Monday, May 23, 2011

Well...too many things happening this year. Some of them good, some others really really bad. I wish things were different.

I'm tired and confused.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


...And she came back to my life. And wants to see me.

Friday, September 3, 2010



Thursday, August 19, 2010


You may be wondering where have I been, right?

The truth is I have been just really busy. Working on my on-line business about 6 days a week. I haven't really dated anyone lately, so far the 'interesting' stuff is one girl told me I could go and work for the LA times (where she works) as a web something. I don't remember the title. Little does she know I can't work for a company like that.

I also met a cute girl the other day at the ice cream shop. I felt a vibe between us, however, everything went down the drain when she told me she was from Portland, and was visiting LA only for a few days.

I finally got my New Balance running shoes thinking they would had been made in America, to my surprise, they had been made in China.

At work things are difficult. The owner of the company had a stroke about 2 months ago and his nephew took his place. A lot of changes have been made, some good, some not so.

The worst part is he expects me to "volunteer" for work now that one of the older technicians is going away fro surgery for two weeks. I don't mind working more, I just don't want to work more for the same amount of money.

I hardly have time for this blog nowadays.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Update and a little something with AM

Well, lots of stuff have happened since my last update. Perhaps the most important is that the owner of the company where I work became really sick and his nephew took over, which represented lots of changes. The biggest one is no more paid holydays. I don’t really care about that, but others in the company do; people who have been working there for over 20 years.

I wonder where all this will end.

Now about the girls. Well, Nathaly left for Chicago on June 23 and is to come back late this month. Yes, we had a second and a third date. Although she is really cool and nice, she is not really my type. But I’m sure she will make a great friend.

And Fanny, well, we had a huge fight on July 4th, and all I said was “Habra quien te quiera, pero no quien te ruege” after she told me she had to work and couldn’t come to Marina Del Rey to look at the fireworks. I was just kidding and she took it really bad. I guess that’s what I get for “being” with an 18 year old girl. From now on, I’m only going after girls 22 and older.

Oh, and I had some more to tell about AM (yes, the same girl from the Colombian festival about two years ago) It turns out Saturday she called me to ask if I could install her AC to the window of her new apartment.

When I got there, she went up to this little closet where the AC from her old apartment was and tried to take it out, but couldn’t because it was stuck against something. I, being this handsome strong guy, decided to help her. So she was bent over (literarily with her ass in the air) and I told her to let it go, but she didn’t so, I did the right thing and kind of hugged her from behind with my right hand holding the AC, the left arm kind of close to her boobs, and my legs behind her legs. (yes, kind of a awkward position, but it was all because she didn’t let go of the AC! Not because I had happened to make any moves on her)

I got the AC free and with both of us holding it in the position described above, pulled it out. With all the movement, somehow the outside of her right hand rubbed against, “The General” to be more precise, “My General”. I looked at her, and she kind of looked down, and a little ashamed said softly, “I’m sorry” I didn’t say anything other than to pick up the cord for the AC.

By then I was carrying the AC by myself and took it to her bedroom.

She looked very stressed out, apparently she had hired some people to clean the carpet, but they hadn’t showed up and she had to leave for work in a few hours.

The 3rd place match for the FIFA world cup was on. And she kept yelling at the TV every time Uruguay did something wrong. She asked me to forgive her, she then mentioned she had bet $50 on Uruguay.

After taking all the measurements, I told her I would be going back to install it next Saturday.

I wonder what will happen then.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Male Fashion 101 - Pants

Pants are very important in a guy’s life. They can either make, or break you. For that reason you have to put special attention as to what kind of pants you wear anywhere you go. Make sure to wear the proper pants for the right place.

Ok, first things first, you are not 16 anymore. So wearing baggy jeans almost anywhere is not a choice. Those days are over and you have to deal with it. Changing pants style can be very difficult at first, but over time you will get used to it and you will be glad once the compliments start coming.

As an adult male, you have the responsibility of dressing properly. That means you have to coordinate your pants depending on the occasion. When I was in high school my “uniform” was that of a t-shirt, some jeans, and my beloved dirty sneakers. Thank god those days are over and now I dress different.

Basically a guy needs 3 different types of pants. If you’re more of an “outdoor” guy, then the number goes up, but these 3 will cover most of us “city dudes”. You need dress pants, jeans, and some going out shorts for those summer days. Make sure to pick pants you can use either for a date or just for kicking it around the house.

Up until recently my dress pants were not really that nice. Since I don’t work in an office and I have some very nice jeans, I didn’t really have the need for some formal dress pants. So I went for Dickies pants, the original fit. I like those because they are not that thigh or that baggy. They were about $35. And I was kind of happy with them.

But then I watched Carlos Baute in a video with Martha Sanchez and I felt in love with the pants he wore. After looking for them on-line I found some that look a lot like the ones he wore. Don’t worry, I’ll give out the link to where you can view and purchase them if you want, but fist let me finish the description.

They are nice, not too thigh to the butt or too baggy at the bottom. They are very versatile and you can wear them to a date or just when you want to go out and look nice without looking overdressed. I read the reviews it had on the website, and almost everyone agrees every guy should own a pair of these pants. So I purchased them and they got here about four days after the purchase date.

I still need to take them out for a spin, but I’m sure they will look great.

Here is the link for these great pants. If you’re the guy who is interested in exploring with dress pants, I strongly suggest you start with these. I got the True Black color since Khaki is not really my style. After shipping and taxes I ended up paying about $40

Now jeans can be very tricky. A certain pair of jeans will make you look great, while others will…just not do the job.

What am I talking about? Skinny jeans. Skinny jeans suck. There, I said it and I’m sure every guy who is in his right mind will agree with me. I could write a whole post on why no guy should ever wear skinny jeans, but I honestly don’t have the time to do so. So I’ll just give out 3 reasons why you shouldn’t get skinny jeans:

1. They are too tight. You don’t want to look like a girl from behind, do you? I guess there’s no need for more explanations with this one.

2. Only really skinny guys will fit right in skinny jeans. Mother nature didn’t create the body of guys to be skinny, so trying to fit into something that’s not for you is just pointless.

3. Skinny jeans are not manly.

Skinny jeans are great for skinny girls. But for some reason everyone seems to think they look good in them, even some fat guys. I live in Hollywood, so the sight of a fat guy in skinny jeans is not that rare here. (and it also is a very depressing sight too)

So now on to the good jeans.

If you’re 17, then I guess baggy jeans will be Ok for you, but if you want to look like a grown up man, then I suggest going for the classic style the Levi’s 527 or 517 give.

The difference between these two is that the 517s will make you look more of a cowboy, while the 527s will give you more of an urban look. Either way, they are the right jeans for a grown up man who wants to look nice, but at the same time be a rebel.

You can get these hard to find jeans at :

Not only they look cool by themselves, but they can be worn with boots or tennis shoes (not gym shoes). And if you’re not that tall, like me, only 5’ 7” They will make you look taller.

As you can see, every aspect of these two jeans, is great. This is the right choice.

Why am I including shorts in the pants post? Well, I honestly don’t know. I guess I want guys to look nice and be comfortable at the same time. During the summer it is really hard to wear jeans and boots outside. This is specially painful if you live in places like Los Angeles and Miami. The summer can be very hot here. Here, the trick is simple. Just go to the nearest mall and look for some formal shorts, not the ones you would wear to play soccer or basketball. Make sure they go almost up to your knee. You don’t want them to be too short. If wearing formal shorts is something new for you I suggest going for dark brown or black shorts, since those will look good with almost any king of shirt you have in your closet already. If you want to be more “out there” then go for some white ones.

How do you know you picked the right shorts? The shorts I’m describing will require you to wear a belt when you have then on.

Just put on a white v-neck t-shirt and some leather sandals and you will look great all summer long and be comfortable too. Since these are formal shorts, you can also wear a formal shirt too.

Don’t forget your sunglasses since with these look, you will be the center of attention, and it will be your chance to look like a movie star.

I hope this had covered all of your pants needs. If you have something to say, go ahead and do so. I check this blog constantly even if I haven’t posted anything for a long time. Take care and see you later.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

About Gay Marriage

Today I have decided to write about gay marriage and why I’m against it. First of all, and before you start calling me a “homophobe”, let me set things straight. I don’t hate gays or preach any sort of violence against them, in fact I condone any hate crimes. But that’s not the point of this post.

Since I was little, there has been an ongoing debate about legalizing gay marriage. At first the idea of two guys kissing was really gross. I could not understand why would a guy enjoy kissing another guy.

Then, as I grew older, I began to understand how the gay mentality worked and how they are not sick or any different from the rest of us “normal” people (no one is really normal, we just act that way). I learned gay people are good people, who just want to live a normal life and mean no harm to anyone. Just like the rest of us, they too just want to live happily.

So, for much of my teenage years, I was in favor of gay marriage. And I thought people who were against gay marriage were just a bunch of ignorant narrow minded religious nuts. You know, people who was happy living in 18th century America.

Time passed by, and suddenly I noticed something. I wasn’t really a “manly” guy. At 5’ 7” and 135 lbs I was very little, plus I was really shy. Lack of confidence followed me everywhere. That’s when for some reason I stumbled into David DeAngelo’s program of “How To Be Good With Girls”.

There I learned that if I wanted to be good with girls, I would have to be a man first. The problem was I never really had a roll model of how a man must be. My parents got divorced when I was 13, so I pretty much did what my mom told me to do. That also included accepting people who were “different” from me. Historically women have been a lot more open minded to accepting changes into their world. So it wasn’t a surprise when I asked my mom if she was OK with gay marriage and she answered “I would still love my son, if he turned out to be gay”. Still to this day, I don’t really know if she said that because she thought I was gay or not.

Remember, back then I was a very skinny delicate guy who didn’t like to fight or was able to handle confrontation. Even now, I still don’t like to fight, however, now I can get into fights if there’s no other way out; and with guys taller than me. Of course, now I’m 20 lbs heavier, run about 2 miles 3 times a week, and I can bench about 100 lbs (not much, but I don’t want big muscles, I just want to tone the ones I already have).

But the most important change has been my attitude. Before I used to be really shy, I just wanted people leave me alone, that’s why I got teased so much in high school. And now my attitude is that of “I’ll punch you in the face if you mess with me”. I have been in countless fights ever since, specially at work, where people only respect you when you can defend yourself.

Then something inside my head changed. I don’t know if was the testosterone levels raising in my body, or the rush I got when I get on my motorcycle and go really fast, but suddenly I didn’t think two guys or girls kissing was OK. I don’t know if you have ever felt that rush if you’re a guy, but if you’re reading, and you’re a girl it would be pointless trying to understand what I’m trying to say. It would be like a woman trying to explain to me how giving birth feels like. Nature didn’t give me the equipment to understand that kind of feeling because it is something only a woman can feel, and I’m not a woman.

It is a really strong feeling I had never experience until I followed David DeAngelo’s advice and began to “be a man”. As I’ve said before, I became more violent, and my opinion changed on subjects like gay marriage. It was then that I realized I was ok with it because it seemed like everyone was ok it too; tv, radio, most women, and nobody really wanted to be against it. So, like a good sheep, I followed everyone else around me.

I didn’t want the world around me to start accepting gay marriage, why? Because I think it is wrong; something our society should not accept. However, I knew they had the right to do with their lives what they wanted. They could be together and there was nothing I could do to stop that.

I didn’t want my kids to live in a world where two people of the same sex can get married and pretend everything was fine. Why? Because I don’t think it is ok for two people of the same sex to be considered at married.

Some people have said “marriage is a thing of love” and that’s why two persons who love each other should be able to get married if they want regardless of their sexual orientation. But I don’t believe that’s quite true. Yes, marriage is about love, however is it also about how society sees you. I don’t want to be part of a society that doesn’t see anything wrong with legalizing same sex marriage.

That’s why there is this battle going on. Some people are against and other in favor of gay marriage, and neither can’t leave society.

We need to keep our traditions, not only because it is the right thing to do, but because the whole future of our species depends on it. Other civilizations have accepted gay trends in their society (along with other, way crazier stuff) and look where they are now. Yes, those ancient civilizations are dead.

I got the feeling all of this is due to a lack of real men in our society. I have witnessed with my own two eyes how a “lesbian” girl felt for a jerk in a motorcycle. When? Well, I am that jerk in the motorcycle. This tells me the “girl in the relationship” is only with the other girl because she is really manly. And how lesbian can you really be when you’re with someone who looks, acts, smells, and sometimes even thinks like a man? Not very. It only took a jerk in jeans and a cool bike to bring her back. I knew she would had accepted a ride in my bike if I had offered her one.

What does all that tells me about society and this whole “inner sexuality” thing? Well, that although there are some genuine lesbians and gays, there are some who are just confused and are with a same sex partner because they are attracted to some of their qualities. In the case mentioned above, the girl is with the other girl just because the other girl has the qualities a man should have.

I’m against a relationship like that, not because I think they are sick, but because I don’t approve a girl and a girl should be together.

For now this all I have to say, but when I feel the need to keep talking, I’ll go ahead and do so.