Thursday, November 12, 2009


Today I woke up with a headache. It always happens when I fall a sleep late. Even when I was in bed I couldn’t fall a sleep. I was thinking about a girl I met last night when I went fishing.

I was sitting in my table in the café. She came in and sat right behind me. The minute she walked in I knew I was going to talk to her. She had short brown hair with light blue eyes. I’d say about 5’ 5” and 130 lbs.

After she sat down, I waited a couple of minutes before turning back and start my “routine”. I decided the time was right. Turned around, looked her in the eyes and delivered my single most successful A-material line.

She responded the right way. I quickly looked at the stuff on her table…you know, to get material to work with. I see a pack of cigarettes, and suddenly something happened. I didn’t want to keep talking to her even when everything was going the right way.

I could had ask her so many things. I could had make her laugh. But I just let her go. Ended the conversation abruptly with an “Ok, I’ll see you later” and went back to my drawings.

Late last night I was thinking if I’ll ever meet a girl who will actually make me feel butterflies in my stomach. I haven’t feel that in a long time. Heather and Erin were the two girls that kind of made me feel that way. Gabriela, back in junior high school, made me feel that too, but eventually she didn’t turn out to be how I consider her to be. So the only two who really count are Heather and Erin.

Strangely they both looked alike. White, brown hair; Heather has light brown eyes while Erin has brown-green eyes. And strangely enough, they both come from German families. However, Erin identifies more with her Irish heritage more than Heather did with her Italian/British one. Heather was 21 and I was 19. And I was with Erin when she was 21 and I was 24. I wonder if I’ll meet another girl like them when I’m 29.

I don’t know where this post is going. I guess today I’m feeling a little depressed for not finding “the right girl” last night. But who knows, maybe I’ll find her today. After all, the day is just starting.

Maybe today I’ll run into another hot blonde and end up in a date with her. You never know what life has in store for you two hours from the present.

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