Saturday, August 8, 2009

Strange Days

Somedays things seem to fall in place without you making any effort. Why? That, I do not know.

There is this girl at the gym I really like, she looks asian and has the nicest legs I've ever seen. She normally wears short shorts, anyways, you get the picture.

The point here is that since I've been going to the gym I have been wanting to talk to her, but for some reason or another, the occasion never arrived. We were at opposite ends of the gym or when I was leaving, she was getting in.

But last Thrusday was different, very different. I had done my warm up and was getting ready to start running in the threadmil. I spotted one available and as I was approaching it, I noticed that right behind the one where I was there was this girl.

I looked at her in the eyes and she looked at me. She then turned away, but a second later turned to me again.

I got on the threadmil and started my routine. 20 or so minutes later the lady who was using the machine to my right left. 10 or 15 seconds later, I hear someone occupied it. It was that asian girl with the killer legs.

Fastfowarding how things went from there, I ended up making her laugh with some of my A material and I learned her name is S. Just like that.

I finish my routine and left the threadmil section without saying "bye" or anything.

I cooling down in the streaching out, and she walks by, I smiled at her and she smiled back. Right there I knew I could get her if I wanted to. But I didn't, I was still catching my breath.

Anyways, why am I writting all this? Well, I guess it is true what "El Alquimista" says about the universe and the things you really want.

Somedays I feel I should go back to my "literatu days" and start doing the kind of stuff I did before. But on the other hand, I never had sucess with girls (and I'm talking about the ugly ones like dreamerhippie and daffo) when I was a stupid guy writting poetry and reading relentlessly the works of Kafka and Joyce among many others.

In conclusion, being a bookworm will never get you the kind of girl you want, and being an asshole is the way to go.

1 comment:

Somfolnalco said...

digging the new layout of the blog thumbs up!