Thursday, August 19, 2010


You may be wondering where have I been, right?

The truth is I have been just really busy. Working on my on-line business about 6 days a week. I haven't really dated anyone lately, so far the 'interesting' stuff is one girl told me I could go and work for the LA times (where she works) as a web something. I don't remember the title. Little does she know I can't work for a company like that.

I also met a cute girl the other day at the ice cream shop. I felt a vibe between us, however, everything went down the drain when she told me she was from Portland, and was visiting LA only for a few days.

I finally got my New Balance running shoes thinking they would had been made in America, to my surprise, they had been made in China.

At work things are difficult. The owner of the company had a stroke about 2 months ago and his nephew took his place. A lot of changes have been made, some good, some not so.

The worst part is he expects me to "volunteer" for work now that one of the older technicians is going away fro surgery for two weeks. I don't mind working more, I just don't want to work more for the same amount of money.

I hardly have time for this blog nowadays.

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