Saturday, March 27, 2010

Instant Karma

Wednesday night was just another night at the café. I was working in my designs. In the seat in front of me, there was this girl who is OK. You know, about 5’3” and about 120 lbs. Looked in her mid to late 20’s. White. When I came in, our eyes met and then she turned away. Since the place was almost full, the only seat available was right behind her.

I took the table and noticed the outlet where her computer was plugged, was right at my feet. I though that would give me a great opportunity to talk to her. Specially since her AC adaptor was very large and was obstructing both outlets. She had a Mac computer.

So I waited about 30 minutes. Then I took my AC adaptor and said in her direction:

“Excuse me?”

No answer from her. I though she didn’t hear me because she was wearing her headphones.

“Hey?” I said, but this time lauder. Still no answer.

“Hey?” I said again. “Hola?” I said, but she didn’t answer either.

So I tapped her shoulder and she turned around. My original plan was to ask her if it was OK if I disconnected her AC adaptor and plug it back in the bottom one since hers was occupying both, sneak one of my A material lines, and wait to see how she reacted.

So she turned around. Looked at me, smiled, shook her head “no” and turned back to her computer without giving me time to say anything.

That really pissed me off. She probably though I was trying to “hit on her” or something. Well, she was right, I was trying to hit on her, but still, that’s no way to act when a stranger taps your shoulder and wants your attention. What if instead of me, it had been one of those guys who have low self confidence? She would had probably devastated the little will those guys have to talk to pretty girls they don’t know.

So I unplugged her AC adapter and plugged mine in. I noticed her screen went dimmer, and then brighter when I plugged it back in. But she didn’t even turn to me to see what had happened.

So I sat back and decided to give her a taste of her own remedy. Sooner or later she had to leave and she was going to have that AC adapter unplugged and as long as I was sitting there, she was going to need my help.

Waited patiently until 10 at night. I noticed she was getting ready to leave. That’s when I sat closer to the table and opened my legs, you know, to make it more difficult for her if she went under my table and unplugged the AC adapter herself. I saw her packing her stuff, then she turned around and said if I could get her AC adapter. Suddenly this bitch was acting nice and expected me to be nice too. I looked at her, smiled, and went back to my computer. Ignoring her.

She got up and went under my table. I was with my legs wide open and with my right foot I was stepping on the AC adapter’s cable and at the same time blocking the way to the adapter. So if she wanted to get it, she would have to move my foot no matter what.

That of course made things even more difficult for her, and extended the time she spent under my table, with my balls and “the general” close to her face or at least closer to what she wanted them to be. In the mean while I was just kind of smiling and thinking of what a jerk I can be. I also though that if someone had looked at us from the right angle, they would think she was giving me a blow job. And that thought made me smile.

So, she finally moved my foot and unplugged the AC adapter and when she got up said angrily “Thank you though”.

I ignored her and just kept on half smiling to myself.

She packed the rest of her stuff and headed to the door. Before leaving, she turned and gave me a really dirty look.

I guess the lesson here is to never be mean to strangers…specially if you’re a pretty girl. Who knows, maybe you will end up in a position where you’ll look like you’re giving that guy a blow job, like this girl did.

1 comment:

Somfolnalco said...

dont know why but this post made my laugh my ass off thanks