Sunday, September 6, 2009

Male Fashion 101-The Shower

My first post on male fashion is not going to be about shoes or pants, not even about shirts or hair gel. My first post is going to be about personal hygiene. Why? Because no matter how well you may be dressed, all of that won’t matter if you smell or have hair sticking out of your beautiful nose.

By nature most girls are disgusted by smelly guys, although some are strangely attracted to them. But remember, you want to attract as many as possible, and not just the “psychos” who are attracted to a hobo. In my case, I’m doing all this not really because I want to attract girls, but because I like it, although it does help.

Pretty much I’m just going to go over some very basic stuff. However, I need to go over it because I want to make sure you know about it; so later you won’t come back to me and tell me this story about a girl blowing you off because of your dirty teeth. And if you do, I’m going to go “What? Fucker, those things are in the fucking blog! Go read it again”


I don’t think you need someone telling you bathing once a day is a necessity and not a choice, do you? Very basic, eh?

There are some instances where taking a shower once a day is not enough. The rule here is: sometimes you have to shower twice, specially if at some point during the day you felt sweaty and sticky. Trust me, you are going to smell later. No one likes to be with someone who smells; of course, unless you are talking about another smelly guy. In that case, neither guy would notice the other smells.

As I have stated before, male fashion, and most of the “good” fashion in general is about seemingly small details no one will notice, but will end up making a very big difference. Here is where my help comes into the rescue!

For most guys a quick shower with any shampoo and a soap bar is enough to get you through the day. If you feel that’s enough for you, then fine. That’s the way it worked for me for a long time. At least you are clean and don’t smell. However, there is a wide variety of “shower” products out there to help you take care of those “small details” I was talking about.

I’m talking about shower gels, soap bars with a particular essence, body scrubs, moisturizers, special hair products that will make your hair look great, and the ever magic AXE‘s shower tool.

Showering should not be as complex as I’m making it appear. If you don’t want to be called a “metro sexual” (trust me, you don’t want to be stuck in that category) the best way to avoid it is to just take a regular shower once or twice a day with one product that will take care of your “fashion” necessities.

I’m talking about showering with a regular shampoo for you hair and a shower gel. A very basic combination that will work miracles, without putting you in the “metro sexual” category. Why shower gel? Because not only it will get you clean, but it is going to make you smell great and it’s going to make your skin softer, but not to the point of looking like a girl’s skin. Girls will notice that, and they will like it. And if you like guys, well, I think they will like it too. But I’m not sure.

My recommendation here is to use any of AXE’s shower gels. As with any product from AXE, they will make you fashionable and manly at the same time. I was reading an article about AXE’s new shower gel “Fever”. Sounded interesting. That, added to the fact I was talking about shower gels with luvsherry the night before in the chat room convinced me to try it.

After getting to Ride Aide and smelling the Brazilian Mud & Dragon Fruit aroma, I realized it was just too fancy for me. I kept on smelling the shower gels and ran into AXE’s shower gel “Dark Temptation” and came to the conclusion it smelled like chocolate (and it does), the aroma is just too sweet for me. Plus, I don’t want to make girls hungry for chocolate when they smell me. I kept on my search and found AXE’s “Touch”. Perfect for me “mature and fashionable” I don’t really have words to describe the aroma, but I knew I liked it the second I opened the bottle. I ended getting it along with AXE’s shower tool (which was conveniently right next to the shower gels) At first I thought it was just going to be a regular scrub like the ones you get at the 99 cent store, but with better quality. Turns out it has a “hard side” and a “soft side” for your sensitive parts. I loved it right after my first shower. The instructions say you have to replace it every 6 weeks, but fuck it, I’m not going to pay $6 every 6 weeks just for a scrub. The shower gel was also $6, so I ended up paying about $14 after taxes.

I guess the best you can do here is to go to Rite Aide or any store like that and smell for yourself what aroma will work for you. Not everyone is going to like AXE‘s shower tool, but I say try it at least once, and if you don‘t like it, at least you experimented something new. Fashion is also about experimenting. Don’t forget my recommendation and start using a shower gel. It will be another small step towards your goal of being more “fashionable” and beautiful in the eyes of the female population (also include the gay population).

No, AXE is not paying me anything, I just like their products that much.

As usual, if you don’t think I have a good sense of fashion or think I’m just nuts about all this, you can check and see what the experts on male fashion say.

It is a free online portal design for men who want to look good without spending a million dollars.

I’ll see you next time.

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