Sunday, January 10, 2010

Taco Adventures Part 2

Thursday I returned to the taco place where that girl works. Remember? The place where the girl from Mexico works? The one with light brown eyes and black hair. Well, when I came in, she was there working. I greeted everyone I was going to greet her too, but I noticed she looked like she was having a bad day. Instead I just ignored her.

As usual I ordered two tacos and a pineapple drink. But I didn’t make the order with her, instead I did it with another lady I know. Headed to my seat and waited for the food to come. Everything was going very smoothly.

I had planned talking to her for about 2 weeks. And after thinking on how I would approach her, normally I don’t “hit” on girls who work at the places I frequent with my work friends, I decided I was going to use a new technique. One more subtle.

The last time I had been there, an older guy had handed her a card with his number so she would call him. He was making her laugh and stuff like that, but right then I knew she wasn’t going to call him even when she said she will.

So the girl comes with our food to our table. And I asked her if she is upset or something. She laughs and adds she is fine. She put the food and as she was doing that, I asked her:

“So, did you call him?”

She looked at me as if she didn’t know what I was talking about. Then I added I was talking about the older guy from last time. At first she smiled and one millisecond later, her expression changed, as if she was disgusted by something.

“Of course not. I’m not going to call anyone”

“So you only did it to get him excited, eh?” I asked.

She laughs and said “I was just being nice”

I knew she was going to come back, heck, she is the waitress, she has to come back. With a smile on my face, I took a sip to my pineapple drink. It tasted as if someone had put salt and lemon in it. The girl came back and I asked what had happened to my drink.

“What? Does it taste funny?”

“Yeah, like if someone put salt in it”

“Oh, I think the other girl used the cup I was using for something else”

Without saying anything else, or taking the drink with her, she leaves. Normally when stuff like this happens, they take away the drink and bring you another one, but she didn’t do that.

I got up and went to the counter, to the girl I made the order with. I explained the situation, and then “L” (L is the girl I like) comes and asks her if she used a cup that was close to the drink machine. She then added she had put salt and lemon in it.

The other girl apologized gave me another drink. I returned to my seat. And ate. After we were done, the girl comes, not L, but the other, to pick our plates up. She repeated she was really sorry, and this time added she didn’t know there was salt in that cup. Then said it had happened because L was using that cup to make a “michelada”.

I didn’t know what was that. My partner then smiled and said those have salt, lemon, tomato juice and beer.

Right then I knew nothing was ever going to happen with this girl. And not because she didn’t like me or anything. It’s just that I’m not going to go after one girl who drinks beer. Come on…I’m juang…DAP’s official player. I have very high standards for beauty, but its not the only thing I look at in a girl who I might consider “going after”. Maybe if she liked drinking wine, I would consider putting her in my Hot Girl List, but beer. What, is she a construction worker or a stupid girl in college?

I get disgusted by girls who drink beer or smoke. Why? That I do not know.

I’m just happy I found out about her fondness for beer before I turned “the charm” up.

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