Monday, December 21, 2009

Updates on my life

Here’s some updates on what is going on in my life. First of all, remember the younger girl who I recently discovered had a crush on me, well, she moved out of the building. Her parents split up and strangely it was her father the one who stayed in the apartment. She, her mother and brother moved out about 2 weeks ago.

I think things are better this way. I will not have the temptation of doing anything to her, and she will probably have a more relaxed life without her parents fighting day in and day out. It’s weird getting home and not seeing her on my way up at the top of the stairs doing her homework.

I will miss her and her innocence. I just wish I would had the chance to say goodbye to her. Everything happened so quickly and out of nowhere.

Now on with the guy who accused me of having an affair with his wife. My next door neighbor, the one from Lithuania, told me he saw him and his wife back together about 3 days ago. Poor guy, having to live with a girl like that. It must be hell trying to decipher if her words are true or not every time she speaks. Last Sunday, when I was getting home from the Laundromat I ran into her. I didn’t recognized her at first. But then I noticed who she was because she has holding the hand of a young boy. And that boy turned out to be that other guy’s son.

She is uglier than I remember. I would first cut my balls off and feed them to Daffodils before putting a finger on that woman. Stupid girl, almost got me in a huge mess because of her lies. I don’t know why this guy is with her. If it was me, I would divorce her and fight the custody of the kid. But that’s just me. Maybe he is so desperate because he can’t get any other woman.

Now to my favorite subject: my motorcycle. Today I installed new front brake pads. I’m becoming more familiar to it and little by little I’m tackling more complex jobs instead of taking it to the shop every time I think something is wrong. If things go well, in about 3 weeks I’ll be able to fix the seats. Today I bought most of the equipment necessary to do an engine oil and oil filter change. I got the oil filters from the internet while the oil I got it from AutoZone. I know all the steps, the only things I’m now missing are a 17mm open wrench for the drain plug and a 5mm allen wrench for the screws holding the oil filter cover.

Its nice not having to ride in the rain. You guys here in L. A. know what I’m talking about.

Now I’m going to go over some interesting things that have occurred in the last Friday

Remember the new girl at the taco place where I normally go for lunch at work? The one who rumor has it is the owner’s son girlfriend and he paid $5000 to bring her from Mexico and is supposedly pregnant? Well, I saw her Friday.

I had not been back to that place since October when I first noticed her. When I came back and noticed she was working, the first thing I checked was to see if she looked pregnant. I’m sure if she was pregnant, it would be showing right now, right? Guess what, she doesn’t look pregnant at all. She is as thin as a model. So this time I decided to make a move on her if I had the chance.

As I was ordering and making small talk to the other girls working there, the ones I already know, I noticed she was preparing an order for a table. At this place, the waitress takes your order to your table. As she was doing that, she looked up and we made eye contact. As many girls had done, at first we made eye contact, she then looked down, but only to look back at me one second later. She is about 5’3” and I say about 110 lbs. She is Mexican but has very light brown eyes, with brown hair and fair skin…just how I like them.

She turned back to the order and passed in front of me on her way to the table area. After ordering, me and my partner looked for a table. Found one on the other side of the table area. The place was almost empty.

She was cleaning one table and when I walked next to her she looked up and made eye contact again. You could feel the tension in the air. I didn’t say anything, just kind of half smiled and I heard a very faint “Hola” from her. She then went to the other table occupied, the one where her last order had been. As I could see, one of the guys was flirting, or trying to flirt with her. She is a very friendly girl, and she was laughing. But they were older guys.

After two or so minutes. The guy gives her a card with his number and tells her to “Call him to make sure the bus didn’t run her over” Strange. Gave me the feeling he made that comment trying to “justify” why she should call him. She kind of laughed and said she would.

After that she disappeared and strangely, I kept getting more and more nervous. About five minutes later she appeared with our order…my torta de milanesa and my friend’s gordita. She was putting our plates down and I asked her if she was mad or why did she have that expression on her face. We looked into each other’s eyes, and she said smiling, “I was born like that” then I asked

“Are you new, or were you hiding all this time?” She laughed.

“I only work here 3 days”

“Do you want me to tell the owner to give you more days?”

Smiling she said “No thanks. I’m fine just like this”

She leaves and I started to eat.

Some minutes went by and the older guys at the other table leave. Soon after she is cleaning the table and I noticed they left something that from my point of view looked like candy. So I asked her from my seat

“Are those candy?”

She laughs at laud and says they were salty cookies.

“Give me one” I shout.

She comes to our table and gives them to me. Natively she asks

“Can I get you something else?”

I smiled and answered, “Yes, you can give me your phone number”

She smiles back and says she doesn’t have one yet. Picks some of the plates and leaves.
Some minutes later she was sweeping the floor near our table, I turned to her and she smiled at me. I smiled back.

So this is game plan:

1. The next time I go to that place and get to talk to her, I’m going to cut straight to the cheese and ask if she is single or not. If it turns out she is single, I will go to step 2. And if she is with someone, I will shut my mouth and shoot myself when I get back home because most likely this is the girl from my dreams and I will never find someone else like her.

2. I will ask her to meet some later time. This time I’m going to try something new. Instead of asking for an e-mail address or a phone number, I will ask for her address because I’m planning on picking her up on my kick as motorcycle; and I don’t want to look as pathetic as that older guy giving her a card with my number and wait like a moron for her to call me. Something she will most likely not do. If she says “yes“, I will take her out...and if she says “no” I will not try any move on her again.

Wish me luck guys.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Nothing really has happened since my last post.

Well, my brother got arrested last Thursday night because he got in a mess with a night club bouncer. But we only knew until Friday night. He moved out some years ago, and since he didn't want us to get too worried about this mishap, he called his roommate instead of reaching me or my mom. Which was worse, because his roommate called our house around 5 pm Friday when no one was home. On top of things, he left 3 very disturbing messages in the answering machine.

Not only he didn't leave his call back number and ended the messages abruptly, but all of them were identical.

"Hello. I want to talk to you about your son...he is...he is." (ends message) That lead us to believe he had been in an accident or something along those lines. So at around 7pm we left for his home near where the 110 and the 10 meet. Such a nice place to be. Since it was raining the streets were desolate.

Once we got to the old house, we could not find his roommate. So we went back home. My brother's girlfriend was with us because before leaving for his house, my mom had called her to ask if she knew anything about my brother. Once she knew of the messages, she insisted she wanted to go with us to his house.

We waited until 10pm and drove to his house again. This time we found his roommate and he told us all everything that had happened. He gave me the name of the bail bond company that was taking care of my brother's case. I called them and they told me he was in the West Hollywood police station and that in about 3 hours (Saturday's 1 am) he was going to be let free. So we drove there and the bond agent told us to wait until 2 am for him to be freed. So we waited there at the lobby. I even felt asleep in the bench, right under the the white know, the one that looks like a 3 year old threw a bunch of paint on a canvas. I even drooled a little.

At 2:30 am my brother's girlfriend talked to the officer and he advised us to go home because he wasn't going to be out of jail until the next day. So, after a long Friday night/Saturday morning, I was able to have some decent sleep in my own bed at around 3 am.

Eventually my brother was came out Saturday at 8 pm. And now he has to pay about $850 to the bond company.

Hey, look. I did have something to write about.

Friday, December 11, 2009

so far

So far everything in my life has been calm. I mean, after last week incident. No girls, I did however got my rain suit to ride my bike under the rain. It is quite comfortable.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Last Friday I was confronted by a guy who thinks his wife is having an affair with me. He lives in my same apartment building. It was a surprising thing to have this guy come to me and just ask it. After I answered I didn’t know anything he was talking about, he seemed to relax and started telling all about the problems he has had with his wife.

Apparently this girl is not a “quality girl”. Stupid girl, almost got me into trouble. Besides, I’ve only seen her once or twice in the parking lot when I‘m out about to leave for work. She is not even good looking or has a nice body. Come on, this guy should see the girls I date or even talk to. I personally don’t talk to girls I consider less than a 9. And I immediately ask if they are single, without kids, and if they are willing to support me financially.

That almost all the time gets a laugh out of them, but it also gets out their status without making me look bad.

Thank God this misunderstanding is over. However, I will keep on watching my back for a couple of weeks. Who knows, guys who act like that are unpredictable. It would be unfair if something happened to me because of that ugly bitch, when nothing happened when I was seeing Sandra behind her boyfriend’s back.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Esa Chica Es Mia

In the apartment building where I live there’s a girl. She is kind of young. About 15 or 16. I noticed her family moving in about 2 or so years ago.

Not so long ago, when I was starting my “bicycle project” Remember the pictures of the bicycle? She suddenly appeared and started talking to me. I was in the parking lot of the building working, so I don‘t know where she came from. That day she helped me sand away the rust from some parts of my old bicycle. Since that day she got a little closer to me. We became kind of friends, but one day, without any notice or anything, she just stopped talking to me at all. She would not say “Hi” like she always did. And today I think I know why.

A series of events took place that kind of got my attention, but never really gave them a lot of importance.

The first one happened before she stopped talking to me, but after the “bicycle incident”. One day I got home early from work. I was pulling up to the parking lot of the building, where I park my motorcycle. I noticed her and her cousin, who is kind of her same age, were playing there. Well, the kids were playing with a ball, and the girls were just hanging out near my parking spot. I came into the parking lot and then backed my motorcycle up. I stopped the motor and while still on the bike, I took the helmet off. I noticed she was looking at me. So I smiled, looked into her eyes, and asked her “How are you?”

She was still looking into my eyes, and instead of saying something like “I’m fine” “she just nodded nervously with her mouth half open and half smiling. I waited for her to say something, but instead she just kept talking to her cousin. Didn’t give her a lot of attention, so I locked my bike and went up to my apartment.

Weeks went by. One Saturday afternoon I was playing my guitar sitting on the stairs of the building…the ones near my apartment. I hear someone’s door opened. It turned out to be the girl and her cousin, who just decided to hang out on the stairs too, but not the ones where I was, but the ones near her apartment…on the other side of the hallway. I’m playing, well, I was trying to play my guitar when I hear the girl’s cousin say “Hi” and waved at me. I said “Hi” back. 5 or so minutes later I hear the girls walking toward me. They said they just wanted to say “Hi”. We all talked for some minutes and then they left. I didn’t think much of it because most of the kids always just come to say “Hi” when I’m out trying to play my guitar.

One night I was walking down the hallway heading to the parking lot, I was going fishing. I see the girl sitting on the stairs doing her homework. I said “Hi”, but she didn’t answer. I asked if she was mad at me. She didn’t smiled and said “No”. I thought she was having a bad day. Later she would still talk to me one more time, when I was waiting outside my building waiting for S to go to a party. She, her cousin, and her many more younger cousins were out playing outside too. Out of no where she walked up to me and said “No, I’m not mad” and smiled. Before I had a chance to say something, she walked away. By then I knew something wasn’t right.

2 or so weeks ago, I came home from fishing one night. She and her relatives were playing “wrestling” in the middle of the hallway, so they didn’t hear me come. When they did, everyone cleared the way. As I was walking I was greeting all the kids, for some reason, they all talk to me, and I’m not the kind of person who doesn’t say “Hi” back. By then I was used to walking near the girl and not saying “Hi” or looking at her because she would not do the same. I noticed the girl’s cousin, the one who is her same age, smiling and looking at her as if there were an inside joke going on. I turned to the girl to see what she was doing, to my surprise, she is just standing there, with a serious expression on her face, hands behind her back and looking at the floor. I turned back to the cousin, still smiling and looking at her. Right then I knew something was going on with this girl. The latest and most revealing event took place less than a week ago.

She and her family live a couple of doors down the hallway from my apartment. So, it is common to run into her or her mother, father, or brother. Last Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, I came out of my door to the hallway with the turkey, I was taking it to the car parked in the back of the building, I see her and her mother outside their door too. I’m walking with the turkey in my hands and as I get closer to them, I noticed she saw me. She then quickly turned away and gave me her back. She was facing her mother. I’m thinking to myself “Mmm…weird”. When I passed in front of them I greeted her mother like I always do every time I see her, but the girl just went into her apartment when I stopped and talked to her mom. I left the turkey in the car and went up to my apartment. They weren’t there anymore.

Last night as I was heading to my apartment and was walking up the stairs, for some reason a song came to my mind. It was “Esa Chica Es Mia” by Sergio Dalma. Suddenly it hit me: This girl has a crush on me. For one, she is doing all the things the song talks about, you know, first getting close and then without any reason, being distant and cold; acting as if they didn’t like you. Don’t believe what I’m saying? Go ahead and Youtube that song.

It is not that she is doing the things the song talks about, but now I understand why there would be these weird silences every now and then when we talked, and why she would talk so much about her personal life. Sometimes a simple “Hello” would be enough to have her by my side when I was in the parking lot waxing my motorcycle.

This girl is pretty, and she will be really hot when she grows up, however she is just too young for me. I don’t know what to do now. Should I keep trying to talk to her? Or should I ignore her as I have been doing? The thing is I don’t want to send the wrong message. I don’t want to “be” with her, but at the same time, I don’t want her to be cold and distant, as if I had done something to make her upset. Why can’t she be a normal kid that says “Hi” every time we run into each other?