Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Motorcycles And Sex Appeal (Friday Morning)

It was a normal morning. I had done everything and I was getting ready to go to work. I went down the stairs and ran into this girl in my building. I saw her in the eyes, and I said "Hi" without giving her much attention. I run into her at least 2 or 3 times a week in the morning.

She is not my type. She is a little older, I say about 40. But on the other hand, she seems to take good care of her appearance and her body. However, I like girls around my age, 22-27.

I was on my bike (again, i think this bike is making me more appealing to girls). And I was about to put the helmet on, when she came out (like she usually does I think she was heading to the laundry room, which is at the other end of the parking lot).

I saw her, but I didn't give her much attention. And suddently she comes right to me and says, "I think you look very sexy in that motorcycle" (in Spanish of course) and without waiting for me to say anything, she kept walking.

It took me by surprise. And as she was walking away I said, "Thanks".

I'm not into her at all. But it is always good when someone comes and tells you they think you're sexy. I know you girls (yes, I know girls are reading this) are used to guys approaching you just to tell you how pretty you are. But for us guys, this is something out of reality.

Now, there's another twist to the story. This girl lives in the same appartment as this other girl who looks like a lesbian (and I mean big time lesbian). I've heard rummors that they are together, but I never really paid much attention to them. And everytime I ran into this girl, I would say "hi" and that's just about all I would say to her because I would be in a hurry to leave for work.

I though the rummors were true because a couple of times I saw the two girls walking their dog or getting home from the grocery store. However, I never saw the two of them in any compromising position.

Who knows, maybe David DeAngelo is right about girly lesbian women and their "prewiring". That's more factible because in my own personal opinion I think that "bi sexual" trend is just a bunch of people with a very low self esteem and who are confused as hell. Even when they appear thoug (sp?) and very secure.

Once I kind of dated this girl who in front of others, looked very strong and sure about herself, but once we closed the doors and started talking, she would turn into the human equivalent of a lost kitten in the middle of a busy street. I'm not saying she was a lesbian, and she wasn't. All I'm saying there's girls who act one way in front of the world, but when no one is watching, they turn into the complete opposite.

I'm not trying to offend anyone, but if you're offended by what I just said, well, that's just too bad. It's your fault for reading my blog fucker. ha ha ha.


Unknown said...

i know what u mean w/girls catching u by surprise when they're more upfront. It's a deer-in the headlights kind of thing which i personally which they did more. Too often (read always) i'm too busy for petty banter and reading between the lines or deciphering quircky flirting. The world would be a better place if girls behaved like guys in that regard (or at least more populated)

Somfolnalco said...

damn. i need a moto. what do you recommend?

JuanG said...

I say get a Honda Rebel 250cc if you're totally new to motorcycles, but if you have some experience with them or with scooters, get something 500cc or bigger. The style is up to you.