Saturday, August 29, 2009

Juang And TV

I love to watch kid’s movies. “La Dama Y El Vagabundo” (The Lady And The Tramp) and “La Bella Y La Bestia” (The Beauty And The Beast) are my favorites.

I don’t know why, but ever since I was a kid I enjoyed watching these two movies instead of something more “mature” or “main steam”. However, I only like to watch them in Spanish.

I also love to watch documentaries and home improvement shows.

I love anything from Nova or the Discovery Channel. I also like shows like “This Old House” and “Honey, I Ruined The House”

Thanks to the last two, my apartment now looks way better. All my furniture now matches, and everything looks more “sophisticated”. I followed all the “rules” the girl from “Honey, I Ruined The House” mentioned.

Well, this turned out to be a short post.

See you all later.

PS. I hate shows like “American Idol” “Dancing With The Stars” “America’s Got Talent” “John & Kate Plus 8” “So You Think You Can Dance” and pretty much anything that’s considered “cool”.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

How To Get Rid Of "Fear Of Rejection" From A Girl

How To Get Rid Of "Fear Of Rejection" From A Girl

“Have you ever been waiting in line at the post office or in a cafĂ© and suddenly a stunning hot girl comes and sits next to you? You think about talking to her, but you’re too afraid she will reject you and end up looking like a loser in front of everybody, and you end up not saying anything at all.

Are you familiar with that scenario?”

I got that quote out of David DeAngelo’s mail bag (well, kind of). If anyone knows anything about girls and attraction, that’s him. After reading his work, I realized my attitude was the only reason why I could never approach really hot girls.

I decided to write about this because someone, probably Chivas or some other loser, pm me about how I handled fear of rejection. I don’t know if it was legitimate question, however, I think it is a good topic to write something about. (but if you’re a real member, forget the “loser” comment I made)

Fear of rejection made me miss precious opportunities. Like 99% of the guys out there, every time I got an opportunity of talking to a good looking girl, things with me would change. My voice tone would change, my body language would change, and attitude would change. And the worst part was I didn’t even notice this.

I guess I was afraid of she being rude. One night after reading David D’s work, I started to wonder why I was afraid of rejection from a girl. After thinking for hours, I came to the conclusion there’s no reason to be afraid of rejection. If anything, I should be thankful a girl rejected me rudely.

Why am I talking non-sense? Well, just think about it. If you approach a girl and she is mean to you, that’s says more about her, than she wants the world to know.

Lets picture this:

You’re at the gym. You’re in the stretching area minding your business, and by chance this really hot girl in really short shorts starts doing her Yoga routine next to you.

You think she is cute, and her hot body is a bonus. Somehow you gather the nerve to talk to her even when you have never seen her before. You wait until she is in between exercises, you tap her shoulder and say (like I have done in so many times):

“------insert A-material line here-----” Looking into her eyes (that’s very important, girls like guys who can look into their eyes and not look away before she does)

She looks at you and has a blank expression on her face, as if you were crazy or some shit like that. After 2 or 3 seconds of awkward silence, she resumes her exercises without saying anything and you’re left there all by yourself.

In plain English, this is the worse way a girl could reject you, however, from then on, it is up to you to take the next step.

You could either say something like “I was just kidding” or “Don’t take it so seriously, don’t you have a sense of humor?” and maybe (and just maybe) she may smile at you. Chances are she is not going to say anything, and instead give you the “little princess” attitude. Another big chance in this situation is this girl has no sense of humor either.

Or you could forget about her and keep on doing what you were doing in the first place and thank God this “witch” rejected you the way she did.

Lets face it, there are some really pretty girls with a pretty fucked up attitude. I honestly doubt there’s a guy on earth who would want to be with a girl who has an attitude like that. At least I would not be near a girl who has a “little princess” attitude.

I have to admit there are guys who will stand a “witch” and her attitude as long as she is hot, however, in the long run, they will end up being miserable.

But where am I going with all this? I started talking about fear of rejection and now I’m talking about being miserable next to “witch”. Ay, ay ay!

The point here is:

If you get rejected meanly, you should be thankful. Chances are that girl, no matter how hot or how innocent she may look, is a little “witch”. And I don’t think you want to be next to that, or do you?

I think I covered the “being rejected meanly section”. And now I have to cover the “being rejected nicely” one.

When a girl is mean rejecting you, you can bet your balls she is a “witch”, but what do you when the girl rejects you nicely?

In this case, you’re dealing with a girl who has a good heart but for one reason or another is not attracted to you. This kind of girl is the one who gets wussy guys to stalk her because she is just too “nice” and can’t treat people like that.

In this case, you can do one out of two things:

1. Become her friend.

2. Keep on doing what you were doing

I say become her friend because, if she is hot, every time you talk to her, and manage to make her laugh, other girls around will look at what’s going on and think: “Mmmm. That girl is cute, and he is just an average guy. But she looks like she is having a good time. I wonder what’s with this guy, he seems interesting”

Or you can keep doing what you were doing. You don’t have to be friends with anyone you don’t want to be friends with. It is up to you, but you sure have to take advantage of everything you can; specially if after dropping your “A-material” line you get a giggle and after asking if she is single you get a big smile and an “Oh, I’m sorry, but I’m taken”.

But back to our main topic “fear of rejection”.

If you really want to get rid of “fear of rejection” then you will have to change the way you look at things.

Let’s break things down psychologically(ha ha, and you though I couldn’t spell big ass words) a little. You can only get “rejected”, when you “apply” for something you want, and it is someone else’s decision if you get it or not. Like when you “apply” for a job and it is the manager’s decision if you get the job or if you get “rejected”.

The same goes to this whole “talking to girls you don’t know” situations. Most guys approach a girl with a metal image similar to this:

“I’m going to talk to her, and maybe if she likes me, I could take her to the movies and start a healthy relationship”

See? It is like you’re applying for a boyfriend position or something. You are giving her the power to “reject” or “take” you.

In other words, you start to “build things up” ahead of time. That’s when you start to get sweaty palms, and little by little you become more nervous. Why? Because unconsciously you start to worry about her not liking you, and this “little image” in your head breaks down.

But if you manage to change that metal image to something like:

“She looks cute. I’m going to talk to her and find out if she is a witch or not”


“I like that girl. I wonder if she is the kind of girl I would like to be with. Lets give her a chance to show me what type of girl she is in the inside”

Things with you will change significantly. You’ll find out your confidence level will sky rocket. And girls LOVE a guy who has lots of confidence.

In conclusion, the best way to get rid of “fear of rejection” is to get rid of the whole “I’m applying for something I want to have” concept. Don’t assume a girl is the love of your life because she is “super hot” or “super cute and innocent”. Bewared, there are some pretty fucked up girls out there.

Excuse me if I sound like David DeAngelo, but the truth is that I’m one of his adepts, so I’m pretty much just repeating what I was taught.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Motorcycles And Sex Appeal (Friday Morning)

It was a normal morning. I had done everything and I was getting ready to go to work. I went down the stairs and ran into this girl in my building. I saw her in the eyes, and I said "Hi" without giving her much attention. I run into her at least 2 or 3 times a week in the morning.

She is not my type. She is a little older, I say about 40. But on the other hand, she seems to take good care of her appearance and her body. However, I like girls around my age, 22-27.

I was on my bike (again, i think this bike is making me more appealing to girls). And I was about to put the helmet on, when she came out (like she usually does I think she was heading to the laundry room, which is at the other end of the parking lot).

I saw her, but I didn't give her much attention. And suddently she comes right to me and says, "I think you look very sexy in that motorcycle" (in Spanish of course) and without waiting for me to say anything, she kept walking.

It took me by surprise. And as she was walking away I said, "Thanks".

I'm not into her at all. But it is always good when someone comes and tells you they think you're sexy. I know you girls (yes, I know girls are reading this) are used to guys approaching you just to tell you how pretty you are. But for us guys, this is something out of reality.

Now, there's another twist to the story. This girl lives in the same appartment as this other girl who looks like a lesbian (and I mean big time lesbian). I've heard rummors that they are together, but I never really paid much attention to them. And everytime I ran into this girl, I would say "hi" and that's just about all I would say to her because I would be in a hurry to leave for work.

I though the rummors were true because a couple of times I saw the two girls walking their dog or getting home from the grocery store. However, I never saw the two of them in any compromising position.

Who knows, maybe David DeAngelo is right about girly lesbian women and their "prewiring". That's more factible because in my own personal opinion I think that "bi sexual" trend is just a bunch of people with a very low self esteem and who are confused as hell. Even when they appear thoug (sp?) and very secure.

Once I kind of dated this girl who in front of others, looked very strong and sure about herself, but once we closed the doors and started talking, she would turn into the human equivalent of a lost kitten in the middle of a busy street. I'm not saying she was a lesbian, and she wasn't. All I'm saying there's girls who act one way in front of the world, but when no one is watching, they turn into the complete opposite.

I'm not trying to offend anyone, but if you're offended by what I just said, well, that's just too bad. It's your fault for reading my blog fucker. ha ha ha.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Motorcycles And Sex Appeal (Thrusday Night)

So back to the hot girl and motorcycle stories.

It all began last Thrusday night. I was leaving the gym and was getting my stuff ready to go back home. I got all things packed and got on my motorcycle but I hadn't put on my helmet, and suddently I see this girl walking and looking at my direction.

I had seen her before at the gym, very good looking. Looks white, her brown hair to the shoulders, about 5'2" or 5' 3". I say about 120 lbs.

The idea of talking to her had never crossed my mind because everytime I've seen her in the gym she was with a personal trainer. So I didn't even botter to think of a possible "situation" with her.

She was about 15 feet away from me, and thanks to my wonderful eyes, I couldn't distinghish clearly her eyes. So, just for the fun of practicing, I raised my eyebrowns and to my surprise, she smiled at me. But then turned quickly to the ground and basically all her body language changed, but she kept walking my way. You could clearly see she was nervous, I don't know why.

Maybe she though I was a "rapist" like dreammerhippie says, or maybe she was nervous because I'm just too sexy in my motorcycle, or maybe because she had never run into a guy, she didn't know, who looked at her from the distance and raised his eyebrowns in a friendly manner.

As I said before, her body language changed, as she kept getting closer, her steps became faster, but at the same time, shorter. She put her shoulders to the front, you know, she wasn't walking straight anymore. And she walked looking into the ground. And I was just looking at her. I don't know why, but I got the feeling she kind of wanted to look at me, but she didn't.

She was walking almost in front of me when another motorcycle came and tried to park, but she was blocking the way. The bike's motor didn't really make a lot of noise. So when she finally noticed what was going on, she kind of jump up. Kind of funny, so I just smiled.

She kept walking to her car, one of those new "beatles" you know, those cars for girls, with the bright flower in the dashboard and stuff. The car was in front, but to the side of my bike, about 15 feet or so away.

During all this, I was on my bike, but I hadn't turned it on at all. So she got to her car, and that's when I decided to give her a little taste of "motorcycle power". I normally pull the throutle(sp?) a little when I turn the bike on, but this time, I pulled it all the way.

The alarm in the truck next to me went off as well as the alarm in the girl's car. By this time I had put on my helmet, and nobody could see I was smiling.

The girl quickly took out the key for the car and turned off the alarm without looking at me.

I took off, but I was still inside the parking lot. And when I was passing in front of her car, I quickly made the change from 1st to 2nd gear, making the tires "squieak?" Anyways, you know, that laud noise, and the motor also sounded lauder. And the alarm in the car next to her went off as well.

I didn't know why (and I still dont know) but I was happy. Kind of fucked up, eh?

I guess I was very happy because for years I had been wanting to do just that, and just had the opportunity. In past I had some opportunities, but back then I had my gay scooter, and it didn't make any car's alarm go off.

Well, that incident occured Thrusday night. But the next morning things would get even more "weird".

...To be continued.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tonight I could be writting about lots of stuff that has happened in the recent days, however, I don't know what write about.

I know, I'm going to write about how America beat Cruz Azul 3-2. Pretty cool, eh?

Nah, I'm going to write about my bike, last week I bough a tire cleaner gel and a chrome restauration thing too. I used both of them last Saturday and they worked wonders. In fact the tired cleaner gel worked so well, it looks as if I had just applied it today, a week later. I don't think I will need to reaply it until next week.

Oh, and last night, S called me and asked if I still had my gasoline container, because his car had run out of it. So he came, but when he did, he said he had managed to put gas into his car with a 2 litter cola container. But asked me if I wanted to go with him to the Autozone to buy a gas container.

When we got there I started to look into the islans and found car wax. Bought it and put it on this afternoon.

I didn't get a chance to actually go out and fish with my shiny motorcycle tonight, because my Mom wanted me to put together some piece of furniture we bought about a week ago.

I spent more time trying to get the bolts out of the motorcycle, the ones that hold the seat into place, than actually cleaning the thing. However, the results were worth it. I'm going to take some pictures and post them later. Oh, and I also need to fix the seats, the leather is starting to rip apart.

Sorry, no girl-story this time, but some very interesting shit happened Thrusday night and Friday morning, both involving my motorcycle and girls.

I'm kind of tired, and I think I'm going to get sick.

If dreamerhippie is reading this "Chinga tu madre, pinche vieja aguada. Nadie me dice lo que puedo decir o no en mi pinche blog. Porque no mejor te buscas a alguien mas a quien chingar?". And if you're not dreammerhippie, but you know who she is, tell her what I said.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Green Avatar

We were going to go see an exhibition at the Los Angeles Central Library, but there was a change of plans and we ended up going to the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific.

After a long day of walking and seeing various fish (I have to admit, fish are not my favorite subject, but I accepted going because M, my friend's G girlfriend, had "witched" about not wanting to go the library to see the art exhibition at the last minute, and I didn't want to cause any conflict...thank god I don't have to deal with M's tantrums(sp?) everyday. She sure can act like a little girl if she feels like it)

Anyways, we were at the top of a little mountain and were sitting in a bench. I looked down and liked what I saw. I took the camera and snapped a picture.

You can see me, G and M. And at the botton right corner, you can see one of M's shoes. Pretty cool, eh? Anyways, here is the picture. At least I got something I really liked from this trip to the aquarium. You have to click the pic to see it full size


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Missed Opportunity

Monday, yesterday, I got to the gym and I was walking by when a stunningly hot girl (about 5' 6" 130lbs, long brown hair, and wearing some really short shorts anywhere from 20 to 26 years old; she looked white, but she could had been hispanic or some other race) walked by me.

I didn't notice she was behind me because I was playing with the MP3 player in my phone when all this happened. I had gotten out of the looker room and was heading to the running area of the gym.

I had never seen her before so I didn't know if she was all there by herself or maybe she was there with her friends or boyfriend.

I got distracted looking at her legs, I love girls with long legs, and suddently, 2 seconds later I realized this was the opportunity to talk to her. But before I could open my mouth, she is gone, walking really fast.

I didn't let this get to me. So I kept my routine as I normally do, however, for the first 15 minutes or so of my work out routine, I kept constantly running into her. No, I wasn't following her, it was just pure coincidence. And everytime we would run into each other, I would try to look into her eyes, but she would turn to the floor when she got close to me. Am I that ugly?

Eventually I finished running and went to the streaching section. And again, by pure coincidence, the only spot available, was the one next to her. I didn't give her much attention, but I knew if things went the way I wanted, I could give her one of my "standar" lines for this situation.

I was there streaching out, next, but not looking at her; thinking to myself "Orale pendeja, empieza con tus mamadas para empezarte a hablar". However, she never started with her "mamadas"

After about 5 minutes of streaching, I decided I had spent too much time waiting for her to do something that would give me "material" to work with. Plus, I was also done with my regular streaching.

I left, and even when I stayed at the gym for another 45 minutes, I didn't see her after that. I got home, and even when I had interracted with some other girls, that particular girl stayed in my mind.

After sleeping on it, I have come out with another "strategy" to talk to girls when they do a certain something she was doing. I guess this is what really being a "player" is all about. Look for new material that you will be able to use when any situation comes out.

I don't know if I'll see her again, but all I know, she gave me new material to work with. My "arsenal" is growing everyday ;-)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Test Posting Picutres

That's me when I was about 6. I know I already knew this, but I forgot. Sorry bicochos

Test Picture Posting


Test 2


Thursday, August 13, 2009

J in The Cafe Part 2

There I was, in a little table in a cafe. It was kind of empty since it was a Monday afternoon around. I was watching some videos in youtube and in front of me there was this brunette girl writing something in a piece of paper.

I couldn't see her face, but she looked cute from behind (if you know what I mean). Since the place was almost empty, I decided to try my A Material on her. I said "hey...".

To make a long story short, I was shot down just like any of you regular guys. This is not the first time that has happened to me, and it will surely not be the last. So I sat there for a couple of minutes. I decided to go to the bathroom to "retouch" my hair.

I came back and was about to sit down when I noticed this girl at the opposite side of the cafe was there looking at me. She had gotten in and sat while I was in the restroom. She was wearing black jeans and shirt. I looked at her and at first I didn't know who she was, but I smiled at her anyways. She smiled back, and I looked closer. It was the blonde girl who was suppost to be in another country for a "farm vacation" I could recognize that straight blonde hair anywhere.

I sat down, but only for a minute. Then I got up and went up to her. As I was walking, she was looking and smiling at me.

I said "This is not (3rd world country name here)"

And she said "I just came back"

It had been about 2 months since our first encounter.
I asked how things went. And she said it was fun, but she would not choose to live there her whole life.

I looked over my shoulder and the girl who had shot me down, was looking at us, interesting, eh?
Nothing new really happened there. Again, I just sat back and had fun with her. Once again she said I have a "strange humor".

This time however I did get her e-mail. She said she was going to fly back to C and she was again in LA just for that day since she was visiting her dad.

Dissapointing, eh?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It feels good to look good

About a year ago I started to care a little more for my apparience. Why? I don't really know, I guess I started to have fun "going shoping" and stuff like that.

It all started about two summers ago when by chance I found at the Fallas Paredes (my old favorite store in Downtown) a pair of jeans that kind of look good. They were a little thigh around my butt, and they were a little baggy in the botton part of the legs, like cowboy jeans (of course, bad quality since I paid about $4 each).

At work they would make fun of me because they said I was wearing girl jeans because mine weren't like 4 sizes bigger and baggy to the point where you couldn't see my butt.

And one day we were doing a job over to an appartment building where the manager is gay. It was the first time I was there, and I can remember clearly what happened.

We showed up and I was wearing the cheap cowboy jeans and a white v neck shirt that was thigh to my body. The guy looked at me and smiled. I knew he liked what he had seen. Too bad for him I'm not gay. But it is always good to know someone thinks you look good.

Eventually the jeans wore off and had to get new ones, but by then I wanted something a little easier to find since apparently that find at the Fallas Paredes had been a "once-in-a-lifetime" thing. So I searched for jeans that would look something like that but were easier to find.

One day at the mall I found these Levi's Jeans 527 in special. I tried one on, and without thinking I got 3. All of different color, however, all of them were dark denim(sp?) since I think dark looks more sophisticated than lighter denim.

Some months went by, and I was at the clinic getting a HIV test wearing my beloved 527 jeans. The guy who took the test was gay and very well dressed (unlike the manager at the appartment building). I made a few jokes and managed to get a laugh out of him. And he then commented he loved my jeans, and I answered "Me too, they make my ass look great". He laughed again.

I was happy he had complemented my jeans because it actually means they look really good because he was very well dressed. He asked me where I've gotten them. I gave him the website where he could buy them for less and he thanked me.

By this time I had gotten the habit of shoping for specials in "fancy" stores (they might not be that fancy, but for a guy who had bough his clothing at the Fallas Paredes for most of his life, it was a big change) I started to visit stores like Aeropostale (sp?), Heritage, Forever 21, and Hollister. Of course, I would look for specials, I'm not going to pay $40 for a stupid shirt. Although some times I would buy something "expensive" if I really liked it, like this cool jacket.

So one day I finally took the offer my friend G had made some months before. I finally agreed to let him cut my hair. He works in a fancy salon in Beverly Hills, and I had not taken his invitation because I though he was going to make me get gayly hair cuts. When he was cutting my hair (all using the scissors, not the machine thing like they do in most $8 hair cut places) he mentioned I would look good in something called at fauxhack(sp?). So I went for it.

He then gave this new hair products I had never heard of. The first one was "Mess Up Osis+" by Schwarzkopf. That made my hair look dry, but I liked it because it was easy to use.

Some months went by again, by this time I was one of his "regulars", of course, he cuts my hair for free, I'm not going to pay $45 dollars for a haircut. And about 2 or 3 weeks ago he gave me this new hair product "G-Force Osis+", also by Schwarzkopf along with a "Bumble and bumble" tonic lotion. He said it would make my hair look better. At first when he put it on after cutting my hair I didnt like it, but he told me to just "give it a try" for a week.

The next day I was at the gym, and I had finished my work out and I had gotten dressed in the lockerroom. I was about to leave when I remember to spray the lotion, because he told me you have to use the gel only once every morning, and put the lotion every 6 or so hours to "reactivate" the gel. After quickly spraying the lotion into my hair, a guy who I hadn't noticed asked me what it was. I told him it was a hair lotion, he asked me if he could see it. I gave the bottle to him, and looked at it. By the way, the guy looked gay too.

He gave the bottle back and said my hair looked nice. And proceded to give me "that look" of "I like what I'm seeing", but I dont know if he was thinking of my hair or me. It doesn't really matter because it boosted my ego ever so high. As of today, I love my hair lotion and gel more than anything. Long gone are the days of where all my hair needs were met by a $5 La Bella hair gel, with the number 10 on it (extra super hold)

Just yesterday afternoon, when I was waiting for my friend to pick me up to get the scooter from the mechanic outside my building, a lady from apartment 38 came in, and told me she liked my shoes. I was wearing a pair of Ed Hardy tennis shoes. I have access to them, but I don't really like to use them because most of the ones I have have very bright graphics and look gay even when the guy who gives them to me says they are for men.

I just used them yesterday because it was really hot, and I didn't want to put my boots on. So, that's something also worth mentioning.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post, and if after reading all this, you think I'm a shallow douchebag, then fuck you, this is my blog and I can write the shit I want.

I'm not that shallow, it is just that now I like to wear a little more "fancy" stuff. I'm still your regular guy who gets his tacos at the "lonchera"

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ramdom Pensamientos etos etos

I was born and raised in Mexico City's gettho. The gettho, something I want to run away from as far as I can, but I just can't.

I could be dinning in a fancy restaurant with a bunch of friends; having a good time, flirting with the waitress, getting a laugh, but I feel I don't deserve to live here.

Some nights I remember the rainy days in La Bondojito, of how I used to watch the rain drops fall and hit the ground and think the world was only my house and the school I used to go. Of how the next I would get to see Gabriela at school (the only blonde girl in the class). Back then I would not even consider the idea of talking to her even when she lived just around the corner and my grandmother was very good freinds with her Mom.

Back then I didn't know what the gettho was. Years later when I met my friend S, he would tell me my barrio Bondojito was one of the places witht he worse reputations in the whole city. Why was I born there? I don't know.

Right now I'm a cafe in an fancy area in Hollywood, writting in my laptop, sourounded by white people, oh wait, an asian looking guy just came in, oh, and there's a guy across the room who looks hispanic, but also looks a little gay. A gir with a pink shirt just walked by me, I looked at her, but she didn't look at me.

This cafe...the place where I have met countless girls. My favorite place to fish.

Anyways, I'm tired of writing. I'll see you later.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Strange Days

Somedays things seem to fall in place without you making any effort. Why? That, I do not know.

There is this girl at the gym I really like, she looks asian and has the nicest legs I've ever seen. She normally wears short shorts, anyways, you get the picture.

The point here is that since I've been going to the gym I have been wanting to talk to her, but for some reason or another, the occasion never arrived. We were at opposite ends of the gym or when I was leaving, she was getting in.

But last Thrusday was different, very different. I had done my warm up and was getting ready to start running in the threadmil. I spotted one available and as I was approaching it, I noticed that right behind the one where I was there was this girl.

I looked at her in the eyes and she looked at me. She then turned away, but a second later turned to me again.

I got on the threadmil and started my routine. 20 or so minutes later the lady who was using the machine to my right left. 10 or 15 seconds later, I hear someone occupied it. It was that asian girl with the killer legs.

Fastfowarding how things went from there, I ended up making her laugh with some of my A material and I learned her name is S. Just like that.

I finish my routine and left the threadmil section without saying "bye" or anything.

I cooling down in the streaching out, and she walks by, I smiled at her and she smiled back. Right there I knew I could get her if I wanted to. But I didn't, I was still catching my breath.

Anyways, why am I writting all this? Well, I guess it is true what "El Alquimista" says about the universe and the things you really want.

Somedays I feel I should go back to my "literatu days" and start doing the kind of stuff I did before. But on the other hand, I never had sucess with girls (and I'm talking about the ugly ones like dreamerhippie and daffo) when I was a stupid guy writting poetry and reading relentlessly the works of Kafka and Joyce among many others.

In conclusion, being a bookworm will never get you the kind of girl you want, and being an asshole is the way to go.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

J in The Cafe Part 1

The other night I was in a cafe fishing. I was in a little table looking at the entrance when suddently a blond girl came in. She had a big back pack. Looked at me and quickly turned away. Kept walking fast to the counter to ask for whatever she was going to drink.

Some minutes went by and I decided to get up and go to the restroom. I was waiting outside the door because someone was in, and the door opened and it was the girl that had come in and looked at me.

As she was leaving, I said "Hey, your fly is open". She turned around smiled and looked down. And in fact her fly was opened. I was surpriced too because that's a standar line I use, and I didn't even look at her fly.

"Thanks, I always forget to pull it up". She replied.

That's when I decided to use my A material on her. I said...yeah, right like I'm going to give out my A material just for free. Lets just say I made her laugh and we got into a little conversation outside the bathroom when I interrumpted her by saying "I don't really have time to stay here and listen to your life story, but I have to pee".

She smiled and I said I would catch with her later. I got out of the bathroom and directed myself to my seat. She was seating near where I was, but when I walked by her, she didn't look at me, and I didn't look at her (directly) I was looking at her throug the reflection of the glass door (pretty smart, eh? :-))

About an hour went by. I was just doing my stuff (mostly chatting at the DAP chatroom and being an ass to Daffo) when I got up and went up to her. I sat in the empty seat next to her.

I could feel all the guys look at me. She is a good looking blonde girl with grey-blueish eyes and an ok figure. So she was the center of attention for most guys in the place at the time.

I said "Hi"

She turned around and looked at me and smiled.

Turned out she was leaving for another country the next day for a "working in a farm from a 3rd world country vacations" and she was in LA only for that day because she was visiting her dad who lives here before leaving. (She is from a state whose name starts with a C).

We talked for a while and I made her laugh with my C&F (as David DeAngelo calls it). She said I had a "strange humor".

Since she was leaving for another country, I didn't even bother to ask for her info as I normally do. I just sat back and had fun.

I said bye to her thinking it would be years before I would see her again (if I ever did). Boy was I wrong. ;-)

...To Be Continued.