Monday, January 18, 2010

New Roommate

Thursday afternoon I was texting with G. He asked if he could borrow that palmistry book I showed him a couple of weeks ago. Added he wanted to show it to someone. I asked if that someone was the girl who flirts with him at work. He texted “lol” back.

Just to tease him I asked “When are we all going to get together again so I can see the Colombian girl?”

He replied, “Never, she is not here; and you don’t like her”

“True. If I wanted to see a puta, I would go to [insert brothel’s name here]”

He laughed. And I texted when was he going to go back to that place.

“Maybe in a couple of months”

“Why’s that?”

“Me and my girlfriend are going our separate ways. Can you bring the book tonight? I really need it this week”

“Really? Ok, I’ll meet you for coffee tonight”

Instead of heading to the gym after work, I went home to take a shower and pick the book up. I wanted to know everything about this.

I got to his apartment building near Wilshire. I parked the motorcycle up, and since I have the door code to get in, I went straight to his place to the 4th floor.

Instead of knocking the door, I called him on his cell phone. He answered not knowing I was in the hallway.

“Ok, I’ll be right down” I got close to the door and I saw it opened.

I hear he was saying good bye to his girlfriend. She seemed very amorous and was kissing him as if she didn’t know what was going through G’s mind. When he got out he saw me and was surprised.

“Good, now you can help me take out the trash” He had two bags of trash in her hands, and gave me one. Went down the stairs and to the back of the building where the dumpster is.

Then we headed to a coffee shop near his house. Got there and ordered, to my bad luck, they didn’t have cinnamon tea…the one I always ask for to the places I go to. We sat in a table near the entrance and started talking.

After telling why they were separating, I pointed out it was going to be a good thing because now I was going to be able to show him how to hit on girls in regular places. As I was telling him that, I noticed he was looking at something behind my back. I turned around to find a girl at her computer doing something.

I kept talking and apparently he made eye contact with that girl again and he smiled at her.

“Go talk to her” I said.

“Who” He asked.

“That girl you’re looking at. It is a good opportunity to practice for when you’re single again”

He looked down to the table and said “No. I can’t. Maybe when I’m actually single”

“Come on, do it just for fun. It is a good place to start. Just go and tell her [--insert material line here--]”

He laughs.

“I told you it was funny. Just get her to laugh and then play things by ear”

“Maybe later”

“Come on. Look at you. You’re a mess. If you want to make it, you’re gonna have to dress nicer. The only thing missing is you wearing sweat pants”

I looked down the table and to my surprise, he was wearing sweat pants with a wore down green t-shirt and sweater.

“You’re one step away from me having to drag you into a strip club”

He laughs.

“So, what’s happening to the apartment?”

“Well, I’m looking for a roommate. Do you want to come? It is not that expensive. We can be like Joy and Chandler from Friends”

I laughed. And for a the rest of the night I considered moving to that apartment. It would be fun after all.

So, I have until mid February to decide if I want to move or not. Lots of props and cons.

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