Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's Good To Get Older

Saturday I went to the beach with CH. Got there, but didn’t get into the water, just walked. You know, among the shops and pretty much just looking at girls go by and maybe talk to them if it was possible. In other words, we were “fishing”.

Bought a vanilla ice cream cone and ate it. Somehow we started talking about girls. Which is highly unusual because I normally don’t talk about this with CH. We mostly talk about soccer and video games. I know him since we were 13 and consider him one of my “brothers”.

He said for some reason he noted younger girls started talking to him. I remember he was with me in the gym’s pool when the incident with the 14 year old girl happened. After everything had happened he commented he was surprised she was 14 and not 18 too.

For some reason congratulated me for getting her number. (when in reality it was the girl who insisted me on memorizing it) I told him I wasn’t going to call her because I didn’t want to get in trouble with the law or anything. And I never did.

But back to the beach

He said he met a girl from Jalisco at a party; she kept looking at him through out the night. It all began when he overheard her say she wanted to learn how to dance like him (he is a good dancer). He just walked to her and asked her if she wanted to dance.

To make a long story short, the girl turned out to be 18 years old (and he is my age, no wait, I think he a year older) and they were supposed to go out on a date Sunday afternoon.

After that I told him all about the Sandra incident. Everything, including the boyfriend-almost-caching-me-with-her scene. He laughed…hard.

After we both stopped laughing, we agreed girls like older guys even when they are losers like us. Then we wondered about the future, about how things would be much better once we turn 30 or 35 and girls 20-25 will be after us.

He had this experience with an 18 year old, and Sandra was 19 when things happened between us. Plus, the “Sandra Incident” was not alone. I just remembered about the “Taco Place Owner’s Daughter” incident too (if you don‘t know of what I‘m talking about, just read my older posts and you‘ll find the story).

I saw her a few weeks ago and OMG…she is turning into a woman. I remember some years ago, when we first started going for lunch at that place, I would see her with a “Dora The Explorer” backpack and stuff like that. Now she wears “woman’s jeans” and make up. And she is not ugly ;-)

Not so long ago, when I was 21-22, one night I though to myself if I didn’t get a girlfriend and married her before I was 30, things would be WAY harder afterwards. How wrong I was.

Today I’m 25, and after all the “experience” I’ve gotten, I can’t wait for my 30’s. Girls in their 20’s would think I’m “mature and sophisticated” when in reality I would still be the same “childish wetback” I have always been.

It’s true I haven’t been in a “real” relationship in years, but on the other hand, who needs a “meaningful relationship” when you’re having this much fun? Right now I’m writing in a café and for about 1 ½ hours, I’ve been making eye contact with two girls.

One is kind of just in front of me. And the other is to my left. Both have curly hair, the one in front of me has light brown hair and the other dark brown. I find the one to my left more attractive because she has more of a “womanly” body. With the right curves at the right places ;-). I’ll have to wait and see what happens, maybe something will happen and I’ll be able to talk to one of them. I have a “special strategy” for this kind of situations ;-)

Oh, and just about 5 minutes ago I met a girl outside the restroom. She is not really my type, but I just did it to “test” some of my new material…and it worked wonders. Turns out the girl is from Texas and is here to study graphic design. I could have ask for her information, and I’m sure she would had given it to me. But I didn’t want to…you know, this was only a “test” for my new material.

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