Friday, October 16, 2009


Last night when I came home from the gym I found my brother with his girlfriend in the living room. I said hi and went to take a shower.

I don't know why, but that got me thinking. Time is passing by and I'm still doing the same shit. He found someone to be with whereas for me, that same can't be said. Sure I meet lots of great looking girls, go out with them and have fun, but I can't imagine having a real relationship with any of them. You know, where you take them to meet your parents and shit like that.

Good thing I'm still young :-)


Somfolnalco said...

oy oy how old are ya anyways?

JuanG said...

you asked that already

Somfolnalco said...

yeah but IM old and forget. i think you said 25 rite?