Saturday, October 3, 2009

At The Cafe Part 1

I came back to the coffee shop after the incident with the girl. I normally I don’t go there Sundays but I didn’t have anything to do. I was happy and feeling really good because a new technique I’ve developed had worked very well on some girls, so I decided to try it at the coffee shop.

The place was almost empty. To my surprise she was at the counter…her name is J2. She looked at me from the counter and I walked up to her and said “Hello Beautiful” and then smiled. She smiled back.

She was playing with a blackberry phone. I though it was her phone and I asked “What are you doing?”

“Just looking at some pictures I took” answered without looking away from the phone.

“Can I see them?” I asked.

Showed me the phone and there was a picture of a guy’s shadow as he was taking the picture with the phone.

“Yes, that’s what I do when I’m not doing anything” commented. Then added as she was showing me another picture, one of a trash can with trash in it, “Pretty lame, eh?”

“Yes”, I replied and she smiled.

“I have lots of free time, don’t I?”

“It shows”, I answered and she just laughed at loud.

As she was laughing I saw a guy coming in through the back door. As usual, he was looking at her directly even before getting close to the counter. And no, this wasn’t the same guy from the previous post.

Before he came to form behind me I asked her, “Did you miss me?”

She stopped laughing and got a little piece of paper and put it where I couldn’t see what she was writing. She smiled as she wrote. By then the guy was right behind me waiting to be served. Stopped writing and folded it. She handed it to me and as our hands were touching said “Don’t open it until you’re in a place where you’re alone”

“Why? Did you write something sexual?” I put the note in my back pocket.

She laughs again and notices the guy and says “So, what do you want?” still smiling.


She got it out and I tried to play the “’No, that one” game. But it didn’t work, she just gave me the one she felt like giving me. As I was giving her a bill to pay I said “You can keep the change” and proceeded to give her my good old 1 million dollar bill. She took it and laughed again.

“You’re so lame, you always give me that one” laughing as she was closely looking at the fake bill.

She was about to give it back when it ripped in two pieces. It was an old bill, so I wasn’t surprised.

“Oh no. This was my conversation starter” I said.

“I’m sorry”

Looking into her brown eyes I said in a very serious voice:

“You know, this actually means you like me”

She had no reaction and just looked at me with a blank expression. I didn’t know what to do, so I just gave her a $20 bill to pay for my stuff and she was about to give me the change when the guy behind me said

“Don’t forget what he said. You can keep the change”

She smiled, but gave me my change. I took my stuff from the counter and as I walking to my seat I heard a phone go off. It was the phone she was playing with. I turned a round and saw how she was giving it to a guy and say “Hey, someone’s calling you”

…to be continued (the story only gets better)

If you want to read the second and third parts of the story you better click in the ads in my blog fuckers.

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