Wednesday, August 5, 2009

J in The Cafe Part 1

The other night I was in a cafe fishing. I was in a little table looking at the entrance when suddently a blond girl came in. She had a big back pack. Looked at me and quickly turned away. Kept walking fast to the counter to ask for whatever she was going to drink.

Some minutes went by and I decided to get up and go to the restroom. I was waiting outside the door because someone was in, and the door opened and it was the girl that had come in and looked at me.

As she was leaving, I said "Hey, your fly is open". She turned around smiled and looked down. And in fact her fly was opened. I was surpriced too because that's a standar line I use, and I didn't even look at her fly.

"Thanks, I always forget to pull it up". She replied.

That's when I decided to use my A material on her. I said...yeah, right like I'm going to give out my A material just for free. Lets just say I made her laugh and we got into a little conversation outside the bathroom when I interrumpted her by saying "I don't really have time to stay here and listen to your life story, but I have to pee".

She smiled and I said I would catch with her later. I got out of the bathroom and directed myself to my seat. She was seating near where I was, but when I walked by her, she didn't look at me, and I didn't look at her (directly) I was looking at her throug the reflection of the glass door (pretty smart, eh? :-))

About an hour went by. I was just doing my stuff (mostly chatting at the DAP chatroom and being an ass to Daffo) when I got up and went up to her. I sat in the empty seat next to her.

I could feel all the guys look at me. She is a good looking blonde girl with grey-blueish eyes and an ok figure. So she was the center of attention for most guys in the place at the time.

I said "Hi"

She turned around and looked at me and smiled.

Turned out she was leaving for another country the next day for a "working in a farm from a 3rd world country vacations" and she was in LA only for that day because she was visiting her dad who lives here before leaving. (She is from a state whose name starts with a C).

We talked for a while and I made her laugh with my C&F (as David DeAngelo calls it). She said I had a "strange humor".

Since she was leaving for another country, I didn't even bother to ask for her info as I normally do. I just sat back and had fun.

I said bye to her thinking it would be years before I would see her again (if I ever did). Boy was I wrong. ;-)

...To Be Continued.

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