Tuesday, November 24, 2009

3 Things You Need To Start A Conversation With A Pretty Girl

How do you start a conversation with a really pretty girl. If you are like most guys, probably the thought of being in a situation where you have the possibility of talking to a really beautiful girl you don’t know, makes you nervous. That’s OK, there’s nothing wrong with that…unless you become her personal stalker.

In order to start talking to a really pretty girl and have real chances with her, you need to have three things:

1. Confidence

2. A funny line or just a line that will break the ice

3. Be able to keep eye contact.

Why am I writing all this? Well, I guess I do have too much time in my hands, and it gives me the opportunity to learn; remember every time you teach someone something, you also learn from it.

The first thing you need to be able to talk to a really hot, I mean really really really hot girl and not your average “she is fine” kind of girl, is confidence. That’s the most important part of them all.

Most of us guys when faced with talking to a pretty girl become nervous, and if we do end up talking to her, we come across as if we were afraid of her.

That’s not the case whatsoever. Most guys are nervous because they don’t know what to tell this beautiful girl or how she is going to react. No one ever taught us what to tell a beautiful girl to make her be attracted to us. Sure, you can fallow the advice 99% of the girls give and “be yourself”, “take her out to a nice place” “give her compliments” and all that crap. But has any of that ever worked? It never did for me…and I’m sure I’m not an isolated case.

Be confident when talking to a pretty girl. If you have a funny line be confident it will make her laugh. If you ask for her phone number, be confident she will give it to you when asking. They can sense if you’re nervous. Just relax and have some fun.

There’s a deeper and more complex side to being confident. It relates to being a real man and what it means. Since this is David DeAngelo’s work, I’m going to refer you to him and watch his video “On Being A Man”. You can you tube it. The one I found consist of 7 parts of 10 minutes each. Worth seeing them. I guess that’s all I can say about being confident for now. David DeAngelo is the guy to go to here.

You are also going to need either a funny line, or just a line that will break the ice. Funny lines work better than your average “Hey Baby, can I buy you a drink?” because if you get her to laugh, you would had make her relax. Laughing is a away to relief stress and being stress free is a key part when meeting new girls. I could and probably should give you some of my personal funny lines or “ice breakers”, but if I did so, you probably would never buy David DeAngelo’s book. Read his work. I’m not the kind of guy who follows advice often, but I sure am glad I read his work.

You don’t need a funny line to start talking to a beautiful girl. Even a simple “Hello, how are you?” will do the trick. Sometimes the most simple things can give the best results. All of this is based on results. Do what works.

However, I suggest using funny lines, that way you’ll be able to weed out the stuck up bitches with no sense of humor. There’s lots of them out there. And it is really hard to distinguish them from the nice girls, the kind every guy likes, just by looks.

The 3rd thing you’re going to need when starting a conversation with a beautiful girl is being able to keep up eye contact. Some guys would say that if you look at one girl in the eyes for more than just a couple of seconds, or turn away after she does, you will come across as a pervert who intimidates girls. The reality is quite the opposite. Normally the kind of guy who can’t hold eye contact with a girl comes across weak…and this is the kind of guy who actually grosses girls out. They go: “What? Why can‘t you be a man?”. The last thing you want from a girl, is to think you’re weak, either mentally or physically.

I would like to take the opportunity to greet the member gsb89 who has criticized me so much for looking into the eyes of girls when I’m out fishing. I guess you will never experience that thrill of holding eye contact with a beautiful girl. She will hold eye contact, then turn away, one second later, she falls into your eyes again and becomes nervous. Then you deliver your “line”…she laughs and is calm again. After 5 minutes of talking, you leave with her e-mail/phone number. Yes loser, that’s what holding eye contact can do for you.

From 1st hand experience I found out some girls will look you in the eyes for a really long time. 7 or 8 seconds. That can mean one of these two things: she is testing how strong you really are, or she just felt in love with you. Whatever the case is…don’t fucking turn away before she does. Let her know you are the man and the eyes of a girl won’t intimidate you.

Holding eye contact gives out the message “I’m strong, and I’m not intimidated” Girls are looking for guys like this, who can’t be intimidated by getting into a fight with a huge guy or by talking to a pretty girl. Why do you think the “nice cute girl” always falls for the “bad ass bully”? Think about it. Now it’s time to start acting like a man and less of a girl. As David DeAngelo puts it “It is ok to be a man” We don’t need to be super sensitive and be in touch with our feminine side.

Well, there you have it. To start a conversation with a pretty girl you need three things:


A funny line or just a line to break the ice.

Be able to keep up eye contact.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

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