Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

My name is Juang. I am a 25 year old guy. I live in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is a city in California. California is a state in the United States. The United States is a country in the world. The world, earth, is the 3rd planet from the sun in our solar system. The solar system is in the universe. And the universe is everything and nothing at the same time.

Today is October 31, 2009 and the time is 8:23 pm. I am writing in my computer. To my left is my cat Tomas. Tomas is sleeping. I’m watching ice skating in TV. I’m not paying much attention, but an Asian looking girl with a red skirt is doing her routine. I am writing in my computer because I’m bored. I already played two chess games against the computer. I won one and drew the other.

I am bored and I don’t know what else to write. Right now, I could be getting ready to go to a Halloween party. Lth and Iv threw a party in their house and since I…Akiko Suzuki was the name of the girl doing the ice skating thing…ok back to the Halloween party. I could be getting ready to attend Lth and Iv’s party because I designed the invitations and Lth personally invited me about a week ago when me and S picked her up at work because she got in a nasty fight with her manager.

Their parties are very good. I think back in June I went to a couple of them. In one I “hooked up” with a girl named P. We danced reggeton all night. You know, my thing touching her thing. My hands all over her and her hands all over me all night…just like in the old days when I used to party about every weekend in the clubs of LA. I think I posted what happened in that party, I don’t remember. If I didn’t, please let me know and I’ll let you guys know all about it.

In another of Lth and Iv’s parties I met a cute girl who looked white but turned out to be Hispanic…and she looks the way I like them. Fair skin with dark eyes and hair. I posted that story. Remember? The one where I was getting kind of close to the girl, and she was letting me, and all with her boyfriend at the same party. Now do you remember? Since then I haven’t seen her. Maybe she is going to this Halloween party and I’m here at home with my sandals, and my Barcelona short on. And don’t worry, I’m not wearing socks with sandals. But who cares, she already has a boyfriend. There’s no point of “dating” a girl who has a boyfriend. I learned my lesson with Sandra.

About an hour ago I got a text message from G. He wanted me to go with him and his girlfriend to West Hollywood to the Halloween Carnival at Santa Monica. I asked who else was going. He said AM (the girl from the Colombian Festival post…if you haven’t read it, go ahead and do so. The title is “AM and the Colombian Festival” or something along those lines) and some other people I didn’t know were coming too. After hearing the name AM I completely discarded the idea of going with them.

I just don’t like that girl. I don’t know why. She is nice and sweet and all, but I just don’t like the idea of being in the same room she is in. Not too long ago, when P came from Arizona and “the gang” got together, we took G’s girlfriend to a party in Eagle Rock. I got a “sick” feeling in my stomach when she commented AM was going to be at the party. Thank god I didn’t see her.

Why is this happening? Maybe I’m in love with her? Nah. Maybe is just me and my tendency of being a rebel. Since everyone likes her a lot, I do the opposite without any motive. Heather once told me “why do you always have to be such a rebel?” Back then I didn’t give her an answer because I didn’t have one…years later, I’m asking that same question to myself…and I still have no answer.

I know I have chances with AM. Back at the Colombian festival it only took looking into her eyes, a smile, and taking the initiative to have her sleeping in my chess after not really talking to her all day long and saying “no” every time she asked me if I wanted something. Do you want water? No. Are you hungry? No. I remember once she was eating some Colombian dish or something. Looked at me, took the spoon and with a big “good girl” smile on her face she tried to feed me. I just turned away and kept walking. I didn’t even turn back to see what her reaction had been. Ha ha ha. I was such an ASS. Life is fun when you're an ass, don't you think?

Still, after doing stuff like that, at the end of the day, she was sleeping in my chess and I had my arm around her as if she was my girl. A simple strategy that got me results: looking into her eyes, a smile, and taking the initiative. I know she enjoyed it when I played with her hair.

You know…maybe that’s why I don’t like her…because she is just too easy. Vieja puta…I could fuck her the day I want! Ha ha ha.

Right now the time is 9:53pm and S texted me. He wants to go to Lth and Iv’s party. I don’t feel like going; he says Ch is already there. I really don’t feel like going out. Maybe I’m getting old. Or maybe I’m getting tired of always meeting sluts at parties. It is like dating an actress…first it is a dream come true, then it turns into a nightmare.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Poema a Gabriela

Ya no estaba ahí, estaba en otro lugar. Un sitio obscuro en donde sólo había un sillón de terciopelo rojo frente a una televisión antigua; que era la única luz en el lugar. Volvió hacia el televisor. El equipo rojo se jugaba la final del ascenso y con el marcador empatado, embatía la puerta del equipo visitante.

Por alguna razón dio vuelta a su derecha y notó que del otro lado del sofa de terciopelo rojo estaba Gabriela, quien lo veia fijamente. El ruido del televisor lo distrajo, pues el delantero del equipo local habia fallado solo frente al portero en los segundos finales del encuentro.

Volvió de nuevo hacia Gabriela; súbitamente se dio cuenta que ahora ella estaba sobre él. Sus manos al rededor de su cintura y las de ella al rededor de su cuello. Le preguntó dónde había estado y por qué había tardado tanto.

Antes que pudiera responder, ella añadió que eso ahora ya no importaba pues estaban juntos y el tiempo ya no iba a correr.

El Irapuato ascendía a la primera mientras él la besaba.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's Leonids Time Again

I found this article and I wanted to share to all my beloved followers.
It's Leonids time again
Enjoy this meteor shower all year by snapping some photos.
Laura Layton
November's Leonid meteor shower offers a great opportunity to get outside and enjoy nature's light-show fantastic. Bill Cooke predicts the shower's peak will take place November 18 between 11:45 P.M. and 1:33 A.M. EST early November 19 (See "Get ready for the Leonids" in the September 2006 issue). Astronomer David Asher of Armagh Observatory in Northern Ireland predicts around 100 meteors per hour near the shower's peak.

You need no special equipment to observe meteors. A dark site and a clear view of a good portion of the sky are all you really need. If you wish to take a few Leonids home with you, then take some pictures. Use a single-lens-reflex (SLR) camera on a tripod and film (ASA 400 or higher) to take a time exposures. A 45-second exposure will result in no star trails, but longer exposures can result in more meteors in the frame.

Remember to dress for your location's November weather and bring a red light to find your way in the dark while retaining your dark-adapted vision

Thursday, October 22, 2009

At The Cafe Part 2

…That night I didn’t have any other interaction with her. I minded my own business and nothing worth mentioning really happened. Well, I met a girl named G late that night as I was leaving the place, but that’s all.

Next morning after waking up, I remembered about the note J2 had given me. Looked for my pants and took it out. I don’t know why, but I laughed. In the back of someone’s receipt she had written: “I love you”

Yes, you read right “I love you”. I wasn’t expecting it; even looked at it twice to make sure. The ball was in my court, and I knew I had to do something she will never expect. You know, to return the favor.

It was a Monday, so it meant I had to get a clean up hair cut from G. I get a clean up hair cut every two weeks or so between real hair cuts; you know, to look good most of the time. It pays off to have a close friend who is an stylist in a fancy ass hair salon.

Arrived at G’s place at around 5pm. The stupid elevator didn’t work, so I had to go up to the 5th floor using the stairs. Finally got there. After he cut my hair we started talking in his living room. Like we usually do. And then this girl came to our conversation.

I told him everything that had happened with the girl at the counter in the coffee shop. Both the “hands” incident and the “note” one. Previous to these events, I had told him I felt a certain thing between us (not me and him, but me and J2) but I wasn’t going to really go after her because, after all, she is not really my type of girl. And besides, we were taking all this as a game.

He laughed after I told him what she had written in the note. I laughed too. I showed him the note and he laughed even more. He returned the note and said “Ole, matador!” . I laughed more.

Then I told him I didn’t know what step to take next. Basically I had two options. One, I could write her a funny e-mail; like I’d previously done. (yes, I have her e-mail…hate me all you want :-P). Two, I could write her another little note the next time I see her.

He told me to go for option two. “She started with the notes. It means she likes this kind of things”, he said. I finally listened to one of G’s advice and went for option number two. But now I had a new problem. What could I write in a little note that will communicate I like this kind of games without looking like a wuss and also that I wanted to take things to another level.

I didn’t go fishing to that particular café for about a week, you know, so she could miss me.

So the day came when I had to go back. I don’t know why, but I was nervous. I knew exactly what I was going to write in a little note if she was there.

I got off from my bike and for some reason I was really nervous. I could feel my heart beating faster. And feeling a little anxious. I even dropped to the floor my bike’s lock, which I have never done before or since that day.

Somehow I managed to get myself together and headed to the café. At this point I was sure she was going to be at the counter, and for another reason as I was getting closer to it, I kept getting more and more nervous. Without realizing it, I was walking faster than usual and I was looking to the floor; something I never do.

So I came to the entrance of the café. Stopped and told myself “Orale cabron, no vayas a salir con tus mamadas” And went into the café without having another thought.

She was at the counter and she noticed me when I came in. I looked for a table and put my stuff down before ordering. Went up to her.

“Hey” she smiled.

“Hey” I smiled but deep inside I felt I could not even talk properly.

“How are you?” she asked

“Fine and you?” for the first time in a long long long time, I didn’t know what to say.

“Good…so…did you read my note?”

“No.” I lied.

“No?” she seemed confused.

“No. I forgot. What did it say?” Looking into her eyes. I wasn’t as nervous as before and I felt my confidence levels getting back to normal…super high.

“Well, I guess you will never know”

“Uh? No, tell me.”

“Nope, sorry.”

Took my stuff and went to my table. Time passed. Started to mind my own business. After about half hour things in the café quiet down. No more costumers came in. This was my chance.

I have a small notebook from when I got my new computer. It has somewhat of small pages. In one of them I wrote:

“So, when are you going to ask me out?”

Folded the note and headed her way without thinking anymore.

I approached her and said:

“Hey…I have something for you” She looked at me.

I gave her the note. And told her not to read it until she got home and was all by her self. She took the note and…

…to be continued.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Male Fashion 101 - Shoes

We are going to start this fashion post with some of the basics: Shoes

Wearing the right kind of shoes at the right time will make you stand out from the rest of the guys out there.

Remember when you were a kid and your footwear consisted only of your school shoes and your dirty-good-for-any-occasion sneakers? You don’t? Well, I do. And I kind of miss those more simple times. However, now I look better. Which is always a plus.

I’m going to give you some very important information about shoes, and the right type of shoes for the right places. Just follow these simple rules.

Gym shoes don’t go well with everything in your closet. Gym shoes don’t belong outside the gym, basketball court, etc, etc. Don’t wear them if you’re not practicing any kind of sport’s activity like hiking or playing a soccer match with your friends.

Every guy needs at least 4 pairs of shoes. Your “grown up” shoes (oxfords), “gym” shoes, “going out tennis” shoes, and a pair of sandals to “kick it around the house”. If you live in very hot places, like Miami or Los Angeles, you should consider getting another pair of sandals for walking down the beach. This second pair has to be leather sandals. And please, please, please, please, don’t ever, ever, ever, ever wear sandals of any kind with socks on even if you’re just around your house.

Always keep all your footwear somewhat clean. Not only you will look better, but they will last longer.

They are called oxfords and these are the kind of shoes you wear to formal events or when you want to look nice, as when you’re out on a date to a fancy restaurant. These pair of shoes have laces on the top and look mature. Make sure to get a brown and a black pair. Wear the black shoes with black shirts, and wear the brown ones with brown shirts. A variation is getting a pair of black oxfords and a cool dark brown pair of motorcycle boots. This combination will work wonders. And will cover almost any formal or informal event you can attend.

Oh, and don’t worry, you can buy and wear motorcycle boots even if you don’t ride a motorcycle. However, don’t wear motorcycle boots if you ride a scooter/moped. Those things are more for girls. (the scooters/mopeds, not the motorcycle boots)
I know we are in the middle of hard economic times, however, I highly recommend getting a pair of brown oxfords. But if you can’t afford them, then at least make sure you get a pair of black ones. If you end up doing this, please stay away from brown shirts. Trust me, girls will notice this brown-shirt-and-black-shoes look…and they won’t like it.

And from now on, please don’t refer to them as “grown up” shoes; “oxfords” is the correct term. Let’s all grow up a little. Can you image going to a shoe department store and asking the beautiful assistant “Hi. Do you know where the grown up shoes are?”.

Don’t wear them outside the gym or if you’re not practicing any sport’s activity. Try to keep them clean. I’m not a fan of white gym shoes, but if you are, that’s your decision. I tend to go for the darker gym shoes. I feel they give you more of a mature look, but at the same time an athletic one.

When you buy them, make sure to buy the right type of tennis shoes: The ones with special support for the arch of your feet. Just look at the sole of the shoe. If you see it is made up of two pieces…that’s a gym shoe.

I’ve said not to wear gym shoes outside the gym. Now I’m saying not to wear anything other than gym shoes to the gym. Other wise you may hurt your feet. Other footwear don’t provide the necessary support/protection for an intense work out. So please leave your cool “going out” tennis shoes in the locker room before breaking a sweat. Outside fashion, is not gym fashion.
NOTE: I highly recommend buying New Balance gym shoes. Why? Because they are made in America. And we need to help our own economy by buying American products. As for me, the second my Adidas gym shoes break, I’ll go get a pair of New Balance.

There’s a wide variety of these out there. You will be fine with a pair of Converse shoes. Stay away from over designed glittery shoes; like Ed Hardy. And if you end up getting stuck with Ed Hardy shoes, like I did, make sure to keep the less “fancy” ones. Actually, if you look close enough, they are not that bad after all. Right? Don’t worry, as soon as my Ed Hardy become less popular, I’ll throw them away and get a pair of Converse.
I mostly wear my Ed Hardy shoes with jeans, which means you hardly get to see the shoes themselves. Most of the time people think I’m wearing Converse shoes. But if for some reason, they end up looking at my shoes, they like them. So, if someone says “Levi jeans & Ed Hardy shoes don’t go well” you can answer:

“Estás pendeja y mala del culo como Dreamerhippie”

Use this footwear when you’re going out, but want to be a little more comfortable and give a more relaxed look.

They can go from flip flops to something more sophisticated. I prefer to use Skechers sandals over regular flip flops. Why? Because they provide a proper support to the arches of your feet. Remember, with flip flops, you’re pretty much walking over pieces of plastic with no special design or anything. They can hurt your feet in the long run.

With these sandals you can walk all day and not regret it in the afternoon. They work great if you’re going out to the movies or just anywhere. Ideal for a 90+ degree day here in L. A.

If you live in a very hot place like Miami or Los Angeles, I suggest getting a second pair of sandals. Leather sandals. You can use them for more formal occasions. Make sure they have support for your feet. They can be a little expensive, but if you’re going to use them a lot during the summer, it will be worth it. That way you can leave your Skechers sandals at home and use your nice leather sandals when you’re going to a “formal” event during a hot summer day; like a date. This leather sandals will look magnificent when worn with a white shirt-pants combination.

This information pretty much will take care of your basic shoe necessities. Remember, always try to wear the proper shoe for the occasion. I hope after reading this you won’t go out to a first date with blue jeans and white gym shoes in a hot 92 degree day thinking you’re the shit.

Feel free to post any questions or comments.

For more information on male fashion check: a free online portal designed for men.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Oh No seems I may be moving to another another side of the city.


Last night when I came home from the gym I found my brother with his girlfriend in the living room. I said hi and went to take a shower.

I don't know why, but that got me thinking. Time is passing by and I'm still doing the same shit. He found someone to be with whereas for me, that same can't be said. Sure I meet lots of great looking girls, go out with them and have fun, but I can't imagine having a real relationship with any of them. You know, where you take them to meet your parents and shit like that.

Good thing I'm still young :-)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


It was as if someone had planned it, as we had talked on the phone and set it up. It was so perfect, it doesn’t feel real. This is why life is fun and why you should wake up with a smile on your face every morning.

After writing the Made In USA post, I remembered I hadn’t used my Perry Ellis shirt in a while, so I put it on. Monday came and went fishing, but not to my usual spots, I decided to go to a new place. A café that recently opened and seemed interesting from the outside.

Before, I went to the gas station, to the bank, and finally to this new place near Melrose and Fairfax. Found parking and locked my bike. After walking for about 1 block, and as I was about to enter this new café, I notice a girl I know from the gym, her name is A, was about to enter the same place. She didn’t see me at first, but I walked behind her and as we entered, I noticed the place was full. I was looking at the crowd and I noticed she had recognized me. She said “Hi”

I answered, “Are you stalking me?”

She laughs and says, “Me? You’re the one following me”

“Are you still doing the massage thing with the thing at the end?” I asked, we always joke around ever since she told me she is a masseuse.

She laughs again and says “Yes, but I only do the massage. I’m not that desperate for money” As she said that, she was taking something out of her purse and I don’t know why, but for some reason she dropped two or three quarters.

As she was picking them up I said “If you don’t want your money, you should give it to me” She laughs again.

“This place is full”, I commented

“Yes, and I need a table to study” She added.

“Do you want to go to the ice cream place across the street?” I noticed it as I was walking to the café.


Got out and crossed the street. As we were walking I pointed out “You look taller”

“I’m wearing high hills” She is about 5’2” or 5’3”. She looked taller, almost as tall as me, but of course, even on high hills, I still had 1 or 2 inches on her.

Since I met her at the gym, I am used to see her from above. Without any reason I added. “I like being with you, you make me feel tall” And who wouldn’t like to be with her? She is a good looking girl with kind of short blonde hair, beautiful light blue eyes, and a nice figure. Think of a Shakira kind of body, but not as short, of course with the very same womanly hips.

As usual, she laughs. And asks me “So what are you studying?”

“I’m actually planning on how to take over the world”

For the 20th time in 10 minutes, she laughs. Continued by saying, “Well, I hope that doesn’t conflict with my plans”

“What are your plans?”

“I’m talking over the world too” We both laughed.

We were about to enter the ice cream place and I opened the door for her and said “Ladies first”

She laughs and says, “Thank you”

Got in and the guy at the counter greeted us. “How can I help you guys?”

She ordered a latte or some of those fancy ass coffee drinks. Then he asked me what I will be having. I asked for a vanilla ice cream and then added.

“She is going to pay for everything” I hear her laugh. Turned to her and said in a sarcastic way “Yes, that’s what I do. I make women pay for my stuff” Looking into her light blue eyes.

“Oh, shut up” she replied in a playful way.

Then I hear the guy say “It’s going to be $X for you and $Y for you” pointing at each of us.

Before she gave him her credit card, I took some money out and said to the guy I was going to pay for both of us. Then turned to her and kind of whispered to her ear “She is going to pay me later with one of those massages with a thing at the end”. She is laughing…again.

Since there were lots of tables available outside, I thought we will be going our separate ways. After all, this was a spare of the moment thing. I got out and put my ice cream and laptop in one of the nearby tables as she was getting some stuff for her coffee. Then I remembered I forgot the napkins and went back in. When I came back out, I see her putting her stuff in the table and I said, “I didn’t say you could seat in my table”

“Well, that’s too bad. I’m already here” answered with a big smile.

She is taking her books out and I asked what she was studying.


“Does that mean eventually you will ask me to get naked and touch all over my body so you can keep ‘studying‘?”

Laughs out laud.

“I’m studying my dreams” I added as I took out my Dream Interpretation Guide book. This is where David DeAngelo is completely right, well, to be honest, he is right all the way. I would probably be a dateless bitter guy who is all the time on the internet without his newsletter (for some reason after writing “dateless bitter guy who is all the time on the internet” I thought of Chivas. Hi loser with no life!) . I bought the book because he recommended buying books like that because they will catch women’s attention immediately. It worked. She started to tell me all about these dreams she had had and the conversation turned out to be quite interesting. Sorry, too personal to mention her dreams in my blog.

Eventually each of us got to do what we were supposed to do. She kept studying and I was reading my Dream Interpretation Guide book but listening to music from my computer. Lots of people passing by. I noticed about 90% of the women passing by would look at, and make eye contact, with me. --It must be because I’m with a beautiful blonde and we look like we are in a relationship--, I thought to myself. --Plus, my ass looks great in these pants-- And we did look like a couple who’s been together for sometime. You see the two of them in a café each doing their own stuff, but eventually they would turn to each other, say something, and smile.

I see two girls go into the ice cream shop. When they come out, one of them has a cup with ice cream and a little spoon. They were right in front of our table when she drops the spoon to the floor. I go like Nelson from the Simpsons “Ha-ha” but really low. I looked at A and I noticed she witnessed the event, she smiles at me and we both kind of laugh at it.

Then I say at laud, “Don’t laugh. It is not funny” with a serious face. And from the corner of my eye I see the girls looking at us.

She was wearing a pair of “diva glasses” really big and dark. So I didn’t really see her eyes, but for the expression in the rest of her face she had a “I can’t believe you just did that” face, but ended up laughing.

Some minutes went by and suddenly she droops a pencil from the table. I look at her and she says “That’s what I get for laughing at that girl” .

About ten minutes later, she drops the same pencil, we both reached under the table to get it, and we ran into each other’s eyes. You know, went you look at each other but don’t say anything. And all, under the table. Kind of weird, but fun.

She then got up and got a cup of water inside the ice cream shop. I was surprised they served anything other than ice cream in an ice cream shop.

About ten minutes later went by. I don’t know how, but she managed to knock over the cup of water and spilled all the content to the floor.

I took my headphones off, looked at her and said, “You know, I think it is your hair”

She laughs. “Yes, I’m blonde”.

The way I see it, it was a mini-date. Thanks for taking the time to read this long ass post. Don’t forget to click the ads at the top, you already made it this far, keep sponsoring my crazy adventures. But don’t just click for the sake of clicking, who knows, maybe you’ll find something interesting and worth buying.. Go ahead and have fun.



Saturday, October 3, 2009

At The Cafe Part 1

I came back to the coffee shop after the incident with the girl. I normally I don’t go there Sundays but I didn’t have anything to do. I was happy and feeling really good because a new technique I’ve developed had worked very well on some girls, so I decided to try it at the coffee shop.

The place was almost empty. To my surprise she was at the counter…her name is J2. She looked at me from the counter and I walked up to her and said “Hello Beautiful” and then smiled. She smiled back.

She was playing with a blackberry phone. I though it was her phone and I asked “What are you doing?”

“Just looking at some pictures I took” answered without looking away from the phone.

“Can I see them?” I asked.

Showed me the phone and there was a picture of a guy’s shadow as he was taking the picture with the phone.

“Yes, that’s what I do when I’m not doing anything” commented. Then added as she was showing me another picture, one of a trash can with trash in it, “Pretty lame, eh?”

“Yes”, I replied and she smiled.

“I have lots of free time, don’t I?”

“It shows”, I answered and she just laughed at loud.

As she was laughing I saw a guy coming in through the back door. As usual, he was looking at her directly even before getting close to the counter. And no, this wasn’t the same guy from the previous post.

Before he came to form behind me I asked her, “Did you miss me?”

She stopped laughing and got a little piece of paper and put it where I couldn’t see what she was writing. She smiled as she wrote. By then the guy was right behind me waiting to be served. Stopped writing and folded it. She handed it to me and as our hands were touching said “Don’t open it until you’re in a place where you’re alone”

“Why? Did you write something sexual?” I put the note in my back pocket.

She laughs again and notices the guy and says “So, what do you want?” still smiling.


She got it out and I tried to play the “’No, that one” game. But it didn’t work, she just gave me the one she felt like giving me. As I was giving her a bill to pay I said “You can keep the change” and proceeded to give her my good old 1 million dollar bill. She took it and laughed again.

“You’re so lame, you always give me that one” laughing as she was closely looking at the fake bill.

She was about to give it back when it ripped in two pieces. It was an old bill, so I wasn’t surprised.

“Oh no. This was my conversation starter” I said.

“I’m sorry”

Looking into her brown eyes I said in a very serious voice:

“You know, this actually means you like me”

She had no reaction and just looked at me with a blank expression. I didn’t know what to do, so I just gave her a $20 bill to pay for my stuff and she was about to give me the change when the guy behind me said

“Don’t forget what he said. You can keep the change”

She smiled, but gave me my change. I took my stuff from the counter and as I walking to my seat I heard a phone go off. It was the phone she was playing with. I turned a round and saw how she was giving it to a guy and say “Hey, someone’s calling you”

…to be continued (the story only gets better)

If you want to read the second and third parts of the story you better click in the ads in my blog fuckers.