Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Male Fashion 101-The Conclusion

This is the last post of the “basics”. I covered the shower and the body hair section, now its time to talk about the things that are too small to have their own section. Like mouth hygiene, clipping your nails, and getting rid of food odor.

First things first:

Mouth Hygiene

I seriously hope you didn’t learn from me you have to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day (and do so with your tongue once a week) But if you
did, well, start doing it now. It’s never too late to change.

If you’re going to brush, don’t forget to floss too. Dental floss is not expensive and it will do wonders for you.

But why do we brush and floss? Really simple answer, right? To have a clean and odorless mouth. However, sometimes our mouth will smell even if we had brushed our teeth and haven’t eaten anything.

A long time ago, a girl I met told me the human mouth smelling even if you brushed your teeth. Why? Her explanation was gastric acid in our stomach will create this odor. I asked her what was the best way to avoid it, her answer was to eat something, like an orange, at least every 3 hours. Sounds simple, eh? But what do you do if you can’t eat an orange or something every 3 hours? The solution is even more simple:

Buy a Listerine Pocket Mist

It will help you fight mouth odor and it fits anywhere. That’s my personal choice since the Listerine Breath Strips weren’t really handy if you have to take them with you anywhere you go. I had two bad experiences already.

One of them took place during a Halloween party back in 2006, I think; I was dancing with a girl and had the package of Listerine breath Strips in my pocket. I reached for them and took out what I though was only a single strip. To my surprise, it was more like 10. Due to the heat inside my pocket, they melted together and I ended up having a “freshness overdose”

Something similar happened one afternoon at work when I was about to go into an apartment where I had to service something. This time I did noticed there were about 10 strips melted together before putting them into my mouth.

In conclusion, buy a Listerine Pocket Mist, you will not be disappointed and you can forget about “freshness overdoses”

Clipping your nails:

This one is really simple. Do so every week or when necessary. No one likes a guy with long dirty nails.

Smelly Feet:

Don’t think no one is going to notice. Remember, just like you don’t want to scare a girl when you take your shirt off and she sees your natural sweater, you don’t want to disgust her with your smelly feet once “the fun” is about to start.

I think I have covered all the basics.

Don’t forget you’re doing this for yourself and not for the girls you may run across. Hygiene is a very important part of the human behavior and it tells a lot about you.

If you want to take a deeper look into the “basic” category, don’t forget to visit It is a free online portal designed for men.

Take care and I’ll see you next time.

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