Thursday, January 28, 2010

Busy Week--Part 2

Later on that day we had another service call in Hollywood, in one of those fancy ass apartments near the Arc Light near Sunset. I had two apartments to check. Units 101 and 204.

First of all I went up to unit 101. A tall blonde and chubby girl opened up. I told her I was there to see the heater. She told me to come in. Once inside I saw a skinny nerdy looking girl with big glasses at a computer. She turned to me and said hi. The other girl told me the problem was the was air coming out of the vents, but cold air.

I went up to the thermostat and turned it on. Sure, the was air, but cold air coming out. Hoping this was not a heat pump system, I asked the tall chubby girl if there was a furnace unit inside the apartment in one of the closets. She said no. Now no matter what, I would have to go up to the roof top.

By this time the rain had pretty much stopped. So I told the girl I would go up to the roof top and see what was going on. I warned her that if it was an electrical problem, I would not be able to fix it until the rain had stopped. Went to the roof top, found the unit and thank god, it was running. I came back down and told her the problem wasn’t electric, but instead it had a refrigerant leak. Went to the truck and discovered I was out of refrigerant.

When I told this to the girl, she got annoyed by the news, grabbed her phone and started to bother the people who runs the building. I called my boss and made arrangements to go and get a new refrigerant tank and delay the rest of the house calls for that afternoon. To these news she reacted happily. Before going to the store, I went up to apartment 204 and knocked on the door. There two lesbian looking girls (not the girl type, but the ugly man type) opened the door. They didn’t look as if they were together, but instead looked like room mates.

Went up to the roof top again but this time it had begun to rain lightly again. Found electrical problem with the unit and told them I wasn’t going to be back until the rain had completely stopped. They were ok with that.

Went to the store for a new tank of refrigerant. Without knocking on apartment 101 I went up straight to the rooftop. There I found a big leak. One of those leaks that can’t be fixed and require the whole condensing unit to be replaced.

When the girl heard those news, got annoyed again. Started calling the people who owned the place. Suddenly she hands me the phone and tells me it’s the owner of the building who wants to talk to me. I’ve talk to that guy in the past, and he seems like a nice guy, but at the same time, looks like one of those guys who thinks just because he is rich he can do whatever he wants.

I talked to him and explained the situation. I told him the whole condensing unit would need to be replaced. He seemed fine with that. Asked me if I did that kind of job. I told him no. He then asked me to talk to the lady. When I give her the phone she starts asking me what had happened in apartment 204. I explained the whole situation to her and she explained it to him over the phone. She gives me the phone back again.

The guy asked me what is going on. I told him there was electrical problems I wasn’t going to fix them until the rain stopped. He then starts yelling at me

“Well, why didn’t you tell me that before? I’m trying to run a business here!”

That guy esta pendejo y malo del culo. Which in English means he is a stupid dumb ass if he thinks I’m going to let anyone yell at me. So I just hung up. No one is going to yell at me…no one.

Said bye to the blonde chubby girl and left the place.

Things would still suck on Friday when I had to do a house call in a fancy strange house in the heart of the Hollywood Hills.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Busy Week--Part 1

This week, has been a busy week. Thursday it was pouring here in LA. Not only it was cold, but I got a house call in Santa Monica; in Montana Ave. After driving about 1 hour in the rain…well, I wasn’t driving, my partner was the one who did the driving, we finally got to the house.

It was a nice condo, apparently it belonged to the ex wife of my boss’ customer…a guy who has lots of apartment building and is very rich. So we get to the property. Looked for apartment “A”, didn’t find it. Decided to knock on the apartment with no letter: no answer.

Right then I noticed my umbrella had a leak. Great. It was still raining and we went to the back of the property hoping one little room there was apartment “A”. Nope. It turned out to be the laundry room.

I tell my partner to wait while I was going to knock again in the apartment with no letter. This time I hear someone approaching the door. The door opened and it was a very short old lady. About 5’ and about 55 years old. I tell her I’m there to fix the heater. She smiles and tells me to come in. I was about to yell at my partner to come when I noticed he was standing right behind me.

We got in. It was very lavish apartment with lots of fancy shit all over the place. As she was explaining on how I was going to need a latter to get to the attic a guy comes out from one of the rooms and tells me the exact same thing the lady said. He also looks in his late 50’s.

The lady got mad at him for interrupting and tell him to go back to his room. He ignores her. I asked her where the thermostat was. She tells me is in the living room, and again, the guy interrupted her and says the same thing she said.

“Will you shout up? You didn’t know where the thermostat was until last week” She said. My eyes were wide open.

“Will you shout up bitch? You’re a fucking bitch” The guy said.

“Oh, why don’t you go get another one? You’ve been drinking since 7 this morning”

“Ok, I will go get another one”

By then I was looking at the thermostat and I saw the guy leaving the room with a cup in his hand. I though this was over and it was going to just like any other house call. Boy was I wrong.

I took the thermostat cover off and unscrewed the command wires.

“Air comes out of the vents, but it is cold” The lady said.

I bypassed the thermostat and got the heater to work. To this she is very happy. And I’m happy too. I though I was going to leave in 5 minutes. Then as I was doing my routine check up, the fan suddenly stops working. That meant I was going to have to go to the attic to see what was causing this.

Then, from out of one of the rooms, the guy starts yelling, “Hey, what was wrong? Come and tell me”

“They are working. Let them finish” The lady yells at the drunk guy.

“Don’t tell me what to do bitch!” The guy yells back. “You, old man, come here and tell me what is going on”, he said to my partner. He ignores him and the guy starts insulting him too.

That really pissed me off. Then I yelled at him “Watch your language”.

“Oh, you shout up punk”

After insulting me two or more times, I asked my partner in a very low voice “Do I ignore him or insult back?” He laughed and told me to ignore him.

I decided to put the thermostat back together and leave. We took our stuff and headed to the door. I told my partner to wait for me outside while I told the lady what was going on.

“Listen. I can’t work with a guy calling me names”

“I understand” Then the guy interrupts her once more.

“Who is calling you names you idiot?”

I just looked at him and I see him get up his chair and charge at me. While he is an old guy, he is about 6’2” and about 190 lbs. So I’m there in the hallway, but right at the door and I just waited for him to get closer.

I use steel toe boots, so I was thinking on kicking him in one knee. The lady has her back to him, but when she sensed he was getting closer, the just turned around and pushing him back.

It was funny to see how this 5’ old woman pushed this guy. He was really drunk, so he almost felt to the ground. I just smiled and turned away. Went to the truck and headed back to Hollywood.

…To Be Continued.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Funny Shit At The Gym

Earlier this week I was at the gym. It was a slow day when suddenly I see this girl who I’ve been wanted to talk to for a long time, but never had the chance to do so. She is about 5’3” really white skin with dark eyes and hair, about 120 lbs and wears some cute nerdy glasses.

I was done running, so I decided to seat in the stretching area to catch my breath back. Out of nowhere this girl comes and seat almost next to me. I waited about one minute and she started to this fancy stretches. I turned the volume down in my phone’s mp3 player but didn’t take the ear phones off and I walked up to her.

The day before I had come up with a new great way to start talking to girls I don’t know. So I used that A-material line on her and it worked. Turns out her name is Se. She is not very talkative but is very nice.

By then we seated next to each other next against a walk that has that wooden bar ballet dancers use to help them do their stretches. You know, that handle thing.

So she finished and was getting up while saying goodbye and looking at me. That’s when she hit her head against that wooden bar. Man, it was painful. She got embarrassed and rubbed her head with her hand.

“Don’t worry, it happens to all of us”

She didn’t laugh or anything. Just took her work out towel, said bye once more, and left.

After she left, I started laughing my ass off. Then I noticed a guy across the room looking at me, he just rolled his eyes. What? It was funny.

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Roommate

Thursday afternoon I was texting with G. He asked if he could borrow that palmistry book I showed him a couple of weeks ago. Added he wanted to show it to someone. I asked if that someone was the girl who flirts with him at work. He texted “lol” back.

Just to tease him I asked “When are we all going to get together again so I can see the Colombian girl?”

He replied, “Never, she is not here; and you don’t like her”

“True. If I wanted to see a puta, I would go to [insert brothel’s name here]”

He laughed. And I texted when was he going to go back to that place.

“Maybe in a couple of months”

“Why’s that?”

“Me and my girlfriend are going our separate ways. Can you bring the book tonight? I really need it this week”

“Really? Ok, I’ll meet you for coffee tonight”

Instead of heading to the gym after work, I went home to take a shower and pick the book up. I wanted to know everything about this.

I got to his apartment building near Wilshire. I parked the motorcycle up, and since I have the door code to get in, I went straight to his place to the 4th floor.

Instead of knocking the door, I called him on his cell phone. He answered not knowing I was in the hallway.

“Ok, I’ll be right down” I got close to the door and I saw it opened.

I hear he was saying good bye to his girlfriend. She seemed very amorous and was kissing him as if she didn’t know what was going through G’s mind. When he got out he saw me and was surprised.

“Good, now you can help me take out the trash” He had two bags of trash in her hands, and gave me one. Went down the stairs and to the back of the building where the dumpster is.

Then we headed to a coffee shop near his house. Got there and ordered, to my bad luck, they didn’t have cinnamon tea…the one I always ask for to the places I go to. We sat in a table near the entrance and started talking.

After telling why they were separating, I pointed out it was going to be a good thing because now I was going to be able to show him how to hit on girls in regular places. As I was telling him that, I noticed he was looking at something behind my back. I turned around to find a girl at her computer doing something.

I kept talking and apparently he made eye contact with that girl again and he smiled at her.

“Go talk to her” I said.

“Who” He asked.

“That girl you’re looking at. It is a good opportunity to practice for when you’re single again”

He looked down to the table and said “No. I can’t. Maybe when I’m actually single”

“Come on, do it just for fun. It is a good place to start. Just go and tell her [--insert material line here--]”

He laughs.

“I told you it was funny. Just get her to laugh and then play things by ear”

“Maybe later”

“Come on. Look at you. You’re a mess. If you want to make it, you’re gonna have to dress nicer. The only thing missing is you wearing sweat pants”

I looked down the table and to my surprise, he was wearing sweat pants with a wore down green t-shirt and sweater.

“You’re one step away from me having to drag you into a strip club”

He laughs.

“So, what’s happening to the apartment?”

“Well, I’m looking for a roommate. Do you want to come? It is not that expensive. We can be like Joy and Chandler from Friends”

I laughed. And for a the rest of the night I considered moving to that apartment. It would be fun after all.

So, I have until mid February to decide if I want to move or not. Lots of props and cons.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Motorcyles & Hot Blondes

I was able to get all the tools necessary to do my first oil change on my motorcycle. Thanks to some “how to” guides from the internet, I was able to do it all by myself. Of course, some oil ended on the floor, but who cares. I will not have to pay to get this done anymore. I was able to replace the oil filter too.

Now I need to learn how to replace the spark plug. In order to do so, I need to be able to remove the gas tank. Sounds kind of big, but I’ve seen other guides with pictures, and it doesn’t seem that complicated. I asked S if he could help me with that next Saturday.

I don’t need him to do any actual work…the only thing I need is a ride to the AutoZone or Pep Boys to buy the new spark plug. I went there last Sunday, but they told me they needed to look at the old spark plug to make sure they were selling me the right one.

But before any of that, I need to take it to the mechanic to have the rear brake pads replaced. If every goes as planned, I’ll be taking it in Thursday and picking it up Saturday morning. Nothing can go wrong, right? It’s only the rear brake pads. I would do them myself, but I don’t have a jack or the special tool to remove the rear wheel. I just wonder how much it would cost. Last year they charged me: $150 to have the spark plug, motor oil, and rear brake pads replaced. But this year it will be only the rear brakes.

Also yesterday I was able to “fix” the noise I only hear when I was high on the 2nd gear. It was the front belt cover hitting the camshaft cover. Apparently there’s supposed to be a rubber thing in between, but it always falls off. I really love this motorcycle.

It gets me lots of attention from girls. Last night at the gym’s parking lot, I was getting ready to leave when a hot girl walked in front of me. Of course, I was already on my motorcycle. I whistled at her, and she kind of smiled at me. I had never seen her before, but I hope I’ll see her again soon.

Speaking of girls from the gym. I ran into A (the hot blonde girl with the Shakira-like body and light blue eyes, remember, the one I went into a kind of a mini date) Well, we ran into each other last week. Told me she was going to be done with training in about a month. So I asked her if she would give me a massage once she was certified. I told her I wanted to wait just to make sure she wasn‘t going to brake my neck. She laughed and agreed. I also managed to make her give me free massages. I’m planning to have the first massage for free, and then give her like $20 later. Nah. Free is free, right? After all, she will be gaining experience and has agreed not to charge me, right? What? Not because you don’t use women, means it is bad.

Man, just by looking at that hot ass “lifted my spirit”…if you know what I mean. Plus, I like looking into her light blue eyes a lot.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Taco Adventures Part 2

Thursday I returned to the taco place where that girl works. Remember? The place where the girl from Mexico works? The one with light brown eyes and black hair. Well, when I came in, she was there working. I greeted everyone I was going to greet her too, but I noticed she looked like she was having a bad day. Instead I just ignored her.

As usual I ordered two tacos and a pineapple drink. But I didn’t make the order with her, instead I did it with another lady I know. Headed to my seat and waited for the food to come. Everything was going very smoothly.

I had planned talking to her for about 2 weeks. And after thinking on how I would approach her, normally I don’t “hit” on girls who work at the places I frequent with my work friends, I decided I was going to use a new technique. One more subtle.

The last time I had been there, an older guy had handed her a card with his number so she would call him. He was making her laugh and stuff like that, but right then I knew she wasn’t going to call him even when she said she will.

So the girl comes with our food to our table. And I asked her if she is upset or something. She laughs and adds she is fine. She put the food and as she was doing that, I asked her:

“So, did you call him?”

She looked at me as if she didn’t know what I was talking about. Then I added I was talking about the older guy from last time. At first she smiled and one millisecond later, her expression changed, as if she was disgusted by something.

“Of course not. I’m not going to call anyone”

“So you only did it to get him excited, eh?” I asked.

She laughs and said “I was just being nice”

I knew she was going to come back, heck, she is the waitress, she has to come back. With a smile on my face, I took a sip to my pineapple drink. It tasted as if someone had put salt and lemon in it. The girl came back and I asked what had happened to my drink.

“What? Does it taste funny?”

“Yeah, like if someone put salt in it”

“Oh, I think the other girl used the cup I was using for something else”

Without saying anything else, or taking the drink with her, she leaves. Normally when stuff like this happens, they take away the drink and bring you another one, but she didn’t do that.

I got up and went to the counter, to the girl I made the order with. I explained the situation, and then “L” (L is the girl I like) comes and asks her if she used a cup that was close to the drink machine. She then added she had put salt and lemon in it.

The other girl apologized gave me another drink. I returned to my seat. And ate. After we were done, the girl comes, not L, but the other, to pick our plates up. She repeated she was really sorry, and this time added she didn’t know there was salt in that cup. Then said it had happened because L was using that cup to make a “michelada”.

I didn’t know what was that. My partner then smiled and said those have salt, lemon, tomato juice and beer.

Right then I knew nothing was ever going to happen with this girl. And not because she didn’t like me or anything. It’s just that I’m not going to go after one girl who drinks beer. Come on…I’m juang…DAP’s official player. I have very high standards for beauty, but its not the only thing I look at in a girl who I might consider “going after”. Maybe if she liked drinking wine, I would consider putting her in my Hot Girl List, but beer. What, is she a construction worker or a stupid girl in college?

I get disgusted by girls who drink beer or smoke. Why? That I do not know.

I’m just happy I found out about her fondness for beer before I turned “the charm” up.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


So far 2010 has been a good year. Sure, it is only 3 days old, however, I feel good about it. It started with a bang.

S. and all his family moved out of their 2 bedroom apartment into a 3 bedroom house in Hollywood. And who was there to help move all of their stuff? You guessed. It was me. We moved out all of their stuff the night of December 29, 2009 and the morning of December 30, 2009. So by new year’s they were in their brand new home.

I got to do the job of moving the refrigerator from their old apartment into the truck and from the truck to their new house. It was relatively easy because that’s part of my everyday job.

Saturday January 2, 2010 I came back to help. I was able to get them a good used stove for a good price due to my connections. I asked S. if we could pick up the stove and we would do the whole delivery thing together.

After picking the stove up, we went to return the keys from their old apartment to the person in charge of the building. It turned out to be quite an adventure.

The guy who takes care of the building is a very difficult person who thinks he has the right to yell at everyone. So while me and J. (S.’s girlfriend ) ran into the apartment to pick up the last things they had forgotten, S. got into a big argument with this guy.

The guy had told them to leave the building about a month ago, so they did it, but they didn’t give him a notice or anything. They apparently have a history of fighting and with this guy. So I stayed out of it.

Then the guy told S. it was too late to move because they were supposed to be out by the 1st. S. replied they were out already and that we had just come back to give him the keys to the apartment. The guy then argued they were supposed to give the key back by the 1st of the month. S answered they had come the first, but he hadn’t been there. The guy said it was a holyday. So S. said he didn’t care about that.

After that they broke into a half ass English screams where at the end both were going to sue each other. We quickly got into S.’s truck which was into an indoor parking lot.

The guy then told us since they didn’t live there anymore, we were trespassing private property. And as we were driving to the exit and the gate slowly opening, he told us to give back the remote control for the gate.

S. rolled the passenger’s window down, and threw it to the guy’s feet. It hit the floor and the guy went running after it. We all laughed and J. flipped the guy and told him to “shove it”.

So, that’s how 2010 started for me.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Fuck You 2009

Thank God 2009 is over. Fuck you X-mast 2009 fuck you New Year's Eve.

Thank god the holiday season is over. I really hate the month of December.

I really hate people hugging me and drinking and shit. I don't like to be touched. And what about the people who spend the night waiting for the Rose Parade. Get a life you moron. What the fuck is that?