Saturday, January 31, 2009

Me Myself and Daniel.

I finally was able to stop the oil leakage from my big bike and fix the break lights on the moped. The oil thing was fixed with some simple "nut sealer" and the break light problem was fixed with magic comming out of my hands.

No seriouly, the only thing I did was to take out the lightbulb and put it back...and worked. And I did it all this morning...good thing last night I went to bed early. Yes, I was texting with a friend and listening to music, but hey, when I woke up I was fresh like a lettuse (sp?)

As I was cleaing the chromes in the big bike I was thinking of Daniel. No, that's not the name of my secret gay lover or anything. He is a character I created back when I wrote lots and did nothing but write. He was everything I wanted to be. He was good with girls and drove a bad ass motorcycle. Coincidentaly, he was also a HVAC technician....I wonder why ;-). He took shit from noone, but wasn't looking for trouble.

It has been almost 4 years since Daniel meet Isabel and they fell in love. Its been almost 4 years since they rode in the rain and knew they were made for each other.

Now things have changed a lot. The person that created Daniel doesn't exist anymore. Daniel is nothing more than ink in a piece of paper somewhere in my closet.

Now I'm Daniel, and Isabel has remained nameless.

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