Saturday, January 31, 2009

Me Myself and Daniel.

I finally was able to stop the oil leakage from my big bike and fix the break lights on the moped. The oil thing was fixed with some simple "nut sealer" and the break light problem was fixed with magic comming out of my hands.

No seriouly, the only thing I did was to take out the lightbulb and put it back...and worked. And I did it all this morning...good thing last night I went to bed early. Yes, I was texting with a friend and listening to music, but hey, when I woke up I was fresh like a lettuse (sp?)

As I was cleaing the chromes in the big bike I was thinking of Daniel. No, that's not the name of my secret gay lover or anything. He is a character I created back when I wrote lots and did nothing but write. He was everything I wanted to be. He was good with girls and drove a bad ass motorcycle. Coincidentaly, he was also a HVAC technician....I wonder why ;-). He took shit from noone, but wasn't looking for trouble.

It has been almost 4 years since Daniel meet Isabel and they fell in love. Its been almost 4 years since they rode in the rain and knew they were made for each other.

Now things have changed a lot. The person that created Daniel doesn't exist anymore. Daniel is nothing more than ink in a piece of paper somewhere in my closet.

Now I'm Daniel, and Isabel has remained nameless.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

One Ride To Forget.

Wednesday night I got home thinking I would spend the night like I usually do Wednesday nights...hanging out in a loca cafe.

But when I got home I noticed that my brother has come to "visit". After saying hi I asked him if he could help me take out an old piece of funiture that had been right outside our apartment door. He agree and we took it out. It was easy because it was really light.

After that he asked me if I could give him a ride to the next Metro station, the one in Beverly & Vermont. I said "ok" but told him that I needed to take a shower first.

So he ate something while I was showering.

I finally got ready, and told him to get everything together because we were leaving. So we got onto the bike and when we passed the metro station he told me thank you...thinking I was about to stop.

I wasn't gonna let my brother ride the metro at night. I decided to just take him home.

He lives in an uglly ass place near the interction of the 110 & 10 fwys. So we got there without a problem.
After saying "bye" he told me how to get back home (yes, the streets are very confusing in that area too...ideal to get lost)

I left thinking it would be minutes before I got home.
Everething was going well. I turned left when I got to "Hoover" and went stright up. Just after I passed "Venice" I saw an SUV flying by me.

Normally I don't do things like this, but hey, I wasn't gonna let an SUV just do that and do nothing. So I accerated (sp?) trying to catch it.

After a few momments I noticed something was happening to the it lost power.
So I had to make an "emergency landing" to my right at Hoover & Alvarado Terrace. just after I turned right the motor died, but I managed to find a "safe" parking spot.

I was there cursing in Spanish at the bike "Hija de tu puta madre...chingas a toda tu madre...vete a la chingada pinche moto mierda" I think the helmet's visor fogged up because I didnt lift it.

After 3 attempts of starting the bike, it finally gave in and the motor came back to life...but it sounded it was burning gas faster than it normally does even when it was on the "neutral" position.

I went for it. I couln't get back to Hoover because of the way the streets meet in the. So I had to get on Alvarado instead. As I was getting closer to the Alvarado & Pico intersection, I was thinking the worse had passed.

I was about to turned left on Pico when all of a sudden the bike died again in the middle of traffic. I tried to started 5 times and all of them failed. I had to wait until all traffic was gone so I could "pull" myself to the safety of a parking lot on Pico, where the "Grand Burrito" is.

Something told me to check the gas tank and I noticed it was almost empty. Since the bike doesnt have a "full meter" I didn't know the thing was empty, well, I kind of knew, but I'm still learning just when to put gas on it.

I waited about 5 minutes there and called a friend and asked him to bring me some gas...and he reply he didn't have the little thing where you carry gas on. So I'm stuck.

We hanged up and I decide to give it another try and the think started again, and the stupid carbuteror was burning gas as usual. Not too quickly like it previously did.

So I take off again on Alvarado and this time I was able to turned left on Pico because I had a green light and there was no oncomming traffic. I just turned left and noticed there's a police car just behind me. At this point I'm going at about 25 mph and the bike is making all these weird noises. I couldn't go faster because if you go faster you use more gasoline...and I didnt have "that much"

As I was getting ready to hear the poice siren go off, I noticed the just manouvered around me and left. I was so relieved.

I got to Pico and & Vermont and I turned left into the parking lot of an Autozone. There the bike died once again.

I didnt' swear this time. I just got out and went into the Autozone in search of one of those little tanks where you carry gasoline in.

Here my luck started to change.

I talked to the employee. and he showed me where they had them. They only had one more of those "1 gallon" tanks. And I got to buy it...the only thing they had beside that were the "5 gallon" ones...too big to fit in my back pack. I bought it and went to the gas station across the street from the Autozone.

The lady looked at me weird and I said "One dollar on 10" And then she look at where the car was suppost to be parked. I just looked at her and said "it is an invisible car" She smiled and I left

I got the gas into the bike and then it started as if nothing had happened. I took off and up on Vermont all the way to Beverly and made a left turn.

When I was waiting in a red light a car got next to me and and the girl that was in there just kept looking my if impressed by the bike...she wouldn't blink.

That always gets my spirit up. I made the 2 fingers "V" sign and she was motionless. I left and suddently I was happy...I know she was looking at the bike, but hey, that's why I got it.

I got home one hour later than I had planned and decided to just stay there and log into the DAP chatroom. Recently I've became addicted to it...since the December vacations I took, I've been logging in constantly. It is fun, safe, and you can make fun of dorks in there.

Monday, January 12, 2009

About My Profile Pic

That's me and a friend inside the men's restroom in the Kodak Theater here in Hollywood.

I'm the one with the arms streched out shouting, "I'm King of the World".

Very funny experiences. Stupid, but very pleasent to remember. A thrid friend was there too, he took the pic.

To think of it, that has been the last time all of us 3 were together, August 28, 2007. After that the friend that is next to me, moved in with his girlfriend and now doesn't really go out anymore. And the friend that took the picture, travels from one place to another inside the country, you know, business trips.

We're still in touch, but mainly bye phone calls and text messages.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sunset Junction & Sandra

Today I went to "el pollo loco" in the Sunset Junction with my family, and for some strange reason I remember Sandra and the little "thing" we had a little more than a year ago.

I remember the time her boyfriend almost caugh me with her and how I had to "scape" from her house. Two days later I would find out that the car that was pulling into the driway as I was leaving was that of her "boyfriend". I'm just glad it is a big ass driveway.

The next time I saw her, she told me the earings she was wearing were a gift from him. They were small and in the shape of eyes. "He told me that with these, he will be able to see everything I do", she said with a smirk in her round face. Apparently the guy didn't eat up completely the excuses for her long absences after dropping her in her house after their date on the weekends. He had her in the morning-afternoon. I had her at night ;-)

Then I told her she needed to take them off or else he will know what was really going on between us, and she would lose "Mr. NiceGuy". She just smiled.
Even when we only saw each other for about 3 months since that day I met her in the laundromat, I had lots of fun with her. We would walk holding hands down Hollywood & Vine all the way to Hollywood & Highland and back to where I had parked the motorcycle. Anyone that saw us would have said we were "just a regular couple". Sometimes I would just put my arm around her because "it was cool and I didn't want her to get a cold", and she would smile when hearing my excuse, but would not complain about me holding her.
I always think of her when I pass the places where we were together, like that little park in the corner of Franklin & Sycamore in the heart of Hollywood, where we made up and stayed until 12:00am, when the sprinklers started to pour water and she just took off like a cat that runs from water. I had to picked the two helmets up and run after her. It was fun to be soaking wet and be with her, laughing at our own stupidities. Last time I passed by that park, there were 3 "winos" having lunch in the same bench where we sat and where I rested my head in her lap.

Even though (sp?) she is younger than me, I learned lots from her. At the time she was either 18 or 19, I forgot, but I was 23. Now I'm turning 25 in a couple of months, and I wonder if she thinks of me when she sees guys in motorcycles. Once she told me she saw a guy in bike like mine, and she waved at him thinking it was me.

Now I remember why I though of her when I was at the Sunset Junction, because once I took her to the "Casbah" cafe in the corner of Sunset & Hyperion!! We ordered two hot chocolates that night because it was cool outside and neither of us drinks coffee.

I wonder if she ever went back to Sonora, Mexico. She said she would go back before her visa expired. I wonder if her boyfriend cried when she said she was leaving. Once she confessed me she was with him because she was trying to forget "the love of her life" back in Sonora. That kind of confused me because if she was with this guy because she was trying to forget that other dude, then why was she with me? I didn't let that confussion show up in my face, but it did leave me speechless for a minute. I think that "speechless moment" gave away the fact that I was confused after all.

I think she was with me because I made her laugh from day 1, and one thing led(sp?) to another. You know about that kind of chemistry there is between two people when their eyes meet and one of them smiles and the other smiles back, that was the kind of thing we had. (but there were a lot more body parts involved in this thing we had ;-) )

About a month after we had "broken up", I found her in the bus. I was sitting in the back and the bus was heading south on Vermont. When we got to the Vermont & Santa Monica stop I saw her get in the bus, and even when she was looking at my direction, she didn't recognized me. So I got up and went to up to her.

She was wearing make up, something she had never done since I had known her. I asked her where she was going. She answered she was going to her house and then asked me why I was riding the bus and not my bike.

"To see who I will find in my way", I responded. She smiled. I proceded to ask where she was going looking so hot.

She said she had gotten a new job as a waitress in some fancy ass club somewhere. And I asked her how she got the job. Apparently her boyfriend's mom worked there, and there had been an opening.

We got to our stop and we both got down from the bus. I was about to ask her something else, but it started to rain...and she said "ok, I'll see you later" and started to run to her house. I just said bye and kept walking at a regular pace. And from far I noticed she does look kind like a cat that runs away from water. I wonder if she takes showers daily. I think she does because she smells like soap, and just a bit of perfume. May be she is just afraid from rain.

Anyways, who cares? She is gone from my life and she is nothing more than an interesting event in my life (and I still have lots more to say about the stuff that happened between us during that 3 month period of time) .

This thing somehow got to be a really long ass post. Maybe this is why bloggs exist, to tell the world the stuff we have to say.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Stupid Motorcycle

Last night when I was riding back home I realized that the food peg was loose. The one that's on the left side, where the "transmission lever" is. And now it feels weird to ride it.

When I parked the bike, I inspected it, and it appears that none of the screws is loose or anything, but before the thing didn't move, and now it does.

Its early and I will give another inspection to the matter before I leave for work. Oh....and I still need to figure out how to check the oil on this thing. It looks more complicated that my good old little scooter, where I could just basically check the oil by sticking my finger in the little hole. (and no. I'm not talking about that hole)

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Tengo manita no tengo manita porque la tengo desconchavadita.

hey. I forgot I had this thing

I discovered I have gotten one of these. I wonder if anyone will ever read it.