Saturday, February 20, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010--Part Two

When I came back from the bathroom and got to walk in front of her, she was preparing the order of the guy who had come in as we were hugging. She had her back to me, but turned her head to me and our eyes met. She smiled at me and I just kind of grinned at her. When I got to my seat, I started talking to that other girl…and that’s when things got interesting….

To be continued…

By then I had finished working in my designs and I was wasting time by chatting in the DAP chat room. Novela and Maelo were there. So it was just three. 5 minutes later I started talking to M, the how Armenian looking girl behind me.

By then I knew she had a boyfriend. So I was just talking to her because I didn’t want to give the impression I lost interest in her when I learned she had a boyfriend. But I did lose all interest in her after all.

We are talking and Ma, the brazilian looking girl is at the counter looking at us…and suddenly she takes out the piece of paper I gave her and waves it at me. And I think I heard her say “You’re mine. You said you love me baby”, but I could be wrong. She is waving the piece of paper and smiling at me in a playful way and I’m looking at her.

I was supposed to be talking to M, the girl seated behind me, but I got distracted by Ma, and this M noticed. So she turned around and saw Ma. By then, some customers had come in and Ma was talking to them.

“Ok, I have to keep on studying”, said M.

“Ok, I’ll talk to you later” I said, but I kept looking at Ma, who was attending the new costumers, but turned to me and smiled while our eyes met again. M noticed I was still looking at her and turned to Ma once more, and returned to her computer.

Normally I don’t go after girls who look like Ma. DO NOT GET ME WRONG. Ma is a very beautiful girl and there’s lots of guys after her. She even has a stalker. The thing is normally I prefer girls who look like Alizee. You know, fair skin with dark eyes and hair, and not like a hot brazilian volleyball player.

So not really knowing what to do next, I turned to the chatroom where Maelo89 and Novela were talking. I explained the situation. There Maelo89 told me to go and talk to Ma and ask her out. For some strange reason I did what he said. I got up and went up to her with the intention of asking her out. But I couldn’t walk up to her and pop the question; I had to play it cool.

I got close to where she was, by then there were no customers at the counter. I asked if I could ask for a favor.

She looked at me as if she was annoyed by something and added.

“You see, I got to clean this place” reffering to the cafĂ© and with an attitude. “What is it?” ended up saying.

“I was going to ask you to read my hand, I wanted to know if there are going to be any major changes in my life at around age 25, but never mind” I said and was preparing to leave when told me to wait.

She grabbed my hand and read my hand, but did it with an attitude. More as if she was being forced to do it. She took out a pen to drew a little line in my hand and said:

“Yep. This is the life line. There’s a big change in your life at 25”

“So, that means I’m going to get the apartment?” I asked

“There’s a big change coming your way” she said but looked at M, the girl I had been talking to all night. For a second I got the feeling she was jealous. I ignored that and just thanked her and left. I was mad at myself for the way she had acted. Annoyed. It is not like I was going to just start talking to her for an hour before asking her out.

So I said “fuck this bitch” and I was angry at myself for listening to Maelo’s advice and not my gut feeling of just ignoring her like I always do. For some reason every time I try to get close to this girl, she acts annoyed. But sometimes she acts really sweet. Like the whole hug incident. First she hugs me and tells me she really like the note I gave her, and then she acts all annoyed at me.

Wtf? Is she bi polar or something? I don’t think I’ll try to do anything with this girl ever again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

she's playing hard to get obviously. she doesn't want to seem like an easy girl if you get what i mean by that.