Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tonight I could be writting about lots of stuff that has happened in the recent days, however, I don't know what write about.

I know, I'm going to write about how America beat Cruz Azul 3-2. Pretty cool, eh?

Nah, I'm going to write about my bike, last week I bough a tire cleaner gel and a chrome restauration thing too. I used both of them last Saturday and they worked wonders. In fact the tired cleaner gel worked so well, it looks as if I had just applied it today, a week later. I don't think I will need to reaply it until next week.

Oh, and last night, S called me and asked if I still had my gasoline container, because his car had run out of it. So he came, but when he did, he said he had managed to put gas into his car with a 2 litter cola container. But asked me if I wanted to go with him to the Autozone to buy a gas container.

When we got there I started to look into the islans and found car wax. Bought it and put it on this afternoon.

I didn't get a chance to actually go out and fish with my shiny motorcycle tonight, because my Mom wanted me to put together some piece of furniture we bought about a week ago.

I spent more time trying to get the bolts out of the motorcycle, the ones that hold the seat into place, than actually cleaning the thing. However, the results were worth it. I'm going to take some pictures and post them later. Oh, and I also need to fix the seats, the leather is starting to rip apart.

Sorry, no girl-story this time, but some very interesting shit happened Thrusday night and Friday morning, both involving my motorcycle and girls.

I'm kind of tired, and I think I'm going to get sick.

If dreamerhippie is reading this "Chinga tu madre, pinche vieja aguada. Nadie me dice lo que puedo decir o no en mi pinche blog. Porque no mejor te buscas a alguien mas a quien chingar?". And if you're not dreammerhippie, but you know who she is, tell her what I said.

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