Saturday, September 26, 2009

Something Weird And Interesting

Last night something very interesting and weird occurred. I don’t know when I’ll be publishing this, but today’s date is Sep 24, 2009. About 8:32 am.

As usual I went to a café to fish. I walked in and the place was packed. At the front desk there is this girl with who I often practice all my material on. She is about 5’ 7”, looks Hispanic, but has never talked to me in Spanish. If you ask me, she looks Brazilian. But not the black or white Brazilians, more of those indigenous people who eventually got mixed with the other races. A little on the skinny side, but a solid 8 after all. If she had some more curves, she would be a perfect 9.

By the time I got to be second in line, there was no one behind me. She noticed and looked at me to say “Hi”, but I didn’t look at her. Remember, “never give a girl what the wants”. She would be talking to the girl she was attending, but would glance at me quickly to see if I was looking at her. I wasn’t looking at her, I was looking at the girl in front of me. She did it about 3 times.

Then another guy walks in. I noticed even before getting in front of the counter where the girl was, he was looking at her directly, kind of expecting her to notice him and say “Hi”. She does, and the guy delivers this “Oh, hi!” with a big ass smile. She does the same, but not as big of a “Hi” and with less enthusiasm; of course, she is at work, and has to be nice with everyone there.

My turn comes. She says “Hi, how are you?” and I answered:

“I’m doing fine” With a serious face.

She bends into the display case and asks if I’m going to have the usual and I answered I was going to be having something else, something that’s on the other end of the display case.

She smiled because in the past, I practiced on her that “No, that one” technique/game I talked about in the Gustavo & Irene post, remember? When they get to the café and he makes the girl at the counter smile. Well, this is where that part of the story came from.

She walks to the other side of the counter, which is kind of big; about 10 feet. Smiling she takes out a bottle of water and asks if I’m going to have that one or if I’m going to change my mind.

With a serious face I say, “No, that one is fine” and then proceeded to ask “Do you feel like making a chicken sandwich?”

“No”, she answered and smiled.

Looking into her brown eyes I say “Well, that’s just too bad because I want a chicken sandwich” She smiles again and her eyes closed a little because she kind of laughed at my demand. Yeah, we are mean to each other, but that’s the way we always talk.

“Ok, but it is going to take a long time”, said in a serious, but playful way. “What kind of salad do you want?”

“I don’t want a salad”

“Well, it comes with a salad”

“You take the salad” Looking into her eyes.

She gives me this smile, but it wasn’t your average “you’re funny” smile, or the “I can’t believe you just said that” smile, it was more of a “aww, thanks” kind of smile. I hope you get what I’m talking about, if not, you need to get out there and make friends with girls.

All this happened with a smirk in my face. I paid and she gave the change back. I left for my seat and turned my computer on. I logged into the chat room and found Abaddon.

Que paso cabron? No te hagas pendejo, deja un pinche comment de vez en cuando, si bien que sigues mi blog.

We chatted a little bit. You know, your average chat room talk, well, kind of. We’ve known each other for years.

About 15 minutes went by and I got really hungry. Got up and went to the counter to see how my food was coming along. The girl notices me. Stops what she was doing. Leans over the counter towards me, puts her right hand almost to my face with two fingers up and says in a mean, but playful way

“It’s going to be ready in two minutes”

I don’t know why, or what took over me, but for some reason I grabbed her hand, but not in a wussy “your skin is so soft” kind of way. I did it firmly, I actually grabbed her wrist and not her hand, and pulled her a little towards me. She tried to fight back to free her hand, but she couldn’t. The tension was raising, but not “bad” tension. It was more like the tension you see at the movies when the guy is trying to kiss the girl and she fights back, but end up kissing passionately anyways.

No words were exchanged. Only looked into each other’s eyes the whole time. Then she tried to use her left hand, but I moved mine along with her right hand. We were like little kids who fight, but won’t really hurt each other. It was a really weird event.

I let go and went to my seat with the smirk always in my face.

About 10 minutes went by and I saw in the reflection of the glass doors that she was looking at me. I concluded my chicken sandwich was ready. But I wasn’t going to get up, so I pretended I didn’t see or hear her.

She leaned over the counter and stretched her arms trying to call for my attention. I was giving her my back because of the way I was seated, but I could see everything through the reflection of the doors.

I see she turns away and disappears, seconds later she comes with my order in her hands and gives me this karate chop in a playful way in my shoulder. She said something, but I didn’t really understand what it was since I had the headphones on.

Now, I don’t know what really happened, but I think it was something worth mentioning.
So that’s the story of this posts.

If you’re reading this and didn’t click on any of the ads in my blog, well, fuck you. You’re getting to read my adventure but won’t help me? Come on.

Please click on the ads, I’ve clicked a few of them and they seem to sell pretty good quality stuff. I clicked the one where they sell shirts.

Well, thanks for reading.

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