ojos de las personas, sonrisas retorcidas y nerviosas, incapacidad de mantener la Mirada, cosas asi.

Seguia lustrando el casco y se pregunto que seria de “ELLA”. Seguiria teniendo el mismo brillo candido en su mirada amarilla verdosa? Seguiria teniendo las caderas pronunciadas y femininas que tanto le atraian; los mismos risos obscuros y vitales sobre su cabeza? Tenia tanto, parecia como si nunca hubiera existido y todo hubiera sido un sueno, si un sueno de los que uno despierta con una sensacion de calma y felicidad en el alma.

Era un nino de 18 anos cuando entro y salio de su vida. En si solo la conocio por poco mas de un ano. --Un ano trepidante--, penso con una sonrisa en su rostro aun puliendo el casco y cuidando que no quedara ningun reciduo del liquido limpiador.

Ese mismo ano descubrio su pasion y facilidad por la escritura. Ni el mismo sabia si fue todo una enorme casualidad o si solo lo habia hecho para, de alguna forma indirecta y retrocida, tratar de impresionarla. Cualfuera la verdadera razon, supo que lo hizo, que logro llamar su atencion. Simple acto de absoluto que estaria con el por el resto de su vida. Porque asi es la vida, simple, pero a la vez compleja y de cuando en cuando incomprehensible. Un simple acto como escribir un cuento corto podia cambiar la vida de dos personas para siempre, intensificar la atraccion que ya existia entre los dos. Palabras mudas, miradas fugaces pero al mismo tiempo inexorables.

Termino de pulir el casco. Volvio al reloj en la pared. Eran las 2:00 pm y se apresuro hacia la puerta. Habia que recoger a Irene del trabajo.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Male Fashion 101-The Shower

My first post on male fashion is not going to be about shoes or pants, not even about shirts or hair gel. My first post is going to be about personal hygiene. Why? Because no matter how well you may be dressed, all of that won’t matter if you smell or have hair sticking out of your beautiful nose.

By nature most girls are disgusted by smelly guys, although some are strangely attracted to them. But remember, you want to attract as many as possible, and not just the “psychos” who are attracted to a hobo. In my case, I’m doing all this not really because I want to attract girls, but because I like it, although it does help.

Pretty much I’m just going to go over some very basic stuff. However, I need to go over it because I want to make sure you know about it; so later you won’t come back to me and tell me this story about a girl blowing you off because of your dirty teeth. And if you do, I’m going to go “What? Fucker, those things are in the fucking blog! Go read it again”


I don’t think you need someone telling you bathing once a day is a necessity and not a choice, do you? Very basic, eh?

There are some instances where taking a shower once a day is not enough. The rule here is: sometimes you have to shower twice, specially if at some point during the day you felt sweaty and sticky. Trust me, you are going to smell later. No one likes to be with someone who smells; of course, unless you are talking about another smelly guy. In that case, neither guy would notice the other smells.

As I have stated before, male fashion, and most of the “good” fashion in general is about seemingly small details no one will notice, but will end up making a very big difference. Here is where my help comes into the rescue!

For most guys a quick shower with any shampoo and a soap bar is enough to get you through the day. If you feel that’s enough for you, then fine. That’s the way it worked for me for a long time. At least you are clean and don’t smell. However, there is a wide variety of “shower” products out there to help you take care of those “small details” I was talking about.

I’m talking about shower gels, soap bars with a particular essence, body scrubs, moisturizers, special hair products that will make your hair look great, and the ever magic AXE‘s shower tool.

Showering should not be as complex as I’m making it appear. If you don’t want to be called a “metro sexual” (trust me, you don’t want to be stuck in that category) the best way to avoid it is to just take a regular shower once or twice a day with one product that will take care of your “fashion” necessities.

I’m talking about showering with a regular shampoo for you hair and a shower gel. A very basic combination that will work miracles, without putting you in the “metro sexual” category. Why shower gel? Because not only it will get you clean, but it is going to make you smell great and it’s going to make your skin softer, but not to the point of looking like a girl’s skin. Girls will notice that, and they will like it. And if you like guys, well, I think they will like it too. But I’m not sure.

My recommendation here is to use any of AXE’s shower gels. As with any product from AXE, they will make you fashionable and manly at the same time. I was reading an article about AXE’s new shower gel “Fever”. Sounded interesting. That, added to the fact I was talking about shower gels with luvsherry the night before in the chat room convinced me to try it.

After getting to Ride Aide and smelling the Brazilian Mud & Dragon Fruit aroma, I realized it was just too fancy for me. I kept on smelling the shower gels and ran into AXE’s shower gel “Dark Temptation” and came to the conclusion it smelled like chocolate (and it does), the aroma is just too sweet for me. Plus, I don’t want to make girls hungry for chocolate when they smell me. I kept on my search and found AXE’s “Touch”. Perfect for me “mature and fashionable” I don’t really have words to describe the aroma, but I knew I liked it the second I opened the bottle. I ended getting it along with AXE’s shower tool (which was conveniently right next to the shower gels) At first I thought it was just going to be a regular scrub like the ones you get at the 99 cent store, but with better quality. Turns out it has a “hard side” and a “soft side” for your sensitive parts. I loved it right after my first shower. The instructions say you have to replace it every 6 weeks, but fuck it, I’m not going to pay $6 every 6 weeks just for a scrub. The shower gel was also $6, so I ended up paying about $14 after taxes.

I guess the best you can do here is to go to Rite Aide or any store like that and smell for yourself what aroma will work for you. Not everyone is going to like AXE‘s shower tool, but I say try it at least once, and if you don‘t like it, at least you experimented something new. Fashion is also about experimenting. Don’t forget my recommendation and start using a shower gel. It will be another small step towards your goal of being more “fashionable” and beautiful in the eyes of the female population (also include the gay population).

No, AXE is not paying me anything, I just like their products that much.

As usual, if you don’t think I have a good sense of fashion or think I’m just nuts about all this, you can check and see what the experts on male fashion say.

It is a free online portal design for men who want to look good without spending a million dollars.

I’ll see you next time.