Thursday, August 13, 2009

J in The Cafe Part 2

There I was, in a little table in a cafe. It was kind of empty since it was a Monday afternoon around. I was watching some videos in youtube and in front of me there was this brunette girl writing something in a piece of paper.

I couldn't see her face, but she looked cute from behind (if you know what I mean). Since the place was almost empty, I decided to try my A Material on her. I said "hey...".

To make a long story short, I was shot down just like any of you regular guys. This is not the first time that has happened to me, and it will surely not be the last. So I sat there for a couple of minutes. I decided to go to the bathroom to "retouch" my hair.

I came back and was about to sit down when I noticed this girl at the opposite side of the cafe was there looking at me. She had gotten in and sat while I was in the restroom. She was wearing black jeans and shirt. I looked at her and at first I didn't know who she was, but I smiled at her anyways. She smiled back, and I looked closer. It was the blonde girl who was suppost to be in another country for a "farm vacation" I could recognize that straight blonde hair anywhere.

I sat down, but only for a minute. Then I got up and went up to her. As I was walking, she was looking and smiling at me.

I said "This is not (3rd world country name here)"

And she said "I just came back"

It had been about 2 months since our first encounter.
I asked how things went. And she said it was fun, but she would not choose to live there her whole life.

I looked over my shoulder and the girl who had shot me down, was looking at us, interesting, eh?
Nothing new really happened there. Again, I just sat back and had fun with her. Once again she said I have a "strange humor".

This time however I did get her e-mail. She said she was going to fly back to C and she was again in LA just for that day since she was visiting her dad.

Dissapointing, eh?

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