Sunday, August 23, 2009

Motorcycles And Sex Appeal (Thrusday Night)

So back to the hot girl and motorcycle stories.

It all began last Thrusday night. I was leaving the gym and was getting my stuff ready to go back home. I got all things packed and got on my motorcycle but I hadn't put on my helmet, and suddently I see this girl walking and looking at my direction.

I had seen her before at the gym, very good looking. Looks white, her brown hair to the shoulders, about 5'2" or 5' 3". I say about 120 lbs.

The idea of talking to her had never crossed my mind because everytime I've seen her in the gym she was with a personal trainer. So I didn't even botter to think of a possible "situation" with her.

She was about 15 feet away from me, and thanks to my wonderful eyes, I couldn't distinghish clearly her eyes. So, just for the fun of practicing, I raised my eyebrowns and to my surprise, she smiled at me. But then turned quickly to the ground and basically all her body language changed, but she kept walking my way. You could clearly see she was nervous, I don't know why.

Maybe she though I was a "rapist" like dreammerhippie says, or maybe she was nervous because I'm just too sexy in my motorcycle, or maybe because she had never run into a guy, she didn't know, who looked at her from the distance and raised his eyebrowns in a friendly manner.

As I said before, her body language changed, as she kept getting closer, her steps became faster, but at the same time, shorter. She put her shoulders to the front, you know, she wasn't walking straight anymore. And she walked looking into the ground. And I was just looking at her. I don't know why, but I got the feeling she kind of wanted to look at me, but she didn't.

She was walking almost in front of me when another motorcycle came and tried to park, but she was blocking the way. The bike's motor didn't really make a lot of noise. So when she finally noticed what was going on, she kind of jump up. Kind of funny, so I just smiled.

She kept walking to her car, one of those new "beatles" you know, those cars for girls, with the bright flower in the dashboard and stuff. The car was in front, but to the side of my bike, about 15 feet or so away.

During all this, I was on my bike, but I hadn't turned it on at all. So she got to her car, and that's when I decided to give her a little taste of "motorcycle power". I normally pull the throutle(sp?) a little when I turn the bike on, but this time, I pulled it all the way.

The alarm in the truck next to me went off as well as the alarm in the girl's car. By this time I had put on my helmet, and nobody could see I was smiling.

The girl quickly took out the key for the car and turned off the alarm without looking at me.

I took off, but I was still inside the parking lot. And when I was passing in front of her car, I quickly made the change from 1st to 2nd gear, making the tires "squieak?" Anyways, you know, that laud noise, and the motor also sounded lauder. And the alarm in the car next to her went off as well.

I didn't know why (and I still dont know) but I was happy. Kind of fucked up, eh?

I guess I was very happy because for years I had been wanting to do just that, and just had the opportunity. In past I had some opportunities, but back then I had my gay scooter, and it didn't make any car's alarm go off.

Well, that incident occured Thrusday night. But the next morning things would get even more "weird".

...To be continued.

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