Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Last Friday I was confronted by a guy who thinks his wife is having an affair with me. He lives in my same apartment building. It was a surprising thing to have this guy come to me and just ask it. After I answered I didn’t know anything he was talking about, he seemed to relax and started telling all about the problems he has had with his wife.

Apparently this girl is not a “quality girl”. Stupid girl, almost got me into trouble. Besides, I’ve only seen her once or twice in the parking lot when I‘m out about to leave for work. She is not even good looking or has a nice body. Come on, this guy should see the girls I date or even talk to. I personally don’t talk to girls I consider less than a 9. And I immediately ask if they are single, without kids, and if they are willing to support me financially.

That almost all the time gets a laugh out of them, but it also gets out their status without making me look bad.

Thank God this misunderstanding is over. However, I will keep on watching my back for a couple of weeks. Who knows, guys who act like that are unpredictable. It would be unfair if something happened to me because of that ugly bitch, when nothing happened when I was seeing Sandra behind her boyfriend’s back.

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