Thursday, January 28, 2010

Busy Week--Part 2

Later on that day we had another service call in Hollywood, in one of those fancy ass apartments near the Arc Light near Sunset. I had two apartments to check. Units 101 and 204.

First of all I went up to unit 101. A tall blonde and chubby girl opened up. I told her I was there to see the heater. She told me to come in. Once inside I saw a skinny nerdy looking girl with big glasses at a computer. She turned to me and said hi. The other girl told me the problem was the was air coming out of the vents, but cold air.

I went up to the thermostat and turned it on. Sure, the was air, but cold air coming out. Hoping this was not a heat pump system, I asked the tall chubby girl if there was a furnace unit inside the apartment in one of the closets. She said no. Now no matter what, I would have to go up to the roof top.

By this time the rain had pretty much stopped. So I told the girl I would go up to the roof top and see what was going on. I warned her that if it was an electrical problem, I would not be able to fix it until the rain had stopped. Went to the roof top, found the unit and thank god, it was running. I came back down and told her the problem wasn’t electric, but instead it had a refrigerant leak. Went to the truck and discovered I was out of refrigerant.

When I told this to the girl, she got annoyed by the news, grabbed her phone and started to bother the people who runs the building. I called my boss and made arrangements to go and get a new refrigerant tank and delay the rest of the house calls for that afternoon. To these news she reacted happily. Before going to the store, I went up to apartment 204 and knocked on the door. There two lesbian looking girls (not the girl type, but the ugly man type) opened the door. They didn’t look as if they were together, but instead looked like room mates.

Went up to the roof top again but this time it had begun to rain lightly again. Found electrical problem with the unit and told them I wasn’t going to be back until the rain had completely stopped. They were ok with that.

Went to the store for a new tank of refrigerant. Without knocking on apartment 101 I went up straight to the rooftop. There I found a big leak. One of those leaks that can’t be fixed and require the whole condensing unit to be replaced.

When the girl heard those news, got annoyed again. Started calling the people who owned the place. Suddenly she hands me the phone and tells me it’s the owner of the building who wants to talk to me. I’ve talk to that guy in the past, and he seems like a nice guy, but at the same time, looks like one of those guys who thinks just because he is rich he can do whatever he wants.

I talked to him and explained the situation. I told him the whole condensing unit would need to be replaced. He seemed fine with that. Asked me if I did that kind of job. I told him no. He then asked me to talk to the lady. When I give her the phone she starts asking me what had happened in apartment 204. I explained the whole situation to her and she explained it to him over the phone. She gives me the phone back again.

The guy asked me what is going on. I told him there was electrical problems I wasn’t going to fix them until the rain stopped. He then starts yelling at me

“Well, why didn’t you tell me that before? I’m trying to run a business here!”

That guy esta pendejo y malo del culo. Which in English means he is a stupid dumb ass if he thinks I’m going to let anyone yell at me. So I just hung up. No one is going to yell at me…no one.

Said bye to the blonde chubby girl and left the place.

Things would still suck on Friday when I had to do a house call in a fancy strange house in the heart of the Hollywood Hills.

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