Thursday, March 18, 2010

Census 2010

I just got up. Last night I got in pretty late. Went to my friend’s place to get a hair cut and ended up going to Carl’s Junior at about 10 at night. Got home at about midnight. But on the other hand, I do look great.

I also decided to boycott the Census 2010. I mean why would I want to be counted so that California can get money when California would not give me a driver’s license even when I’m a good guy, don’t get into trouble, work hard, pay taxes, and I’m a civilized person most of the time.

I participated in the past, however, this time it’s different. I am tired of the government and their empty promises. Now its time to give the government a little taste of their own remedy.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my city and I wish things were different, but hey, that’s the way it is.

Now on to something else. My motorcycle looks great with the new seats and I have to admit it makes me the attraction of the neighborhood. I finally figured out what was causing that noise. Turns out I ran the new clutch cable where it didn’t go. I had to remove and reinstalled the gas tank, but now it runs great.

Also Sunday night I met a pretty girl in the café. She lives in Pasadena, but is originally from Virginia. Although she doesn’t laugh a lot, seemed very nice…too bad I didn’t write down her phone number right. Now only god knows when I’ll see her again.

1 comment:

Student of Life said...

"...and I’m a civilized person most of the time."

Most of the time, LOL.