Monday, September 14, 2009

Male Fashion 101-Body Hair

When was the last time you saw a guy wearing a sweater one hot summer afternoon and then realized he didn’t have a shirt on? Pretty weird, eh? I bet you found this terribly sexy, right? Yeah, right.

Nature provided us with body hair to protect us from the elements back when humans used to go around with nothing on and lived in caves. Now, thousands of years later, most of us don’t live in caves, but for some reason the hair has stayed in our bodies. Some have more than others, but we all should take care of it.

Where am I going with all this? Body hair is not sexy and it turns disgusting when you have lots. Yeah, some women are magically attracted to guys with lots of hair in their bodies, but for the most part, they are not.

This is a very personal choice, but I’ve decided to talk about it because you don’t want to scare a girl when you take your shirt off and scare her with your natural sweater. Of course, if you’re a guy (or a girl) who has a “well, god made me like this” kind of mentality, then you should stop reading right now.

There are many ways to deal with body hair. Hot wax, trimmers, scissors, shaving blades, etc, etc.

As you probably know, when it comes to some aspects in life, I only talk about the stuff I’ve used myself. I’ve never dealt with hot wax, sounds too painful and I’m allergic to pain; neither messed with scissors, my body is to precious to risk cutting it, specially down there. Shaving blades are not my thing because after two or so days, you get these little hairs and you have to shave once more.

When it comes to body hair, I say get rid of it however you want. Specially back hair. I’ve met girls who are attracted to guys who have a hairy chest, but I never even heard of a girl who thinks a guy is sexy because of his back hair. Lets face it, it is plain disgusting.

Like I’ve said before, this is a very personal choice, I’m just giving out this advice because your skin is something you have to show, specially during the summer.

This was a very short, and to the point post. It is also in the “basic” categories. I hope you guys knew all of what I just said and realized body hair is something to get rid of.

Take care…and keep on playing.

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