Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010--Part One

On my last entry I wrote I was going to go to the Café and see that brazilian looking girl and ask her out. Well, that night I went to the Café and she was there, but at the last moment something told me to forget completely about her and pretend nothing had happened. So I did.

I sat in a table far away from her and when I ordered, I just said “Hi” and nothing really happened.

Then I didn’t go to that café for about a week or so. Then yesterday, Valentine’s Day night, I decided to go there.

As I walked through the door I saw an open table in front of a good looking girl. And in the back, there was “Ma” (the brazilian looking girl) who looked at me. I put my stuff in the open table and headed to the counter to order. Ma was talking to a guy who was just there to socialize, the same guy who was there last time. As I got closer to them, she headed to the counter because she was talking with the guy at one of the tables in front of the counter. I looked at the guy and we both went “Hey”.

I turned to her and ordered. Made one small joke and she laughed a little. Headed back to the seat in front of the good looking girl.

When there I noticed she must had been about 5’5” and about 140 lbs. Light skin with very dark long hair and dark brown eyes. She looked Armenian. So I started my routine.

I took out my computer and started to unfold the AC adapter cord and turned to the girl behind me. I said “Hey…”

And before I could say anything else, she said, “Yes, I can plug that for you” Reached out her hand to me expecting the AC cord.

I said, “No. What I wanted to say was ***insert A-material line here***”

And she starts to laugh.

“What’s your name?” I asked

“M. And your’s is?”

“Juan Carlos and ***insert another A-material line here****”

And she is laughing again. “Well, I hope that works out for you”, she added.

“I’m going to let you finish what you’re doing and I’ll talk to you later”, I said. Turned to my computer and started to work on my design as I always do.

About 20 or so minutes passed and I turned to the girl and said, “***insert A-material line here***”

Laughing she says she was there just studying for a test she was going to have the next week.

“So, you are going to be a doctor, eh?” Suddenly from the corner of my eye I see Ma at the counter looking at me talking to this other hot girl. She is just there staring at us. I ignored that and kept talking to M. and making her laugh. More costumers came in and she got busy.

Then I told M I was going to finish what I was doing and I turned to my computer again. Worked for another 20 minutes and suddenly something very obvious hit me. It was Valentine’s Day.

So I took the receipt Ma gave me when I paid. In the back of it I wrote, “Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you”. We used to pass out notes like that. Once she gave me a note that read “I love you” and I responded to that note with one that said “I know”. She started this note thing because I used to say “Thanks, I love you” whenever she would hand me the change when I paid for my drinks or the stuff I was going to eat. But I have gone over that story in a previous entry in this same blog.

Well, I folded the receipt and headed to the counter. To my surprise, the guy she had been talking to was gone and there was no one, just her. She looked at me and smiled. I handed her the note and said she could read it right then.

She opened the note and read. To my surprise she went:

“Aaawww.” She looked at me with those big dark eyes and that good girl expression on her face, and I felt I was in heaven. Her body language was like that a girlfriend has when you give her a present she likes very much. “Thanks so much” she said and slowly walked to the part where there’s an opening in the counter so you can get out to the serving area. There she hugged me and buried her head in my chest and I put my arms around her. As we hugged I could also feel her boobs against me…nice J. Then, I noticed she was looking at the door, quickly turned around and noticed someone had come in. She headed back to the counter and told me I was very sweet.

I answered “I know” and kept on walking to the bathroom feeling all confident and shit. Once inside the bathroom and after having peed I did a little victory dance; NFL style. Hey, I got to feel her boobs and that’s worth celebrating. I know you would had done the same I was wearing a bit of the Prada Milano perfume G gave me for Christmas. I wonder if she smelled it and if she liked it.

When I came back from the bathroom and got to walk in front of her, she was preparing the order of the guy who had come in as we were hugging. She had her back to me, but turned her head to me and our eyes met. She smiled at me and I just kind of grinned at her. When I got to my seat, I started talking to that other girl…and that’s when things got interesting….

To be continued…


Unknown said...

your a good writer!

i found your blog through the DA forums, hope you don't mind me reading.


JuanG said...

that's fine...you keep on writing comments.

Unknown said...

well i have a blog now, wouldn't mind if you read it either haha.