Wednesday, October 7, 2009


It was as if someone had planned it, as we had talked on the phone and set it up. It was so perfect, it doesn’t feel real. This is why life is fun and why you should wake up with a smile on your face every morning.

After writing the Made In USA post, I remembered I hadn’t used my Perry Ellis shirt in a while, so I put it on. Monday came and went fishing, but not to my usual spots, I decided to go to a new place. A café that recently opened and seemed interesting from the outside.

Before, I went to the gas station, to the bank, and finally to this new place near Melrose and Fairfax. Found parking and locked my bike. After walking for about 1 block, and as I was about to enter this new café, I notice a girl I know from the gym, her name is A, was about to enter the same place. She didn’t see me at first, but I walked behind her and as we entered, I noticed the place was full. I was looking at the crowd and I noticed she had recognized me. She said “Hi”

I answered, “Are you stalking me?”

She laughs and says, “Me? You’re the one following me”

“Are you still doing the massage thing with the thing at the end?” I asked, we always joke around ever since she told me she is a masseuse.

She laughs again and says “Yes, but I only do the massage. I’m not that desperate for money” As she said that, she was taking something out of her purse and I don’t know why, but for some reason she dropped two or three quarters.

As she was picking them up I said “If you don’t want your money, you should give it to me” She laughs again.

“This place is full”, I commented

“Yes, and I need a table to study” She added.

“Do you want to go to the ice cream place across the street?” I noticed it as I was walking to the café.


Got out and crossed the street. As we were walking I pointed out “You look taller”

“I’m wearing high hills” She is about 5’2” or 5’3”. She looked taller, almost as tall as me, but of course, even on high hills, I still had 1 or 2 inches on her.

Since I met her at the gym, I am used to see her from above. Without any reason I added. “I like being with you, you make me feel tall” And who wouldn’t like to be with her? She is a good looking girl with kind of short blonde hair, beautiful light blue eyes, and a nice figure. Think of a Shakira kind of body, but not as short, of course with the very same womanly hips.

As usual, she laughs. And asks me “So what are you studying?”

“I’m actually planning on how to take over the world”

For the 20th time in 10 minutes, she laughs. Continued by saying, “Well, I hope that doesn’t conflict with my plans”

“What are your plans?”

“I’m talking over the world too” We both laughed.

We were about to enter the ice cream place and I opened the door for her and said “Ladies first”

She laughs and says, “Thank you”

Got in and the guy at the counter greeted us. “How can I help you guys?”

She ordered a latte or some of those fancy ass coffee drinks. Then he asked me what I will be having. I asked for a vanilla ice cream and then added.

“She is going to pay for everything” I hear her laugh. Turned to her and said in a sarcastic way “Yes, that’s what I do. I make women pay for my stuff” Looking into her light blue eyes.

“Oh, shut up” she replied in a playful way.

Then I hear the guy say “It’s going to be $X for you and $Y for you” pointing at each of us.

Before she gave him her credit card, I took some money out and said to the guy I was going to pay for both of us. Then turned to her and kind of whispered to her ear “She is going to pay me later with one of those massages with a thing at the end”. She is laughing…again.

Since there were lots of tables available outside, I thought we will be going our separate ways. After all, this was a spare of the moment thing. I got out and put my ice cream and laptop in one of the nearby tables as she was getting some stuff for her coffee. Then I remembered I forgot the napkins and went back in. When I came back out, I see her putting her stuff in the table and I said, “I didn’t say you could seat in my table”

“Well, that’s too bad. I’m already here” answered with a big smile.

She is taking her books out and I asked what she was studying.


“Does that mean eventually you will ask me to get naked and touch all over my body so you can keep ‘studying‘?”

Laughs out laud.

“I’m studying my dreams” I added as I took out my Dream Interpretation Guide book. This is where David DeAngelo is completely right, well, to be honest, he is right all the way. I would probably be a dateless bitter guy who is all the time on the internet without his newsletter (for some reason after writing “dateless bitter guy who is all the time on the internet” I thought of Chivas. Hi loser with no life!) . I bought the book because he recommended buying books like that because they will catch women’s attention immediately. It worked. She started to tell me all about these dreams she had had and the conversation turned out to be quite interesting. Sorry, too personal to mention her dreams in my blog.

Eventually each of us got to do what we were supposed to do. She kept studying and I was reading my Dream Interpretation Guide book but listening to music from my computer. Lots of people passing by. I noticed about 90% of the women passing by would look at, and make eye contact, with me. --It must be because I’m with a beautiful blonde and we look like we are in a relationship--, I thought to myself. --Plus, my ass looks great in these pants-- And we did look like a couple who’s been together for sometime. You see the two of them in a café each doing their own stuff, but eventually they would turn to each other, say something, and smile.

I see two girls go into the ice cream shop. When they come out, one of them has a cup with ice cream and a little spoon. They were right in front of our table when she drops the spoon to the floor. I go like Nelson from the Simpsons “Ha-ha” but really low. I looked at A and I noticed she witnessed the event, she smiles at me and we both kind of laugh at it.

Then I say at laud, “Don’t laugh. It is not funny” with a serious face. And from the corner of my eye I see the girls looking at us.

She was wearing a pair of “diva glasses” really big and dark. So I didn’t really see her eyes, but for the expression in the rest of her face she had a “I can’t believe you just did that” face, but ended up laughing.

Some minutes went by and suddenly she droops a pencil from the table. I look at her and she says “That’s what I get for laughing at that girl” .

About ten minutes later, she drops the same pencil, we both reached under the table to get it, and we ran into each other’s eyes. You know, went you look at each other but don’t say anything. And all, under the table. Kind of weird, but fun.

She then got up and got a cup of water inside the ice cream shop. I was surprised they served anything other than ice cream in an ice cream shop.

About ten minutes later went by. I don’t know how, but she managed to knock over the cup of water and spilled all the content to the floor.

I took my headphones off, looked at her and said, “You know, I think it is your hair”

She laughs. “Yes, I’m blonde”.

The way I see it, it was a mini-date. Thanks for taking the time to read this long ass post. Don’t forget to click the ads at the top, you already made it this far, keep sponsoring my crazy adventures. But don’t just click for the sake of clicking, who knows, maybe you’ll find something interesting and worth buying.. Go ahead and have fun.



1 comment:

El Random Hero said...

hahaha it read like something i would do. good stuff.