Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Green Avatar

We were going to go see an exhibition at the Los Angeles Central Library, but there was a change of plans and we ended up going to the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific.

After a long day of walking and seeing various fish (I have to admit, fish are not my favorite subject, but I accepted going because M, my friend's G girlfriend, had "witched" about not wanting to go the library to see the art exhibition at the last minute, and I didn't want to cause any conflict...thank god I don't have to deal with M's tantrums(sp?) everyday. She sure can act like a little girl if she feels like it)

Anyways, we were at the top of a little mountain and were sitting in a bench. I looked down and liked what I saw. I took the camera and snapped a picture.

You can see me, G and M. And at the botton right corner, you can see one of M's shoes. Pretty cool, eh? Anyways, here is the picture. At least I got something I really liked from this trip to the aquarium. You have to click the pic to see it full size


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