Thursday, October 22, 2009

At The Cafe Part 2

…That night I didn’t have any other interaction with her. I minded my own business and nothing worth mentioning really happened. Well, I met a girl named G late that night as I was leaving the place, but that’s all.

Next morning after waking up, I remembered about the note J2 had given me. Looked for my pants and took it out. I don’t know why, but I laughed. In the back of someone’s receipt she had written: “I love you”

Yes, you read right “I love you”. I wasn’t expecting it; even looked at it twice to make sure. The ball was in my court, and I knew I had to do something she will never expect. You know, to return the favor.

It was a Monday, so it meant I had to get a clean up hair cut from G. I get a clean up hair cut every two weeks or so between real hair cuts; you know, to look good most of the time. It pays off to have a close friend who is an stylist in a fancy ass hair salon.

Arrived at G’s place at around 5pm. The stupid elevator didn’t work, so I had to go up to the 5th floor using the stairs. Finally got there. After he cut my hair we started talking in his living room. Like we usually do. And then this girl came to our conversation.

I told him everything that had happened with the girl at the counter in the coffee shop. Both the “hands” incident and the “note” one. Previous to these events, I had told him I felt a certain thing between us (not me and him, but me and J2) but I wasn’t going to really go after her because, after all, she is not really my type of girl. And besides, we were taking all this as a game.

He laughed after I told him what she had written in the note. I laughed too. I showed him the note and he laughed even more. He returned the note and said “Ole, matador!” . I laughed more.

Then I told him I didn’t know what step to take next. Basically I had two options. One, I could write her a funny e-mail; like I’d previously done. (yes, I have her e-mail…hate me all you want :-P). Two, I could write her another little note the next time I see her.

He told me to go for option two. “She started with the notes. It means she likes this kind of things”, he said. I finally listened to one of G’s advice and went for option number two. But now I had a new problem. What could I write in a little note that will communicate I like this kind of games without looking like a wuss and also that I wanted to take things to another level.

I didn’t go fishing to that particular café for about a week, you know, so she could miss me.

So the day came when I had to go back. I don’t know why, but I was nervous. I knew exactly what I was going to write in a little note if she was there.

I got off from my bike and for some reason I was really nervous. I could feel my heart beating faster. And feeling a little anxious. I even dropped to the floor my bike’s lock, which I have never done before or since that day.

Somehow I managed to get myself together and headed to the café. At this point I was sure she was going to be at the counter, and for another reason as I was getting closer to it, I kept getting more and more nervous. Without realizing it, I was walking faster than usual and I was looking to the floor; something I never do.

So I came to the entrance of the café. Stopped and told myself “Orale cabron, no vayas a salir con tus mamadas” And went into the café without having another thought.

She was at the counter and she noticed me when I came in. I looked for a table and put my stuff down before ordering. Went up to her.

“Hey” she smiled.

“Hey” I smiled but deep inside I felt I could not even talk properly.

“How are you?” she asked

“Fine and you?” for the first time in a long long long time, I didn’t know what to say.

“Good…so…did you read my note?”

“No.” I lied.

“No?” she seemed confused.

“No. I forgot. What did it say?” Looking into her eyes. I wasn’t as nervous as before and I felt my confidence levels getting back to normal…super high.

“Well, I guess you will never know”

“Uh? No, tell me.”

“Nope, sorry.”

Took my stuff and went to my table. Time passed. Started to mind my own business. After about half hour things in the café quiet down. No more costumers came in. This was my chance.

I have a small notebook from when I got my new computer. It has somewhat of small pages. In one of them I wrote:

“So, when are you going to ask me out?”

Folded the note and headed her way without thinking anymore.

I approached her and said:

“Hey…I have something for you” She looked at me.

I gave her the note. And told her not to read it until she got home and was all by her self. She took the note and…

…to be continued.

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