Thursday, December 16, 2010


...And she came back to my life. And wants to see me.

Friday, September 3, 2010



Thursday, August 19, 2010


You may be wondering where have I been, right?

The truth is I have been just really busy. Working on my on-line business about 6 days a week. I haven't really dated anyone lately, so far the 'interesting' stuff is one girl told me I could go and work for the LA times (where she works) as a web something. I don't remember the title. Little does she know I can't work for a company like that.

I also met a cute girl the other day at the ice cream shop. I felt a vibe between us, however, everything went down the drain when she told me she was from Portland, and was visiting LA only for a few days.

I finally got my New Balance running shoes thinking they would had been made in America, to my surprise, they had been made in China.

At work things are difficult. The owner of the company had a stroke about 2 months ago and his nephew took his place. A lot of changes have been made, some good, some not so.

The worst part is he expects me to "volunteer" for work now that one of the older technicians is going away fro surgery for two weeks. I don't mind working more, I just don't want to work more for the same amount of money.

I hardly have time for this blog nowadays.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Update and a little something with AM

Well, lots of stuff have happened since my last update. Perhaps the most important is that the owner of the company where I work became really sick and his nephew took over, which represented lots of changes. The biggest one is no more paid holydays. I don’t really care about that, but others in the company do; people who have been working there for over 20 years.

I wonder where all this will end.

Now about the girls. Well, Nathaly left for Chicago on June 23 and is to come back late this month. Yes, we had a second and a third date. Although she is really cool and nice, she is not really my type. But I’m sure she will make a great friend.

And Fanny, well, we had a huge fight on July 4th, and all I said was “Habra quien te quiera, pero no quien te ruege” after she told me she had to work and couldn’t come to Marina Del Rey to look at the fireworks. I was just kidding and she took it really bad. I guess that’s what I get for “being” with an 18 year old girl. From now on, I’m only going after girls 22 and older.

Oh, and I had some more to tell about AM (yes, the same girl from the Colombian festival about two years ago) It turns out Saturday she called me to ask if I could install her AC to the window of her new apartment.

When I got there, she went up to this little closet where the AC from her old apartment was and tried to take it out, but couldn’t because it was stuck against something. I, being this handsome strong guy, decided to help her. So she was bent over (literarily with her ass in the air) and I told her to let it go, but she didn’t so, I did the right thing and kind of hugged her from behind with my right hand holding the AC, the left arm kind of close to her boobs, and my legs behind her legs. (yes, kind of a awkward position, but it was all because she didn’t let go of the AC! Not because I had happened to make any moves on her)

I got the AC free and with both of us holding it in the position described above, pulled it out. With all the movement, somehow the outside of her right hand rubbed against, “The General” to be more precise, “My General”. I looked at her, and she kind of looked down, and a little ashamed said softly, “I’m sorry” I didn’t say anything other than to pick up the cord for the AC.

By then I was carrying the AC by myself and took it to her bedroom.

She looked very stressed out, apparently she had hired some people to clean the carpet, but they hadn’t showed up and she had to leave for work in a few hours.

The 3rd place match for the FIFA world cup was on. And she kept yelling at the TV every time Uruguay did something wrong. She asked me to forgive her, she then mentioned she had bet $50 on Uruguay.

After taking all the measurements, I told her I would be going back to install it next Saturday.

I wonder what will happen then.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Male Fashion 101 - Pants

Pants are very important in a guy’s life. They can either make, or break you. For that reason you have to put special attention as to what kind of pants you wear anywhere you go. Make sure to wear the proper pants for the right place.

Ok, first things first, you are not 16 anymore. So wearing baggy jeans almost anywhere is not a choice. Those days are over and you have to deal with it. Changing pants style can be very difficult at first, but over time you will get used to it and you will be glad once the compliments start coming.

As an adult male, you have the responsibility of dressing properly. That means you have to coordinate your pants depending on the occasion. When I was in high school my “uniform” was that of a t-shirt, some jeans, and my beloved dirty sneakers. Thank god those days are over and now I dress different.

Basically a guy needs 3 different types of pants. If you’re more of an “outdoor” guy, then the number goes up, but these 3 will cover most of us “city dudes”. You need dress pants, jeans, and some going out shorts for those summer days. Make sure to pick pants you can use either for a date or just for kicking it around the house.

Up until recently my dress pants were not really that nice. Since I don’t work in an office and I have some very nice jeans, I didn’t really have the need for some formal dress pants. So I went for Dickies pants, the original fit. I like those because they are not that thigh or that baggy. They were about $35. And I was kind of happy with them.

But then I watched Carlos Baute in a video with Martha Sanchez and I felt in love with the pants he wore. After looking for them on-line I found some that look a lot like the ones he wore. Don’t worry, I’ll give out the link to where you can view and purchase them if you want, but fist let me finish the description.

They are nice, not too thigh to the butt or too baggy at the bottom. They are very versatile and you can wear them to a date or just when you want to go out and look nice without looking overdressed. I read the reviews it had on the website, and almost everyone agrees every guy should own a pair of these pants. So I purchased them and they got here about four days after the purchase date.

I still need to take them out for a spin, but I’m sure they will look great.

Here is the link for these great pants. If you’re the guy who is interested in exploring with dress pants, I strongly suggest you start with these. I got the True Black color since Khaki is not really my style. After shipping and taxes I ended up paying about $40

Now jeans can be very tricky. A certain pair of jeans will make you look great, while others will…just not do the job.

What am I talking about? Skinny jeans. Skinny jeans suck. There, I said it and I’m sure every guy who is in his right mind will agree with me. I could write a whole post on why no guy should ever wear skinny jeans, but I honestly don’t have the time to do so. So I’ll just give out 3 reasons why you shouldn’t get skinny jeans:

1. They are too tight. You don’t want to look like a girl from behind, do you? I guess there’s no need for more explanations with this one.

2. Only really skinny guys will fit right in skinny jeans. Mother nature didn’t create the body of guys to be skinny, so trying to fit into something that’s not for you is just pointless.

3. Skinny jeans are not manly.

Skinny jeans are great for skinny girls. But for some reason everyone seems to think they look good in them, even some fat guys. I live in Hollywood, so the sight of a fat guy in skinny jeans is not that rare here. (and it also is a very depressing sight too)

So now on to the good jeans.

If you’re 17, then I guess baggy jeans will be Ok for you, but if you want to look like a grown up man, then I suggest going for the classic style the Levi’s 527 or 517 give.

The difference between these two is that the 517s will make you look more of a cowboy, while the 527s will give you more of an urban look. Either way, they are the right jeans for a grown up man who wants to look nice, but at the same time be a rebel.

You can get these hard to find jeans at :

Not only they look cool by themselves, but they can be worn with boots or tennis shoes (not gym shoes). And if you’re not that tall, like me, only 5’ 7” They will make you look taller.

As you can see, every aspect of these two jeans, is great. This is the right choice.

Why am I including shorts in the pants post? Well, I honestly don’t know. I guess I want guys to look nice and be comfortable at the same time. During the summer it is really hard to wear jeans and boots outside. This is specially painful if you live in places like Los Angeles and Miami. The summer can be very hot here. Here, the trick is simple. Just go to the nearest mall and look for some formal shorts, not the ones you would wear to play soccer or basketball. Make sure they go almost up to your knee. You don’t want them to be too short. If wearing formal shorts is something new for you I suggest going for dark brown or black shorts, since those will look good with almost any king of shirt you have in your closet already. If you want to be more “out there” then go for some white ones.

How do you know you picked the right shorts? The shorts I’m describing will require you to wear a belt when you have then on.

Just put on a white v-neck t-shirt and some leather sandals and you will look great all summer long and be comfortable too. Since these are formal shorts, you can also wear a formal shirt too.

Don’t forget your sunglasses since with these look, you will be the center of attention, and it will be your chance to look like a movie star.

I hope this had covered all of your pants needs. If you have something to say, go ahead and do so. I check this blog constantly even if I haven’t posted anything for a long time. Take care and see you later.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

About Gay Marriage

Today I have decided to write about gay marriage and why I’m against it. First of all, and before you start calling me a “homophobe”, let me set things straight. I don’t hate gays or preach any sort of violence against them, in fact I condone any hate crimes. But that’s not the point of this post.

Since I was little, there has been an ongoing debate about legalizing gay marriage. At first the idea of two guys kissing was really gross. I could not understand why would a guy enjoy kissing another guy.

Then, as I grew older, I began to understand how the gay mentality worked and how they are not sick or any different from the rest of us “normal” people (no one is really normal, we just act that way). I learned gay people are good people, who just want to live a normal life and mean no harm to anyone. Just like the rest of us, they too just want to live happily.

So, for much of my teenage years, I was in favor of gay marriage. And I thought people who were against gay marriage were just a bunch of ignorant narrow minded religious nuts. You know, people who was happy living in 18th century America.

Time passed by, and suddenly I noticed something. I wasn’t really a “manly” guy. At 5’ 7” and 135 lbs I was very little, plus I was really shy. Lack of confidence followed me everywhere. That’s when for some reason I stumbled into David DeAngelo’s program of “How To Be Good With Girls”.

There I learned that if I wanted to be good with girls, I would have to be a man first. The problem was I never really had a roll model of how a man must be. My parents got divorced when I was 13, so I pretty much did what my mom told me to do. That also included accepting people who were “different” from me. Historically women have been a lot more open minded to accepting changes into their world. So it wasn’t a surprise when I asked my mom if she was OK with gay marriage and she answered “I would still love my son, if he turned out to be gay”. Still to this day, I don’t really know if she said that because she thought I was gay or not.

Remember, back then I was a very skinny delicate guy who didn’t like to fight or was able to handle confrontation. Even now, I still don’t like to fight, however, now I can get into fights if there’s no other way out; and with guys taller than me. Of course, now I’m 20 lbs heavier, run about 2 miles 3 times a week, and I can bench about 100 lbs (not much, but I don’t want big muscles, I just want to tone the ones I already have).

But the most important change has been my attitude. Before I used to be really shy, I just wanted people leave me alone, that’s why I got teased so much in high school. And now my attitude is that of “I’ll punch you in the face if you mess with me”. I have been in countless fights ever since, specially at work, where people only respect you when you can defend yourself.

Then something inside my head changed. I don’t know if was the testosterone levels raising in my body, or the rush I got when I get on my motorcycle and go really fast, but suddenly I didn’t think two guys or girls kissing was OK. I don’t know if you have ever felt that rush if you’re a guy, but if you’re reading, and you’re a girl it would be pointless trying to understand what I’m trying to say. It would be like a woman trying to explain to me how giving birth feels like. Nature didn’t give me the equipment to understand that kind of feeling because it is something only a woman can feel, and I’m not a woman.

It is a really strong feeling I had never experience until I followed David DeAngelo’s advice and began to “be a man”. As I’ve said before, I became more violent, and my opinion changed on subjects like gay marriage. It was then that I realized I was ok with it because it seemed like everyone was ok it too; tv, radio, most women, and nobody really wanted to be against it. So, like a good sheep, I followed everyone else around me.

I didn’t want the world around me to start accepting gay marriage, why? Because I think it is wrong; something our society should not accept. However, I knew they had the right to do with their lives what they wanted. They could be together and there was nothing I could do to stop that.

I didn’t want my kids to live in a world where two people of the same sex can get married and pretend everything was fine. Why? Because I don’t think it is ok for two people of the same sex to be considered at married.

Some people have said “marriage is a thing of love” and that’s why two persons who love each other should be able to get married if they want regardless of their sexual orientation. But I don’t believe that’s quite true. Yes, marriage is about love, however is it also about how society sees you. I don’t want to be part of a society that doesn’t see anything wrong with legalizing same sex marriage.

That’s why there is this battle going on. Some people are against and other in favor of gay marriage, and neither can’t leave society.

We need to keep our traditions, not only because it is the right thing to do, but because the whole future of our species depends on it. Other civilizations have accepted gay trends in their society (along with other, way crazier stuff) and look where they are now. Yes, those ancient civilizations are dead.

I got the feeling all of this is due to a lack of real men in our society. I have witnessed with my own two eyes how a “lesbian” girl felt for a jerk in a motorcycle. When? Well, I am that jerk in the motorcycle. This tells me the “girl in the relationship” is only with the other girl because she is really manly. And how lesbian can you really be when you’re with someone who looks, acts, smells, and sometimes even thinks like a man? Not very. It only took a jerk in jeans and a cool bike to bring her back. I knew she would had accepted a ride in my bike if I had offered her one.

What does all that tells me about society and this whole “inner sexuality” thing? Well, that although there are some genuine lesbians and gays, there are some who are just confused and are with a same sex partner because they are attracted to some of their qualities. In the case mentioned above, the girl is with the other girl just because the other girl has the qualities a man should have.

I’m against a relationship like that, not because I think they are sick, but because I don’t approve a girl and a girl should be together.

For now this all I have to say, but when I feel the need to keep talking, I’ll go ahead and do so.

Monday, May 31, 2010


I know I haven't posted anything in a wild, but please be patient. As of today, I'm dealing with lots of things, dating 2 girls at once, plus a really crazy and tiring Memorial weekend.

But be patient, I'm currently working on 2 big ass posts. One about pants, you know, for my Male Fashion 101 saga, and the other is about gay marriage.

Friday, May 21, 2010

No Hay Nada Eterno

El tiempo me ha venido a decirme
que nada es igual
Que yo no puedo continuar asi

Que voy viajando en un tren expreso
que no puedo frenar
Y cada instante es un momento que se va

Y no hay forma de saber
cuanto me falta por viajar
A veces siento miedo

No puedo parar

Ha cambiado todo voy cambiando
En mi no hay nada eterno
No puedo parar

Voy muriendo un poco
Voy cambiando en mi
No hay nada eterno
No puedo parar

Y el tiempo viene a cobrar
esos momentos sin hablar
Y cada hora debo dar

Todo ha cambiado
Todo voy cambiando en mi

Voy muriendo un poco
Ha cambiado todo
Voy cambiando en mi
No hay nada eterno
No puedo parar

Voy muriendo un poco
Voy cambiando en mi
No hay nada eterno
No puedo parar

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Today I woke up with a headache, and I don't know why.

Now on to bragging.

Should I call Fanny today or wait until tomorrow to ask her out?


Oh, and on another note, Nataly loved my motorcycle when we went out last week. She is only 18, but I don't really give a rat's ass. Soon I'll have my own apartment, and that's all that matters.

I'll have the money in about 8 months, and I'm already designing how it is going to look. I will finally have my very own "bachelor pad" in Hollywood.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Immigration News

I haven't written anything lately. I have been kind of busy. Been looking for an apartment and saving money for when the day finally comes. I have met one or two girls here and there. Actually, just last night I talked to a girl at the gym. She is hispanic, but has a white boyfriend. Although she doesn't have the nicest body or the cutest face, I find her very attractive. Maybe it's just the fact that I can't have her what makes her so pretty.

She asked me if I was using one of those big rubber balls that was next to me, and I made her laugh with my answer. I can't think of a reason as to why keep talking to her.

Perhaps the biggest news so far is one of my friends was caught red handed in Arizona. Angel called me yesterday to tell me all about it. My friend even made it to the news and on the internet. I wish I could post the link to the video, but it would be stupid for me to do so.
"He went down, but he did it on style" I joked and made Angel laugh after I watched the video.

Lets just say he was smart, but not so smart. I hope he gets deported instead of a long sentence in jail.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

With nothing to say

Well, nothing has really happened since my last post. Perhaps the only real news is I found a great apartment near downtown at $800 a month with all the utilities included.

I know the owner of the building, so I'm saving to move there in about a year or so.

Oh, and I got some pants after I watched the Martha Sanchez and Carlos Baute video; the colgando en tus manos one. It was kind of hard finding them, but finally I found the pants Carlos was wearing at I only had to spend about $40.

and remember that Brazilian looking girl who works at the coffee shop, well, she is not there anymore. I think she found a better job. In her place is a beautiful young blonde girl.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


This week has been a really busy and sad week. I guess it all began Tuesday when a girl who "works in the streets" came into the shop. She has a reputation of giving out $20 BJ's and perform private strip tease dances for whatever money you have.

She is really pretty, but you can see she is into drugs. If she weren't doing so much shit to her body and mind, she would be a nice girlfriend.

Normally when she comes, I'm not there, but for some reason she showed up at around 12:00 pm. So I looked at her and she looked at me. After a exchanging a few words, i took her to the back of the shop, you know, for a "private show". She told me if I wanted a BJ it would be $20 as she took a condom. I told her it would not be necessary.

The show was a bit of a disappointment. Although she has an OK body, I guess all the rumors were just that, rumors. I gave her $10 and she thanked me.

Friday morning when I arrived to work, I noticed an ambulance parked outside the house that's next to the shop. Eventually I learned that a girl I know, had attempted suicide. Apparently this wasn't the first time she tried it, however, this time, she finally completed her goal.

She was about 38, but had been suffering from depression since her grandmother passed away about 2 years ago. I hope she finally stopped suffering.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Earth Day

Last Wednesday I got an e-mail informing me one of my designs was chosen to be part of the Earth Day 2010 website exposition. Good, free publicity.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Birthday Party

Sunday was my friend S. birthday party and that night I realized something. It all began in the morning at around 10 when S. called me and asked if I could go over to his house and help him clean the place.

I accepted and waited for him to pick me up. He and his girlfriend arrived about half an hour later. In the truck they had a bunch of stuff they had picked up for the party already. Tables, chairs, and big pots for the pozole. Apparently they were expecting 20 or so people.

Once there, my job was to clean the garage where the party would take place. S. lives with his family and in the garage there were lots of toys scattered around. They belong to his nephew Ks. We pretty much cleaned the whole place up in about one hour. We even had the time to do some decoration work, well, I did that under the management of S’s girlfriend, J. She mainly just told me where to hang the signs.

At around 3 pm, and after watching the Real Madrid vs. Barcelona game, I went back home and told everyone I would come back for the party at night. Left knowing once I came back N, S’s sister, would be there.

I took care of some stuff I had to do that afternoon. And I even felt a sleep watching a soccer match on tv (I guess that tells how exciting was that game). At 9 pm I got a call from S. asking when I would be showing up. By then I was already in the parking lot, getting ready to leave.

About 15 minutes later, I was pulling up to S’s driveway. Parked the motorcycle and as I was doing so another car arrived. From that car, Lzth, Fy, and Dla came down. All of them looking hot as hell. Even when S. doesn’t really like Dla that much, I told him to invite her over, so I could spend the whole night watching her long, and yummy legs. They greeted me and when inside. By then S. and Ch. Had come out from the house S. took Lzth’s car and parked it in a tight spot in the street.

Got in. On my way to the table I ran into the family at the kitchen. Even when I said “Hi” to everyone there, I put special interest on N. She is not the typical Hispanic girl you meet everyday. She is different, very different from the rest. She is a lot sweeter and very docile. We looked into each other’s eyes when I walked in. As usual, we smiled, but kept looking at each other a few moments without saying a word.

Even when I have known S for years, I never had the opportunity or the interest of meeting any of his sisters until recently. That’s when I met Ada and N. That’s also when I found out that was married and had a four year old son.

The place was FULL. It was only about 9:30pm and there were at least 20 inside. I quickly sat down to eat knowing more people would be showing up and I noticed we had started to run out of chairs already. Talked and cracked a couple of jokes with the people around me. Then I went up to the rest of the tables to greet everyone there since I knew everyone at the party.

After 20 or so minutes I got up, excused myself and left for the kitchen, since I had noticed a group of about 8 (girls and guys) come in. In the kitchen, it was pure chaos. S and his girlfriend J serving food to the people at the tables and S‘s sisters were doing something too.

“Que haces aqui Juan Carlos?” (What are you doing here Juan Carlos?) I heard Ada say.

Then out of nowhere N came and said “Juan Carlos cohibido, no lo puedo creer” (A quiet Juan Carlos, I can’t believe it)

I looked at N and said “Es que conozco a todos y no se a quien hablarle” (I know everyone and I don’t know who to talk to)

She laughed. Then I looked at her and told her there was something weird going on. She towered over me. At least 2 inches.

She was wearing high heels and looked very beautiful. She is normally about an inch shorter than me. So I said “Asi no se vale. Tambien yo me voy a poner tacones altos” (That’s not fair, in that case, I’ll use high heels too) She laughed hard again.

Then I left to mingle with the people at the party. I thought that would be the only interaction we would be having.

I was talking to Ch when suddenly S came up to us and ask Ch if he could go with his sister to the store and get more beer since she didn’t want to be out at night alone. I don’t know what took over me. Without thinking twice about it. I offered myself for the job. I wasn’t sure if the sister he was talking about was N or Ada. I just took a chance and hoped it would be N.

So Ch was driving, and I was in the front seat while N was in the back seat. The weirdest thing is that it was her car. Well, if you look at it carefully it wasn’t that weird since N is one of those girls who doesn’t really like to be the leader at almost anything. That also includes driving.

And for that reason I find her extremely attractive. Its like our personalities are made one for another. Since most of the times I’m the leader at what we do, sometimes I think she is attracted to me.

Before I she got into the car, I opened the door for her and said “Ladies first”, she smiled and thanked me. On the way to the store we all started to talk.

I think this story is getting too long for no real reason. After being around N all night long, I realized I would like to find a girl like her. Sweet and innocent, you know, the kind of girl who would hide and then cry after she has a confrontation with anyone.

The party really didn’t end that night, but I left at around 1am without anyone noticing and through the back door, you know, to be the center of attention once everyone had noticed I was missing.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Moving Day

The last Sunday of March G moved from the apartment he and his girlfriend had near Wilshire and Western and asked me to help out. Apparently they are going their separate ways or something like that. I don’t really know. The think is his girlfriend moved out somewhere near Western while he is going near Venice.

His girlfriend moved out about 3 weeks or so. And in the apartment there was only his stuff and the kitchen furniture. Since he thought he didn’t have lots of stuff to move, only me, him and another guy were going to do the whole moving thing. Sounded easy, right? Boy, it was a lot of hard work.

For starters his friend didn’t show up as planned in the morning because he got drunk the previous night. So there was only two of us…with no truck because that guy was the one was supposed to get it. Great.

I arrived to his apartment at around 10 am and found a mess inside his apartment.

“Now you really live like a bachelor who has no prospects in life” I said when I came in and he laughed.

He said he had been doing some cleaning before leaving. So I asked him where he was going to put all of his stuff. He said we still needed to go to get the boxes at Ralph’s or another place. But first we needed to walk to his girlfriend apartment to get the car.

His girlfriend moved into a 2 bedroom apartment she shares with no other than AM. Yes, the hot Colombian girl who slept in my arms last summer when we all went to the colombian festival in Pico Rivera. I still remember the argument we had later that day. If you want to read the whole story, look for one of my May 2009 posts named “AM and the colombian festival” or something like that.

It had been almost a year since the last time I saw her. Got to their place. He and his girlfriend went into her room leaving me in the almost empty living room. There was a stereo tuned to “Latino 96.3” or some other regetton shit station and a big sofa, but that was it.

It was about 11:30am and the blinds were closed and it was hot. I walked to the kitchen looking for a glass of water. Instead, the first thing I found were dirty dishes in the sink. For some reason I can’t stand the sight of dirty dishes just standing there. So I started doing them. But since I was doing the dishes, I thought it would only be fair to listen to a station I enjoy. So I changed it to KROQ and started doing the dishes again. There weren’t many of them. When I was almost done I hear someone behind me.


“Hey“, I answered without turning back

“Que haces?(what are you doing)” She said with her accent.

“Estoy lavando los trastes(I’m doing the dishes)” I answered and then turned to her.

I found her dark eyes and her pink skin. She was still in her pink pajamas. She looked so pretty and innocent. Too bad she made a really bad first impression on me. The night I met her, she was drunk stupid, sleeping in the back seat of G’s girlfriend car. That’s why I treat her somewhat bad.

I know that if I start to be “charming”, she will like me (although I think she does now) and I don’t know if I’ll be able to stay away from her. After all, she does look like the kind of girl I tend to go for. About 5’4”, 135 lbs, fair skin, with dark eyes and hair.

Although AM looks like the girl of my dreams, I know she is not. Her personality is very friendly, however, something tells me she is hiding something. She does look like the kind of girl who likes money and puts it over other stuff.

That’s why I tend to talk as little as possible to her.

“Yo los iba a lavar(I was going to do them)”

“Si, pero yo ya te gane(Yes, but I beat you to them)” Still looking into her eyes.

She laughed and thanked me.

I saw an empty can of soda at the counter, took it and asked her where the trash can was. She says, they recycle. So I just poured some water and rinsed it out and put it back where it was. She thanked me again, but this time I added

“Gracias nada, van a ser 50 dolares” (thanks nothing, it is going to be 50 dollars)

She laughs again and says, “Que te los pague Jenny”, and left to her room.

I turned back to the sink to clean it. I always though an apartment shared by two girls would be spotless. At least that’s the experience I have from work. I get to go into people’s houses and see who cleans what, and who lives like a pig.

Not a minute had passed and G came out and told me, “Ok ama de casa. Vamonos”

We headed to the store and bought the boxes. Fortunately they still had some left. By this time he had called his friend and told him he would be showing up at 1pm. But in reality he only showed up at 3pm because he was getting the truck from another friend.

In the meanwhile me and G started to pack all of his shit. For a small apartment and only two people, he had LOTS of shit. It was mostly VHS movies, bunch of school papers and metallica cassesttes from when G was in high school. I asked him if he was really going to take those to his new place. At first he said no, but then changed his mind. And then he once changed his mind. So before he could change it again, i grabbed the boxes and went down to the trash can and threw everything there.

We were not even half way done when G’s friend showed up. He came and saw all the mess. And then said he needed to go somewhere else to do something and that he would be back in a bit. Left without being in the apartment for 5 minutes.

Now that really pissed me off. It looked as if it was me the one who was in a rush to move out of the apartment and not G. He seemed really calmed and confident we would be able to get everything done that day.

Not only this fucker got drunk the previous night and showed up at 3pm to help, but the stupid idiot shows up in a minivan thinking everything would fit in there. He had no dolly to move stuff around (and we were in a 4th floor) and was so confident a full size refrigerator was going to be easy to move.

That’s when I really had it. After the fucker left, I took the phone and called a friend from work. He has a pick up truck and a dolly. He owes me a couple of favors, so he agreed to come and help us in a Sunday with no previous notice.

I told G that we needed to put all of the boxes in his car and move them to his new place. Since the refrigerator and kitchen table were going to his g/f place, we would have to come back for them later when my friend showed up in the pick up truck.

We took the kitchen table apart and moved the boxes out when G’s friend showed up again. To my surprise it had been less than half an hour. They decided to put the boxes and some small stuff in the minivan and took them to G’s place. I waited there for my friend. They came back when my friend had showed up and we were taking the refrigerator down. Since it was a really big refrigerator it didn’t fit in the elevator. So we had to take the stairs.

I was just glad I was doing this with a dolly and with someone who does this for a living and not with two idiots and no dolly.

So we headed to G’s girlfriend place with only the refrigerator because magically the kitchen table was able to fit in the minivan. It wasn’t really a big table and the whole base could be taken apart in 5 small light parts.

She was waiting for us outside the apartment building. G and his friend took the kitchen table in first. Then me and my friend took the refrigerator down from the truck. When we got it down, I pulled it up the curb by myself. I turned around and saw G’s girlfriend looking at me. She smiled and said “Estas fuerte Juan” (you’re strong Juan).

Although this wasn’t the heaviest refrigerator we have moved, it wasn’t the lightest either.

Jenny’s apartment is in the first floor, however, to get there, you need to go up about 7 or so steps. Me, the refrigerator and my friend from work were at the bottom and others were up. That’s when G’s friend (the idiot with the minivan) yelled at us. “Si pueden o quieren que los ayude?” ( Can you do it, or you do need help?) in a mocking way.

And I yelled back “Este trabajo es para hombres, no para ninos” (This is a job for men, not kids). Everyone burst into laughter and the guy shut up and looked at the floor.

Then I heard G’s girlfriend say “Eso Juan” and smiled at me. Aparently she doesn’t like that guy much either.

We got up the stairs and headed to the apartment. Everyone stayed out or at least that’s how it looked from my point of view since I had been pulling the refrigerator with the dolly since we got it down the truck. And couldn’t really see who was and who was not around.

When we got into the apartment, my friend asked, “Donde esta la colombiana estupidita?”(so, where is the stupid colombian girl?) He asked because I told him all about the incident from the Colombian festival and had told him she was going to live there.

I answered “Lo mas seguro es que se este escondiendo” (most likely, she is hidding somewhere)

Then we cracked a couple of jokes from work. Like the morning when Jose (a worker from one of the building management companies we deal with) had showed up to work to kick my butt, but ended running away because P scared him away before he ran into me.

After setting the refrigerator in place, I pulled it against the wall. That’s when I noticed my friend wasn’t there anymore, and in his place, there was G’s girlfriend looking at me. I was still laughing and saying some stuff from work.

She looked at me and asked “Juan, por que eres tan grocero?” (Juan, why do you swear a lot?) and smile at me.

This caught me with my guard down completely. I answered, “Asi soy yo” (that’s the way I am)

Looked to my left, and there was AM looking at me. I looked into her eyes, and said “Que?” (What). She laughed for some reason. I took my stuff from inside the refrigerator, and left without saying anything. Headed back to G’s place to get my motorcycle and left to my home very tired.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Instant Karma

Wednesday night was just another night at the cafĂ©. I was working in my designs. In the seat in front of me, there was this girl who is OK. You know, about 5’3” and about 120 lbs. Looked in her mid to late 20’s. White. When I came in, our eyes met and then she turned away. Since the place was almost full, the only seat available was right behind her.

I took the table and noticed the outlet where her computer was plugged, was right at my feet. I though that would give me a great opportunity to talk to her. Specially since her AC adaptor was very large and was obstructing both outlets. She had a Mac computer.

So I waited about 30 minutes. Then I took my AC adaptor and said in her direction:

“Excuse me?”

No answer from her. I though she didn’t hear me because she was wearing her headphones.

“Hey?” I said, but this time lauder. Still no answer.

“Hey?” I said again. “Hola?” I said, but she didn’t answer either.

So I tapped her shoulder and she turned around. My original plan was to ask her if it was OK if I disconnected her AC adaptor and plug it back in the bottom one since hers was occupying both, sneak one of my A material lines, and wait to see how she reacted.

So she turned around. Looked at me, smiled, shook her head “no” and turned back to her computer without giving me time to say anything.

That really pissed me off. She probably though I was trying to “hit on her” or something. Well, she was right, I was trying to hit on her, but still, that’s no way to act when a stranger taps your shoulder and wants your attention. What if instead of me, it had been one of those guys who have low self confidence? She would had probably devastated the little will those guys have to talk to pretty girls they don’t know.

So I unplugged her AC adapter and plugged mine in. I noticed her screen went dimmer, and then brighter when I plugged it back in. But she didn’t even turn to me to see what had happened.

So I sat back and decided to give her a taste of her own remedy. Sooner or later she had to leave and she was going to have that AC adapter unplugged and as long as I was sitting there, she was going to need my help.

Waited patiently until 10 at night. I noticed she was getting ready to leave. That’s when I sat closer to the table and opened my legs, you know, to make it more difficult for her if she went under my table and unplugged the AC adapter herself. I saw her packing her stuff, then she turned around and said if I could get her AC adapter. Suddenly this bitch was acting nice and expected me to be nice too. I looked at her, smiled, and went back to my computer. Ignoring her.

She got up and went under my table. I was with my legs wide open and with my right foot I was stepping on the AC adapter’s cable and at the same time blocking the way to the adapter. So if she wanted to get it, she would have to move my foot no matter what.

That of course made things even more difficult for her, and extended the time she spent under my table, with my balls and “the general” close to her face or at least closer to what she wanted them to be. In the mean while I was just kind of smiling and thinking of what a jerk I can be. I also though that if someone had looked at us from the right angle, they would think she was giving me a blow job. And that thought made me smile.

So, she finally moved my foot and unplugged the AC adapter and when she got up said angrily “Thank you though”.

I ignored her and just kept on half smiling to myself.

She packed the rest of her stuff and headed to the door. Before leaving, she turned and gave me a really dirty look.

I guess the lesson here is to never be mean to strangers…specially if you’re a pretty girl. Who knows, maybe you will end up in a position where you’ll look like you’re giving that guy a blow job, like this girl did.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Census 2010

I just got up. Last night I got in pretty late. Went to my friend’s place to get a hair cut and ended up going to Carl’s Junior at about 10 at night. Got home at about midnight. But on the other hand, I do look great.

I also decided to boycott the Census 2010. I mean why would I want to be counted so that California can get money when California would not give me a driver’s license even when I’m a good guy, don’t get into trouble, work hard, pay taxes, and I’m a civilized person most of the time.

I participated in the past, however, this time it’s different. I am tired of the government and their empty promises. Now its time to give the government a little taste of their own remedy.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my city and I wish things were different, but hey, that’s the way it is.

Now on to something else. My motorcycle looks great with the new seats and I have to admit it makes me the attraction of the neighborhood. I finally figured out what was causing that noise. Turns out I ran the new clutch cable where it didn’t go. I had to remove and reinstalled the gas tank, but now it runs great.

Also Sunday night I met a pretty girl in the cafĂ©. She lives in Pasadena, but is originally from Virginia. Although she doesn’t laugh a lot, seemed very nice…too bad I didn’t write down her phone number right. Now only god knows when I’ll see her again.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Santa Paula

Last week one of my co workers asked me if I could go over to his brother’s house and fix the heater. I agreed. Then he told me the house was in Santa Paula, CA. Since he is a good friend I decided to go. So we agreed to go there Sunday morning.

It was kind of an easy job since the problem was only a loose cable that was preventing the burn to come on and start the blower. I got to be outside of LA for the first time in about 5 years.

Santa Paula is a small community that’s growing and made me miss big city LA lots. Thank god I’m back home now.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Rite Aide

Last night I was feeling a little sick. After the gym, went to a local Rite Aid and bought some over the counter medicine. As I was walking to the register, I noticed they were selling lighters with cool graphics. I picked them up. As soon as the lady saw them, she asked for my ID.

I told her i wasn't buying cigarettes, but said she needed to see my ID anyways. I told her I was 26. Apparently she didn't believe me. And asked for my ID again.

I normally don't carry my ID with me, so I had to leave the lighters behind.

This is the first time I buy lighters in a Rite Aide, so I don't know if that's the standard procedure. I always get my lighters from the 7-Eleven and have no problems.

oh, I almost forgot to mention I finally fixed the seats in my motorcycle. Will post pictures soon.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mexico vs New Zealand in Pasadena

Last Wednesday I went to watch the National Mexican soccer team for the first time in my life. Normally I don’t go to these games because Mexico, for the most part, comes with a very young and inexperienced team to LA. But this time it was different. Since the FIFA world cup will be this summer, they brought the “good team” to Pasadena.

For this reason last Saturday S. called and asked me if I wanted to come to the game with him. I accepted and got the tickets for him, and his brother in law.

Come Wednesday, I got off early from work: at 5. Half an hour later S. Iv. And his cousin Ax. Picked me up and headed to Pasadena.

Since I don’t have any Mexico jerseys, I decided to wear my good old America one. I thought that would be good enough, but once I got into the truck. S. gave me a Mexico jersey (a green one) and he said he did it because he wanted everyone to wear a Mexico jersey.

There were 4 of us in the truck and behind us…S.’s brother in law came with other 4 friends I didn’t know. The plan was to get to the parking lot and from there walk to the stadium together. Nobody expected the parking lot to be that full and chaotic. So we ended up losing contact with S.’s brother in law due to all the cars and him losing cell phone service. I guess that gives you another reason to stay away from Metro PCS.

The four of us ended up walking through the crowded parking lot to the stadium. As I said, it was chaotic. Remembering what happened to us in the 2008 Pasadena Bike Tour (we left the van in one street and no one took the time to read the name of the street. At the end of the race we had to look for the van for another hour at least) S and I made sure everyone knew where we had parked:

Right under the balloon with a number 3 in it.

We walked until we saw a big ass line, so we guessed it was the line to get into the stadium. After waiting there for about 10 minutes. Ivan decided to “peek” if he could get us a better place in the line. So he got out of the line and walked to the front. Meanwhile a drunk guy was making the people waiting in line laugh with crazy jokes. He was drunk. Under his arm I saw a half empty bottle of Patron.

Then Santiago got a call. It was Ivan. He had managed to find a better place in front of the line. We took off. And walked ahead about 50 or 75 feet. We cut in line just about 20 feet away from the main entrance. (just like Santiago and I had been able to do that Black Friday in 2008 outside the Best Buy in La Brea and Santa Monica when he got his laptop)

We thought everything would go smoothly from there on. Things started to complicate when during inspection Alex was not let into the stadium because of his large camera. Since he had been the last of the four of us to get inspected, Ivan, who had been the first, walked without knowing his cousin was having trouble and wondered into the crowded stadium. Santiago had been the second, and I was the third to get inspected. I was the one who noticed Alex had been stopped and not let in. I called out Santiago and told him to wait and went after Ivan, who by then had crossed the line where they scan your ticket.

The security lady told Alex to go back to the truck and leave his camera. He asked her if he could just take the large lent thing off. She said she needed to check with his supervisor. So all of us waited there for about 10 minutes. After the supervisor came, he let Alex in and all of us walked in looking for the right gate.

But before anything, we stopped to buy one of those horn things where you have to blow really hard. To everyone’s surprise. It was harder than expected to make any kind of noise come out of that thing. Alex had no problem, I, however, was only able to blow into it without any kind of noise.

We had come in through the North entrance and were right in front of the 11 gate to get in. We walked in and the guy who checked our tickets to us (Santiago and me) to go to the other side of the stadium because our seats were there and told the others (Alex and Ivan) to look for gate 14 since their seats were there.

Now we are good Mexicans we’re not going to just give in that easily. Heck, we came together and were planning to watch the damn game together too. We had already lost half the original group (remember, the other five guys in the other van who we lost contact once in the parking lot?)

Walked to gate 12. Again, the guy told us to same thing. Walked to gate 13 and the same. Once we got to gate 14 the guy let Ivan and Alex in, but told us to look for gate 28, which was at the exact opposite end of the stadium.

Finally defeated and with roughly 35 minutes before the start of the game, all four of us got together and talked. We all agreed that if for any reason we got separated again, we would meet in the North entrance of the stadium and if it wasn’t possible we would meet in the truck which was right under the number 3 balloon. “Si se arman los madrazos, nos vemos en la salida norte o en el carro”
They went in, while me and Santiago practically had to run to the other side of the stadium. Time was running out and it was chaotic as hell. People walking in all directions and lines of people everywhere. Almost right in front of gate 20 I got a call from my brother asking me how was the game. I told him the situation and said I could not hear him due to all the noise. Mean while Santiago was calling someone.

It turned out to be Pablo, a mutual friend, cousin of a mutual friend in high school. After hanging up, Santiago told me to hurry because apparently Pablo had managed to go around security and was saving us a couple of seats behind one of the goals.

Found gate 28 and went in. The place was packed. You could hardly move. Eventually and from the distance, Santiago was able to spot Pablo. He was sitting way down close to the field. We finally got close to where he was, but now there was another big problem. A security lady was checking the tickets before you could go down the isle. So we waited closeby, pretending to watch the field and letting people go ahead of us.

Suddenly, he lady got called and got distracted. So we when down the isle. There was Pablo with two girls I didn’t know. And he sat there hoping no one would come around to claim those seats.

It was a good match…specially because Mexico won 2-0.

After the end we went back to the truck and waited for Alex and Ivan. The traffic was terrible going back to Hollywood. We ended up meeting Ivan’s wife, Lizbeth and Santiago’s girlfriend Jannet in a pizzeria near Sunset at around 11 pm.

It was a good night worth remembering.

Now there are a couple of pictures.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


There’s so much to write about, but at the same time, there’s so little time to do so. First, some updates.

The Brazilian looking girl at the cafĂ© went back to being cold and distant after the Valentine’s Day incident. In fact, I had not been able to go there until this passed Sunday. She didn’t say much, just took my order and gave me the change. As if nothing had happened. I’ve decided to leave things as they are with her.

Tomorrow, Wednesday March 3, we are going to the Rosebowl in Pasadena to watch the soccer match between Mexico and New Zeland. S., his brother in law and I got the tickets this Saturday for $30 each. Chances are I will be posting pictures about that.

We are planning to take a soccer ball and play outside in the parking lot…who knows, maybe Aguirre will see us and decide to take one of us to South Africa instead of Blanco or Marquez. Hey, anything can happen, right?

Lastly, Sunday I finally replaced the clutch cable in my motorcycle. The old one wasn’t broken or anything. It is just that I like to put new things on the stuff that drives me around. Only god knows when was the last time the clutch cable had been replaced. Now I know.

For some reason, after I reinstalled the gas tank (I had to take it off in order to replace the clutch cable) this weird noise started. It is a very low vibrating noise, however, just now I took off the tank again, and put it back. Took it out for a test drive, and everything seemed fine. Lets hope that solved the problem. I’m very “special” when it comes to taking care with the things that matter the most.

Oh, and I almost forgot I finally shipped my brand new computer back to the factory to be repaired. Some factory defects with the mouse buttons and the touch pad. Hopefully I’ll have it back next week.

Hey Novela, here is a kiss for you xoxox

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010--Part Two

When I came back from the bathroom and got to walk in front of her, she was preparing the order of the guy who had come in as we were hugging. She had her back to me, but turned her head to me and our eyes met. She smiled at me and I just kind of grinned at her. When I got to my seat, I started talking to that other girl…and that’s when things got interesting….

To be continued…

By then I had finished working in my designs and I was wasting time by chatting in the DAP chat room. Novela and Maelo were there. So it was just three. 5 minutes later I started talking to M, the how Armenian looking girl behind me.

By then I knew she had a boyfriend. So I was just talking to her because I didn’t want to give the impression I lost interest in her when I learned she had a boyfriend. But I did lose all interest in her after all.

We are talking and Ma, the brazilian looking girl is at the counter looking at us…and suddenly she takes out the piece of paper I gave her and waves it at me. And I think I heard her say “You’re mine. You said you love me baby”, but I could be wrong. She is waving the piece of paper and smiling at me in a playful way and I’m looking at her.

I was supposed to be talking to M, the girl seated behind me, but I got distracted by Ma, and this M noticed. So she turned around and saw Ma. By then, some customers had come in and Ma was talking to them.

“Ok, I have to keep on studying”, said M.

“Ok, I’ll talk to you later” I said, but I kept looking at Ma, who was attending the new costumers, but turned to me and smiled while our eyes met again. M noticed I was still looking at her and turned to Ma once more, and returned to her computer.

Normally I don’t go after girls who look like Ma. DO NOT GET ME WRONG. Ma is a very beautiful girl and there’s lots of guys after her. She even has a stalker. The thing is normally I prefer girls who look like Alizee. You know, fair skin with dark eyes and hair, and not like a hot brazilian volleyball player.

So not really knowing what to do next, I turned to the chatroom where Maelo89 and Novela were talking. I explained the situation. There Maelo89 told me to go and talk to Ma and ask her out. For some strange reason I did what he said. I got up and went up to her with the intention of asking her out. But I couldn’t walk up to her and pop the question; I had to play it cool.

I got close to where she was, by then there were no customers at the counter. I asked if I could ask for a favor.

She looked at me as if she was annoyed by something and added.

“You see, I got to clean this place” reffering to the cafĂ© and with an attitude. “What is it?” ended up saying.

“I was going to ask you to read my hand, I wanted to know if there are going to be any major changes in my life at around age 25, but never mind” I said and was preparing to leave when told me to wait.

She grabbed my hand and read my hand, but did it with an attitude. More as if she was being forced to do it. She took out a pen to drew a little line in my hand and said:

“Yep. This is the life line. There’s a big change in your life at 25”

“So, that means I’m going to get the apartment?” I asked

“There’s a big change coming your way” she said but looked at M, the girl I had been talking to all night. For a second I got the feeling she was jealous. I ignored that and just thanked her and left. I was mad at myself for the way she had acted. Annoyed. It is not like I was going to just start talking to her for an hour before asking her out.

So I said “fuck this bitch” and I was angry at myself for listening to Maelo’s advice and not my gut feeling of just ignoring her like I always do. For some reason every time I try to get close to this girl, she acts annoyed. But sometimes she acts really sweet. Like the whole hug incident. First she hugs me and tells me she really like the note I gave her, and then she acts all annoyed at me.

Wtf? Is she bi polar or something? I don’t think I’ll try to do anything with this girl ever again.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010--Part One

On my last entry I wrote I was going to go to the Café and see that brazilian looking girl and ask her out. Well, that night I went to the Café and she was there, but at the last moment something told me to forget completely about her and pretend nothing had happened. So I did.

I sat in a table far away from her and when I ordered, I just said “Hi” and nothing really happened.

Then I didn’t go to that cafĂ© for about a week or so. Then yesterday, Valentine’s Day night, I decided to go there.

As I walked through the door I saw an open table in front of a good looking girl. And in the back, there was “Ma” (the brazilian looking girl) who looked at me. I put my stuff in the open table and headed to the counter to order. Ma was talking to a guy who was just there to socialize, the same guy who was there last time. As I got closer to them, she headed to the counter because she was talking with the guy at one of the tables in front of the counter. I looked at the guy and we both went “Hey”.

I turned to her and ordered. Made one small joke and she laughed a little. Headed back to the seat in front of the good looking girl.

When there I noticed she must had been about 5’5” and about 140 lbs. Light skin with very dark long hair and dark brown eyes. She looked Armenian. So I started my routine.

I took out my computer and started to unfold the AC adapter cord and turned to the girl behind me. I said “Hey…”

And before I could say anything else, she said, “Yes, I can plug that for you” Reached out her hand to me expecting the AC cord.

I said, “No. What I wanted to say was ***insert A-material line here***”

And she starts to laugh.

“What’s your name?” I asked

“M. And your’s is?”

“Juan Carlos and ***insert another A-material line here****”

And she is laughing again. “Well, I hope that works out for you”, she added.

“I’m going to let you finish what you’re doing and I’ll talk to you later”, I said. Turned to my computer and started to work on my design as I always do.

About 20 or so minutes passed and I turned to the girl and said, “***insert A-material line here***”

Laughing she says she was there just studying for a test she was going to have the next week.

“So, you are going to be a doctor, eh?” Suddenly from the corner of my eye I see Ma at the counter looking at me talking to this other hot girl. She is just there staring at us. I ignored that and kept talking to M. and making her laugh. More costumers came in and she got busy.

Then I told M I was going to finish what I was doing and I turned to my computer again. Worked for another 20 minutes and suddenly something very obvious hit me. It was Valentine’s Day.

So I took the receipt Ma gave me when I paid. In the back of it I wrote, “Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you”. We used to pass out notes like that. Once she gave me a note that read “I love you” and I responded to that note with one that said “I know”. She started this note thing because I used to say “Thanks, I love you” whenever she would hand me the change when I paid for my drinks or the stuff I was going to eat. But I have gone over that story in a previous entry in this same blog.

Well, I folded the receipt and headed to the counter. To my surprise, the guy she had been talking to was gone and there was no one, just her. She looked at me and smiled. I handed her the note and said she could read it right then.

She opened the note and read. To my surprise she went:

“Aaawww.” She looked at me with those big dark eyes and that good girl expression on her face, and I felt I was in heaven. Her body language was like that a girlfriend has when you give her a present she likes very much. “Thanks so much” she said and slowly walked to the part where there’s an opening in the counter so you can get out to the serving area. There she hugged me and buried her head in my chest and I put my arms around her. As we hugged I could also feel her boobs against me…nice J. Then, I noticed she was looking at the door, quickly turned around and noticed someone had come in. She headed back to the counter and told me I was very sweet.

I answered “I know” and kept on walking to the bathroom feeling all confident and shit. Once inside the bathroom and after having peed I did a little victory dance; NFL style. Hey, I got to feel her boobs and that’s worth celebrating. I know you would had done the same I was wearing a bit of the Prada Milano perfume G gave me for Christmas. I wonder if she smelled it and if she liked it.

When I came back from the bathroom and got to walk in front of her, she was preparing the order of the guy who had come in as we were hugging. She had her back to me, but turned her head to me and our eyes met. She smiled at me and I just kind of grinned at her. When I got to my seat, I started talking to that other girl…and that’s when things got interesting….

To be continued…

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gavilan o Paloma

I’m starting this post on Monday, February 1st, 2010 and the time is 2:58 pm. In the outside sitting section of one of the many Cafes in Sunset Ave here in Los Angeles.

Sunday night I went to a cafĂ©, you know, to fish. When I got there, at the counter there was this girl that kind of flirts with me…well, we kind of flirt with each other. We’ve been doing that for about a year; since she started working there.

For those of you who have followed my blog since I started it, I’m talking about the Brazilian looking girl who works at the cafĂ© . Remember the one I held hands with, first in a playful, and then as a “sexual tension situation” kind of way? And the one with whom I used to pass notes as if we were in the 3rd grade? Well, that one. I posted the whole incidents in previous entries.

For about 4 weeks I’ve had been ignoring her every time I went to the cafĂ© because…well, I don’t even remember why I started to ignore her aside from making my order with her, but I haven’t really talked to her that much.

Ok, so she was there when I got in. I looked at her and she looked at me. She smiled and I kind of smirked at her. No one else was waiting to be served at the counter, but she was working on someone else’s order.

“It’ll be just a minute” said to me.

Nodded at her and waited. The place was almost full and there were very few tables open. I had left my stuff on top of one table that was open, but had no chair. I though it was going to be ok because right next to that table there was another open table with two chairs available.

I’m at the counter waiting to be served and suddenly two girls come in. A chubby and Asian looking girl and a skinny blonde. They take the table with the two chairs, and I noticed I was screwed because there were no more chairs.

Then, one guy packs his stuff and gets up, leaving behind an open table with one chair right in front of the counter. So I went to the other table and got my stuff and put it on top of that other table. When I went back to the counter I see the blonde girl is waiting for the Brazilian looking girl to finish to make her order. I just stood there and didn’t make a move.

When the girl at the counter finished, looks at me and says, “ok?”

I turned to the blonde girl and told her she could go first. She smiles back and thanks me. Orders whatever she was going to have and leaves

The blonde girl only asked for a tea so the girl finished fast, turned to me and said

“Sorry to have you waiting for so long”

“That’s ok, I let her go first”

She smiles and says, “You’re a gentleman”

“That’s what I do, I let pretty girls go first”

She laughs and asked me what I was going to have. Made my order and added:

“You know, I really missed you last night”

She smiled and looked at me with a good-girl expression on her face. Then I asked what was going on with the girl who got to work there the night before

“The new girl?”

“Yes. She made a big deal out of nothing”

“She is just like that, she makes a big deal out of nothing”

Just Novela and 8-bitPanda know what was the whole problem with the new girl because I was in the chatroom while it was taking place. Any question, you can ask any of us three.

I went on with my business and tipped her a dollar.

About an hour passed and I was working on my designs, I was almost done with it when I heard someone saying something to me. It was the girl at the counter. Didn’t really understand what it was. Apparently she said I had been the only one who had left a dollar and wished everyone was like me.

Then a very tall guy, with a thick beard comes in and starts talking to her. He didn’t order anything, was there just to socialize. I ignored that and kept on working on my stuff.

Then the guy leaves and the guy who was sitting at the table behind me leaves. I felt someone sitting at the table, turned around and it was the Brazilian looking girl. She looked tired and I said.

“You look like you need a nap” She laughed and answered she was really tired.

“Go ahead, do it now. There’s no costumers coming in”

She smiled and it seemed to considered the idea for a second or two.

I started asking her about her job search. She answered it was really hard to get into the publishing business at this time. Then said she was doing an internship at a company. She looked kind of depressed because she didn’t know if they were going to hire her or not. The company where she is an intern is suffering some financial issues and she didn’t know what was going to happen next.

I looked into her eyes and said:

“You are going to get that job”

She looked at me and smiled.

“You know how I know you are going to get it?”


“I can see the future. I know how to read hands and I already read yours”

She is just there looking at me.

“Do you want me to read your hand?” I asked. I have only read one book about palm reading. And I did it because David DeAngelo suggest reading stuff like that and dream interpretation because those are topics that attract women. The $18 I spent on that book were worth it. Thanks David DeAngelo!!!

I took her hand and started to decipher what I could from her hand. I told her she was a very stubborn person. She looked at me and with a kind of a half smile on her face. Like I had really nailed it. I went on to tell her she liked art, but not just art in general, but a very specific branch of art because of the conical shape of some of her finger tips. Once again, she smiled.

“That’s it” I told her.

“Just that?” She asked.

“Yes, I haven’t finished the whole book about palm reading” I responded and she laughed.

“Ok, now let me read your’s” She said and took my hand.

Then something weird happened. She told me that at 2, 4, 10, and 12 important people had died. And that at 19 something really big had happened. Assured me that event really changed me and it practically is the point where my life started.

Trying to keep my cool I asked that if death could be interpreted as changes because at 10 and 12 and specially at 19, important changes had taken place in my life.

“It could” she answered.

“How do you know so much?” I asked and before she could say anything I added, “Did you read the whole book already?”

She laughed and said she has read many books about this.

She went back to reading my hand, pointing with a pencil at a line said, “This is the love line. People who have a long line and turns up pointing at this finger (the index finger) turn out to be very good love partners. They are supportive and generally good”

“Are you trying to say I’m not a good partner?” I asked.

She didn’t answer the question but added, “You need a girl that is different, not just any girl will do it for you. You need a special girl”

Then the tall guy came back. He had brought her food. She went up to him and talked at the counter. I put my ear phones back on and started to work for about 5 seconds, then something told me to look up…at her. I didn’t know what she was saying to the tall guy, but she was looking right at me while talking to him. The guy noticed this; he was giving me his back, but turned to me. He caught me by surprise and I looked away. It was weird.

He left about 10 seconds later. She came back to her place at the table behind me and started to eat. I kept pretending to work for a minute or two.

“So, what happened to you at 12?”

“Do you really want to know?”

“Only if you want to tell me”

So I told her what had happened to me at 12. It was around that age when I moved.

“To here from another city?” She asked.

“From country to another country”

“From where to where?”

“From Mexico City to here”

“Oh”. Right then a random guy she knows, approached and offered her a banana shake to go with the food she was eating. She politely declined. And some costumers came in.

It was getting late, and to leave her hanging on her sit, I decided to leave before she came back. That’s another thing I learned from David DeAngelo. Before I could get all my stuff in the bag, she came back to her place.

“Ok, I’ll see you later”

“Have a good night” She said

“You too. Maybe next time I‘ll be able to tell you more things about you from reading your hand” She laughed and I left the place.

Monday night I texted and talked to G. I want my palm reading book back, damn it! Now I really need it. He said I should ask her out. That she is giving me all of the right sings. I normally don’t date girls like her. She is not really the type of girl I am looking for. Don’t get me wrong. She is very beautiful, there are lots of guys after her. She told me she even has a stalker she met at this job. But normally I go for the fair skin dark hair and eyes kind of girl…you know, the ones that look like Alizee and not like a hot Brazilian volleyball player.

Right now the time is 8:03 am Wednesday morning. Chances are I’ll see her tonight when I’m out fishing. And I have been considering the idea of asking her out. G told me I have nothing to lose. Sometimes we do seem to “click”, but others she seems cold and distant. And she normally is that way when I try to get close to her, but for some reason, when I ignore her, she tends to be sweeter. You know…wink and smile at me when our eyes meet and we are in opposite sides of the coffee house.

The time is 8:08 am and I’m trying to come out with a way of asking her out without looking like I’m trying to get close. I think I got it. Now I have to wait and see if it works this night or not.

Either way, you will hear about how things went in the next entry. And maybe one day I’ll finish writing the last part of the Busy Week saga.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Busy Week--Part 2

Later on that day we had another service call in Hollywood, in one of those fancy ass apartments near the Arc Light near Sunset. I had two apartments to check. Units 101 and 204.

First of all I went up to unit 101. A tall blonde and chubby girl opened up. I told her I was there to see the heater. She told me to come in. Once inside I saw a skinny nerdy looking girl with big glasses at a computer. She turned to me and said hi. The other girl told me the problem was the was air coming out of the vents, but cold air.

I went up to the thermostat and turned it on. Sure, the was air, but cold air coming out. Hoping this was not a heat pump system, I asked the tall chubby girl if there was a furnace unit inside the apartment in one of the closets. She said no. Now no matter what, I would have to go up to the roof top.

By this time the rain had pretty much stopped. So I told the girl I would go up to the roof top and see what was going on. I warned her that if it was an electrical problem, I would not be able to fix it until the rain had stopped. Went to the roof top, found the unit and thank god, it was running. I came back down and told her the problem wasn’t electric, but instead it had a refrigerant leak. Went to the truck and discovered I was out of refrigerant.

When I told this to the girl, she got annoyed by the news, grabbed her phone and started to bother the people who runs the building. I called my boss and made arrangements to go and get a new refrigerant tank and delay the rest of the house calls for that afternoon. To these news she reacted happily. Before going to the store, I went up to apartment 204 and knocked on the door. There two lesbian looking girls (not the girl type, but the ugly man type) opened the door. They didn’t look as if they were together, but instead looked like room mates.

Went up to the roof top again but this time it had begun to rain lightly again. Found electrical problem with the unit and told them I wasn’t going to be back until the rain had completely stopped. They were ok with that.

Went to the store for a new tank of refrigerant. Without knocking on apartment 101 I went up straight to the rooftop. There I found a big leak. One of those leaks that can’t be fixed and require the whole condensing unit to be replaced.

When the girl heard those news, got annoyed again. Started calling the people who owned the place. Suddenly she hands me the phone and tells me it’s the owner of the building who wants to talk to me. I’ve talk to that guy in the past, and he seems like a nice guy, but at the same time, looks like one of those guys who thinks just because he is rich he can do whatever he wants.

I talked to him and explained the situation. I told him the whole condensing unit would need to be replaced. He seemed fine with that. Asked me if I did that kind of job. I told him no. He then asked me to talk to the lady. When I give her the phone she starts asking me what had happened in apartment 204. I explained the whole situation to her and she explained it to him over the phone. She gives me the phone back again.

The guy asked me what is going on. I told him there was electrical problems I wasn’t going to fix them until the rain stopped. He then starts yelling at me

“Well, why didn’t you tell me that before? I’m trying to run a business here!”

That guy esta pendejo y malo del culo. Which in English means he is a stupid dumb ass if he thinks I’m going to let anyone yell at me. So I just hung up. No one is going to yell at me…no one.

Said bye to the blonde chubby girl and left the place.

Things would still suck on Friday when I had to do a house call in a fancy strange house in the heart of the Hollywood Hills.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Busy Week--Part 1

This week, has been a busy week. Thursday it was pouring here in LA. Not only it was cold, but I got a house call in Santa Monica; in Montana Ave. After driving about 1 hour in the rain…well, I wasn’t driving, my partner was the one who did the driving, we finally got to the house.

It was a nice condo, apparently it belonged to the ex wife of my boss’ customer…a guy who has lots of apartment building and is very rich. So we get to the property. Looked for apartment “A”, didn’t find it. Decided to knock on the apartment with no letter: no answer.

Right then I noticed my umbrella had a leak. Great. It was still raining and we went to the back of the property hoping one little room there was apartment “A”. Nope. It turned out to be the laundry room.

I tell my partner to wait while I was going to knock again in the apartment with no letter. This time I hear someone approaching the door. The door opened and it was a very short old lady. About 5’ and about 55 years old. I tell her I’m there to fix the heater. She smiles and tells me to come in. I was about to yell at my partner to come when I noticed he was standing right behind me.

We got in. It was very lavish apartment with lots of fancy shit all over the place. As she was explaining on how I was going to need a latter to get to the attic a guy comes out from one of the rooms and tells me the exact same thing the lady said. He also looks in his late 50’s.

The lady got mad at him for interrupting and tell him to go back to his room. He ignores her. I asked her where the thermostat was. She tells me is in the living room, and again, the guy interrupted her and says the same thing she said.

“Will you shout up? You didn’t know where the thermostat was until last week” She said. My eyes were wide open.

“Will you shout up bitch? You’re a fucking bitch” The guy said.

“Oh, why don’t you go get another one? You’ve been drinking since 7 this morning”

“Ok, I will go get another one”

By then I was looking at the thermostat and I saw the guy leaving the room with a cup in his hand. I though this was over and it was going to just like any other house call. Boy was I wrong.

I took the thermostat cover off and unscrewed the command wires.

“Air comes out of the vents, but it is cold” The lady said.

I bypassed the thermostat and got the heater to work. To this she is very happy. And I’m happy too. I though I was going to leave in 5 minutes. Then as I was doing my routine check up, the fan suddenly stops working. That meant I was going to have to go to the attic to see what was causing this.

Then, from out of one of the rooms, the guy starts yelling, “Hey, what was wrong? Come and tell me”

“They are working. Let them finish” The lady yells at the drunk guy.

“Don’t tell me what to do bitch!” The guy yells back. “You, old man, come here and tell me what is going on”, he said to my partner. He ignores him and the guy starts insulting him too.

That really pissed me off. Then I yelled at him “Watch your language”.

“Oh, you shout up punk”

After insulting me two or more times, I asked my partner in a very low voice “Do I ignore him or insult back?” He laughed and told me to ignore him.

I decided to put the thermostat back together and leave. We took our stuff and headed to the door. I told my partner to wait for me outside while I told the lady what was going on.

“Listen. I can’t work with a guy calling me names”

“I understand” Then the guy interrupts her once more.

“Who is calling you names you idiot?”

I just looked at him and I see him get up his chair and charge at me. While he is an old guy, he is about 6’2” and about 190 lbs. So I’m there in the hallway, but right at the door and I just waited for him to get closer.

I use steel toe boots, so I was thinking on kicking him in one knee. The lady has her back to him, but when she sensed he was getting closer, the just turned around and pushing him back.

It was funny to see how this 5’ old woman pushed this guy. He was really drunk, so he almost felt to the ground. I just smiled and turned away. Went to the truck and headed back to Hollywood.

…To Be Continued.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Funny Shit At The Gym

Earlier this week I was at the gym. It was a slow day when suddenly I see this girl who I’ve been wanted to talk to for a long time, but never had the chance to do so. She is about 5’3” really white skin with dark eyes and hair, about 120 lbs and wears some cute nerdy glasses.

I was done running, so I decided to seat in the stretching area to catch my breath back. Out of nowhere this girl comes and seat almost next to me. I waited about one minute and she started to this fancy stretches. I turned the volume down in my phone’s mp3 player but didn’t take the ear phones off and I walked up to her.

The day before I had come up with a new great way to start talking to girls I don’t know. So I used that A-material line on her and it worked. Turns out her name is Se. She is not very talkative but is very nice.

By then we seated next to each other next against a walk that has that wooden bar ballet dancers use to help them do their stretches. You know, that handle thing.

So she finished and was getting up while saying goodbye and looking at me. That’s when she hit her head against that wooden bar. Man, it was painful. She got embarrassed and rubbed her head with her hand.

“Don’t worry, it happens to all of us”

She didn’t laugh or anything. Just took her work out towel, said bye once more, and left.

After she left, I started laughing my ass off. Then I noticed a guy across the room looking at me, he just rolled his eyes. What? It was funny.

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Roommate

Thursday afternoon I was texting with G. He asked if he could borrow that palmistry book I showed him a couple of weeks ago. Added he wanted to show it to someone. I asked if that someone was the girl who flirts with him at work. He texted “lol” back.

Just to tease him I asked “When are we all going to get together again so I can see the Colombian girl?”

He replied, “Never, she is not here; and you don’t like her”

“True. If I wanted to see a puta, I would go to [insert brothel’s name here]”

He laughed. And I texted when was he going to go back to that place.

“Maybe in a couple of months”

“Why’s that?”

“Me and my girlfriend are going our separate ways. Can you bring the book tonight? I really need it this week”

“Really? Ok, I’ll meet you for coffee tonight”

Instead of heading to the gym after work, I went home to take a shower and pick the book up. I wanted to know everything about this.

I got to his apartment building near Wilshire. I parked the motorcycle up, and since I have the door code to get in, I went straight to his place to the 4th floor.

Instead of knocking the door, I called him on his cell phone. He answered not knowing I was in the hallway.

“Ok, I’ll be right down” I got close to the door and I saw it opened.

I hear he was saying good bye to his girlfriend. She seemed very amorous and was kissing him as if she didn’t know what was going through G’s mind. When he got out he saw me and was surprised.

“Good, now you can help me take out the trash” He had two bags of trash in her hands, and gave me one. Went down the stairs and to the back of the building where the dumpster is.

Then we headed to a coffee shop near his house. Got there and ordered, to my bad luck, they didn’t have cinnamon tea…the one I always ask for to the places I go to. We sat in a table near the entrance and started talking.

After telling why they were separating, I pointed out it was going to be a good thing because now I was going to be able to show him how to hit on girls in regular places. As I was telling him that, I noticed he was looking at something behind my back. I turned around to find a girl at her computer doing something.

I kept talking and apparently he made eye contact with that girl again and he smiled at her.

“Go talk to her” I said.

“Who” He asked.

“That girl you’re looking at. It is a good opportunity to practice for when you’re single again”

He looked down to the table and said “No. I can’t. Maybe when I’m actually single”

“Come on, do it just for fun. It is a good place to start. Just go and tell her [--insert material line here--]”

He laughs.

“I told you it was funny. Just get her to laugh and then play things by ear”

“Maybe later”

“Come on. Look at you. You’re a mess. If you want to make it, you’re gonna have to dress nicer. The only thing missing is you wearing sweat pants”

I looked down the table and to my surprise, he was wearing sweat pants with a wore down green t-shirt and sweater.

“You’re one step away from me having to drag you into a strip club”

He laughs.

“So, what’s happening to the apartment?”

“Well, I’m looking for a roommate. Do you want to come? It is not that expensive. We can be like Joy and Chandler from Friends”

I laughed. And for a the rest of the night I considered moving to that apartment. It would be fun after all.

So, I have until mid February to decide if I want to move or not. Lots of props and cons.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Motorcyles & Hot Blondes

I was able to get all the tools necessary to do my first oil change on my motorcycle. Thanks to some “how to” guides from the internet, I was able to do it all by myself. Of course, some oil ended on the floor, but who cares. I will not have to pay to get this done anymore. I was able to replace the oil filter too.

Now I need to learn how to replace the spark plug. In order to do so, I need to be able to remove the gas tank. Sounds kind of big, but I’ve seen other guides with pictures, and it doesn’t seem that complicated. I asked S if he could help me with that next Saturday.

I don’t need him to do any actual work…the only thing I need is a ride to the AutoZone or Pep Boys to buy the new spark plug. I went there last Sunday, but they told me they needed to look at the old spark plug to make sure they were selling me the right one.

But before any of that, I need to take it to the mechanic to have the rear brake pads replaced. If every goes as planned, I’ll be taking it in Thursday and picking it up Saturday morning. Nothing can go wrong, right? It’s only the rear brake pads. I would do them myself, but I don’t have a jack or the special tool to remove the rear wheel. I just wonder how much it would cost. Last year they charged me: $150 to have the spark plug, motor oil, and rear brake pads replaced. But this year it will be only the rear brakes.

Also yesterday I was able to “fix” the noise I only hear when I was high on the 2nd gear. It was the front belt cover hitting the camshaft cover. Apparently there’s supposed to be a rubber thing in between, but it always falls off. I really love this motorcycle.

It gets me lots of attention from girls. Last night at the gym’s parking lot, I was getting ready to leave when a hot girl walked in front of me. Of course, I was already on my motorcycle. I whistled at her, and she kind of smiled at me. I had never seen her before, but I hope I’ll see her again soon.

Speaking of girls from the gym. I ran into A (the hot blonde girl with the Shakira-like body and light blue eyes, remember, the one I went into a kind of a mini date) Well, we ran into each other last week. Told me she was going to be done with training in about a month. So I asked her if she would give me a massage once she was certified. I told her I wanted to wait just to make sure she wasn‘t going to brake my neck. She laughed and agreed. I also managed to make her give me free massages. I’m planning to have the first massage for free, and then give her like $20 later. Nah. Free is free, right? After all, she will be gaining experience and has agreed not to charge me, right? What? Not because you don’t use women, means it is bad.

Man, just by looking at that hot ass “lifted my spirit”…if you know what I mean. Plus, I like looking into her light blue eyes a lot.