Sunday, January 3, 2010


So far 2010 has been a good year. Sure, it is only 3 days old, however, I feel good about it. It started with a bang.

S. and all his family moved out of their 2 bedroom apartment into a 3 bedroom house in Hollywood. And who was there to help move all of their stuff? You guessed. It was me. We moved out all of their stuff the night of December 29, 2009 and the morning of December 30, 2009. So by new year’s they were in their brand new home.

I got to do the job of moving the refrigerator from their old apartment into the truck and from the truck to their new house. It was relatively easy because that’s part of my everyday job.

Saturday January 2, 2010 I came back to help. I was able to get them a good used stove for a good price due to my connections. I asked S. if we could pick up the stove and we would do the whole delivery thing together.

After picking the stove up, we went to return the keys from their old apartment to the person in charge of the building. It turned out to be quite an adventure.

The guy who takes care of the building is a very difficult person who thinks he has the right to yell at everyone. So while me and J. (S.’s girlfriend ) ran into the apartment to pick up the last things they had forgotten, S. got into a big argument with this guy.

The guy had told them to leave the building about a month ago, so they did it, but they didn’t give him a notice or anything. They apparently have a history of fighting and with this guy. So I stayed out of it.

Then the guy told S. it was too late to move because they were supposed to be out by the 1st. S. replied they were out already and that we had just come back to give him the keys to the apartment. The guy then argued they were supposed to give the key back by the 1st of the month. S answered they had come the first, but he hadn’t been there. The guy said it was a holyday. So S. said he didn’t care about that.

After that they broke into a half ass English screams where at the end both were going to sue each other. We quickly got into S.’s truck which was into an indoor parking lot.

The guy then told us since they didn’t live there anymore, we were trespassing private property. And as we were driving to the exit and the gate slowly opening, he told us to give back the remote control for the gate.

S. rolled the passenger’s window down, and threw it to the guy’s feet. It hit the floor and the guy went running after it. We all laughed and J. flipped the guy and told him to “shove it”.

So, that’s how 2010 started for me.

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