Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Motorcyles & Hot Blondes

I was able to get all the tools necessary to do my first oil change on my motorcycle. Thanks to some “how to” guides from the internet, I was able to do it all by myself. Of course, some oil ended on the floor, but who cares. I will not have to pay to get this done anymore. I was able to replace the oil filter too.

Now I need to learn how to replace the spark plug. In order to do so, I need to be able to remove the gas tank. Sounds kind of big, but I’ve seen other guides with pictures, and it doesn’t seem that complicated. I asked S if he could help me with that next Saturday.

I don’t need him to do any actual work…the only thing I need is a ride to the AutoZone or Pep Boys to buy the new spark plug. I went there last Sunday, but they told me they needed to look at the old spark plug to make sure they were selling me the right one.

But before any of that, I need to take it to the mechanic to have the rear brake pads replaced. If every goes as planned, I’ll be taking it in Thursday and picking it up Saturday morning. Nothing can go wrong, right? It’s only the rear brake pads. I would do them myself, but I don’t have a jack or the special tool to remove the rear wheel. I just wonder how much it would cost. Last year they charged me: $150 to have the spark plug, motor oil, and rear brake pads replaced. But this year it will be only the rear brakes.

Also yesterday I was able to “fix” the noise I only hear when I was high on the 2nd gear. It was the front belt cover hitting the camshaft cover. Apparently there’s supposed to be a rubber thing in between, but it always falls off. I really love this motorcycle.

It gets me lots of attention from girls. Last night at the gym’s parking lot, I was getting ready to leave when a hot girl walked in front of me. Of course, I was already on my motorcycle. I whistled at her, and she kind of smiled at me. I had never seen her before, but I hope I’ll see her again soon.

Speaking of girls from the gym. I ran into A (the hot blonde girl with the Shakira-like body and light blue eyes, remember, the one I went into a kind of a mini date) Well, we ran into each other last week. Told me she was going to be done with training in about a month. So I asked her if she would give me a massage once she was certified. I told her I wanted to wait just to make sure she wasn‘t going to brake my neck. She laughed and agreed. I also managed to make her give me free massages. I’m planning to have the first massage for free, and then give her like $20 later. Nah. Free is free, right? After all, she will be gaining experience and has agreed not to charge me, right? What? Not because you don’t use women, means it is bad.

Man, just by looking at that hot ass “lifted my spirit”…if you know what I mean. Plus, I like looking into her light blue eyes a lot.

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