Thursday, April 29, 2010

With nothing to say

Well, nothing has really happened since my last post. Perhaps the only real news is I found a great apartment near downtown at $800 a month with all the utilities included.

I know the owner of the building, so I'm saving to move there in about a year or so.

Oh, and I got some pants after I watched the Martha Sanchez and Carlos Baute video; the colgando en tus manos one. It was kind of hard finding them, but finally I found the pants Carlos was wearing at I only had to spend about $40.

and remember that Brazilian looking girl who works at the coffee shop, well, she is not there anymore. I think she found a better job. In her place is a beautiful young blonde girl.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


This week has been a really busy and sad week. I guess it all began Tuesday when a girl who "works in the streets" came into the shop. She has a reputation of giving out $20 BJ's and perform private strip tease dances for whatever money you have.

She is really pretty, but you can see she is into drugs. If she weren't doing so much shit to her body and mind, she would be a nice girlfriend.

Normally when she comes, I'm not there, but for some reason she showed up at around 12:00 pm. So I looked at her and she looked at me. After a exchanging a few words, i took her to the back of the shop, you know, for a "private show". She told me if I wanted a BJ it would be $20 as she took a condom. I told her it would not be necessary.

The show was a bit of a disappointment. Although she has an OK body, I guess all the rumors were just that, rumors. I gave her $10 and she thanked me.

Friday morning when I arrived to work, I noticed an ambulance parked outside the house that's next to the shop. Eventually I learned that a girl I know, had attempted suicide. Apparently this wasn't the first time she tried it, however, this time, she finally completed her goal.

She was about 38, but had been suffering from depression since her grandmother passed away about 2 years ago. I hope she finally stopped suffering.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Earth Day

Last Wednesday I got an e-mail informing me one of my designs was chosen to be part of the Earth Day 2010 website exposition. Good, free publicity.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Birthday Party

Sunday was my friend S. birthday party and that night I realized something. It all began in the morning at around 10 when S. called me and asked if I could go over to his house and help him clean the place.

I accepted and waited for him to pick me up. He and his girlfriend arrived about half an hour later. In the truck they had a bunch of stuff they had picked up for the party already. Tables, chairs, and big pots for the pozole. Apparently they were expecting 20 or so people.

Once there, my job was to clean the garage where the party would take place. S. lives with his family and in the garage there were lots of toys scattered around. They belong to his nephew Ks. We pretty much cleaned the whole place up in about one hour. We even had the time to do some decoration work, well, I did that under the management of S’s girlfriend, J. She mainly just told me where to hang the signs.

At around 3 pm, and after watching the Real Madrid vs. Barcelona game, I went back home and told everyone I would come back for the party at night. Left knowing once I came back N, S’s sister, would be there.

I took care of some stuff I had to do that afternoon. And I even felt a sleep watching a soccer match on tv (I guess that tells how exciting was that game). At 9 pm I got a call from S. asking when I would be showing up. By then I was already in the parking lot, getting ready to leave.

About 15 minutes later, I was pulling up to S’s driveway. Parked the motorcycle and as I was doing so another car arrived. From that car, Lzth, Fy, and Dla came down. All of them looking hot as hell. Even when S. doesn’t really like Dla that much, I told him to invite her over, so I could spend the whole night watching her long, and yummy legs. They greeted me and when inside. By then S. and Ch. Had come out from the house S. took Lzth’s car and parked it in a tight spot in the street.

Got in. On my way to the table I ran into the family at the kitchen. Even when I said “Hi” to everyone there, I put special interest on N. She is not the typical Hispanic girl you meet everyday. She is different, very different from the rest. She is a lot sweeter and very docile. We looked into each other’s eyes when I walked in. As usual, we smiled, but kept looking at each other a few moments without saying a word.

Even when I have known S for years, I never had the opportunity or the interest of meeting any of his sisters until recently. That’s when I met Ada and N. That’s also when I found out that was married and had a four year old son.

The place was FULL. It was only about 9:30pm and there were at least 20 inside. I quickly sat down to eat knowing more people would be showing up and I noticed we had started to run out of chairs already. Talked and cracked a couple of jokes with the people around me. Then I went up to the rest of the tables to greet everyone there since I knew everyone at the party.

After 20 or so minutes I got up, excused myself and left for the kitchen, since I had noticed a group of about 8 (girls and guys) come in. In the kitchen, it was pure chaos. S and his girlfriend J serving food to the people at the tables and S‘s sisters were doing something too.

“Que haces aqui Juan Carlos?” (What are you doing here Juan Carlos?) I heard Ada say.

Then out of nowhere N came and said “Juan Carlos cohibido, no lo puedo creer” (A quiet Juan Carlos, I can’t believe it)

I looked at N and said “Es que conozco a todos y no se a quien hablarle” (I know everyone and I don’t know who to talk to)

She laughed. Then I looked at her and told her there was something weird going on. She towered over me. At least 2 inches.

She was wearing high heels and looked very beautiful. She is normally about an inch shorter than me. So I said “Asi no se vale. Tambien yo me voy a poner tacones altos” (That’s not fair, in that case, I’ll use high heels too) She laughed hard again.

Then I left to mingle with the people at the party. I thought that would be the only interaction we would be having.

I was talking to Ch when suddenly S came up to us and ask Ch if he could go with his sister to the store and get more beer since she didn’t want to be out at night alone. I don’t know what took over me. Without thinking twice about it. I offered myself for the job. I wasn’t sure if the sister he was talking about was N or Ada. I just took a chance and hoped it would be N.

So Ch was driving, and I was in the front seat while N was in the back seat. The weirdest thing is that it was her car. Well, if you look at it carefully it wasn’t that weird since N is one of those girls who doesn’t really like to be the leader at almost anything. That also includes driving.

And for that reason I find her extremely attractive. Its like our personalities are made one for another. Since most of the times I’m the leader at what we do, sometimes I think she is attracted to me.

Before I she got into the car, I opened the door for her and said “Ladies first”, she smiled and thanked me. On the way to the store we all started to talk.

I think this story is getting too long for no real reason. After being around N all night long, I realized I would like to find a girl like her. Sweet and innocent, you know, the kind of girl who would hide and then cry after she has a confrontation with anyone.

The party really didn’t end that night, but I left at around 1am without anyone noticing and through the back door, you know, to be the center of attention once everyone had noticed I was missing.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Moving Day

The last Sunday of March G moved from the apartment he and his girlfriend had near Wilshire and Western and asked me to help out. Apparently they are going their separate ways or something like that. I don’t really know. The think is his girlfriend moved out somewhere near Western while he is going near Venice.

His girlfriend moved out about 3 weeks or so. And in the apartment there was only his stuff and the kitchen furniture. Since he thought he didn’t have lots of stuff to move, only me, him and another guy were going to do the whole moving thing. Sounded easy, right? Boy, it was a lot of hard work.

For starters his friend didn’t show up as planned in the morning because he got drunk the previous night. So there was only two of us…with no truck because that guy was the one was supposed to get it. Great.

I arrived to his apartment at around 10 am and found a mess inside his apartment.

“Now you really live like a bachelor who has no prospects in life” I said when I came in and he laughed.

He said he had been doing some cleaning before leaving. So I asked him where he was going to put all of his stuff. He said we still needed to go to get the boxes at Ralph’s or another place. But first we needed to walk to his girlfriend apartment to get the car.

His girlfriend moved into a 2 bedroom apartment she shares with no other than AM. Yes, the hot Colombian girl who slept in my arms last summer when we all went to the colombian festival in Pico Rivera. I still remember the argument we had later that day. If you want to read the whole story, look for one of my May 2009 posts named “AM and the colombian festival” or something like that.

It had been almost a year since the last time I saw her. Got to their place. He and his girlfriend went into her room leaving me in the almost empty living room. There was a stereo tuned to “Latino 96.3” or some other regetton shit station and a big sofa, but that was it.

It was about 11:30am and the blinds were closed and it was hot. I walked to the kitchen looking for a glass of water. Instead, the first thing I found were dirty dishes in the sink. For some reason I can’t stand the sight of dirty dishes just standing there. So I started doing them. But since I was doing the dishes, I thought it would only be fair to listen to a station I enjoy. So I changed it to KROQ and started doing the dishes again. There weren’t many of them. When I was almost done I hear someone behind me.


“Hey“, I answered without turning back

“Que haces?(what are you doing)” She said with her accent.

“Estoy lavando los trastes(I’m doing the dishes)” I answered and then turned to her.

I found her dark eyes and her pink skin. She was still in her pink pajamas. She looked so pretty and innocent. Too bad she made a really bad first impression on me. The night I met her, she was drunk stupid, sleeping in the back seat of G’s girlfriend car. That’s why I treat her somewhat bad.

I know that if I start to be “charming”, she will like me (although I think she does now) and I don’t know if I’ll be able to stay away from her. After all, she does look like the kind of girl I tend to go for. About 5’4”, 135 lbs, fair skin, with dark eyes and hair.

Although AM looks like the girl of my dreams, I know she is not. Her personality is very friendly, however, something tells me she is hiding something. She does look like the kind of girl who likes money and puts it over other stuff.

That’s why I tend to talk as little as possible to her.

“Yo los iba a lavar(I was going to do them)”

“Si, pero yo ya te gane(Yes, but I beat you to them)” Still looking into her eyes.

She laughed and thanked me.

I saw an empty can of soda at the counter, took it and asked her where the trash can was. She says, they recycle. So I just poured some water and rinsed it out and put it back where it was. She thanked me again, but this time I added

“Gracias nada, van a ser 50 dolares” (thanks nothing, it is going to be 50 dollars)

She laughs again and says, “Que te los pague Jenny”, and left to her room.

I turned back to the sink to clean it. I always though an apartment shared by two girls would be spotless. At least that’s the experience I have from work. I get to go into people’s houses and see who cleans what, and who lives like a pig.

Not a minute had passed and G came out and told me, “Ok ama de casa. Vamonos”

We headed to the store and bought the boxes. Fortunately they still had some left. By this time he had called his friend and told him he would be showing up at 1pm. But in reality he only showed up at 3pm because he was getting the truck from another friend.

In the meanwhile me and G started to pack all of his shit. For a small apartment and only two people, he had LOTS of shit. It was mostly VHS movies, bunch of school papers and metallica cassesttes from when G was in high school. I asked him if he was really going to take those to his new place. At first he said no, but then changed his mind. And then he once changed his mind. So before he could change it again, i grabbed the boxes and went down to the trash can and threw everything there.

We were not even half way done when G’s friend showed up. He came and saw all the mess. And then said he needed to go somewhere else to do something and that he would be back in a bit. Left without being in the apartment for 5 minutes.

Now that really pissed me off. It looked as if it was me the one who was in a rush to move out of the apartment and not G. He seemed really calmed and confident we would be able to get everything done that day.

Not only this fucker got drunk the previous night and showed up at 3pm to help, but the stupid idiot shows up in a minivan thinking everything would fit in there. He had no dolly to move stuff around (and we were in a 4th floor) and was so confident a full size refrigerator was going to be easy to move.

That’s when I really had it. After the fucker left, I took the phone and called a friend from work. He has a pick up truck and a dolly. He owes me a couple of favors, so he agreed to come and help us in a Sunday with no previous notice.

I told G that we needed to put all of the boxes in his car and move them to his new place. Since the refrigerator and kitchen table were going to his g/f place, we would have to come back for them later when my friend showed up in the pick up truck.

We took the kitchen table apart and moved the boxes out when G’s friend showed up again. To my surprise it had been less than half an hour. They decided to put the boxes and some small stuff in the minivan and took them to G’s place. I waited there for my friend. They came back when my friend had showed up and we were taking the refrigerator down. Since it was a really big refrigerator it didn’t fit in the elevator. So we had to take the stairs.

I was just glad I was doing this with a dolly and with someone who does this for a living and not with two idiots and no dolly.

So we headed to G’s girlfriend place with only the refrigerator because magically the kitchen table was able to fit in the minivan. It wasn’t really a big table and the whole base could be taken apart in 5 small light parts.

She was waiting for us outside the apartment building. G and his friend took the kitchen table in first. Then me and my friend took the refrigerator down from the truck. When we got it down, I pulled it up the curb by myself. I turned around and saw G’s girlfriend looking at me. She smiled and said “Estas fuerte Juan” (you’re strong Juan).

Although this wasn’t the heaviest refrigerator we have moved, it wasn’t the lightest either.

Jenny’s apartment is in the first floor, however, to get there, you need to go up about 7 or so steps. Me, the refrigerator and my friend from work were at the bottom and others were up. That’s when G’s friend (the idiot with the minivan) yelled at us. “Si pueden o quieren que los ayude?” ( Can you do it, or you do need help?) in a mocking way.

And I yelled back “Este trabajo es para hombres, no para ninos” (This is a job for men, not kids). Everyone burst into laughter and the guy shut up and looked at the floor.

Then I heard G’s girlfriend say “Eso Juan” and smiled at me. Aparently she doesn’t like that guy much either.

We got up the stairs and headed to the apartment. Everyone stayed out or at least that’s how it looked from my point of view since I had been pulling the refrigerator with the dolly since we got it down the truck. And couldn’t really see who was and who was not around.

When we got into the apartment, my friend asked, “Donde esta la colombiana estupidita?”(so, where is the stupid colombian girl?) He asked because I told him all about the incident from the Colombian festival and had told him she was going to live there.

I answered “Lo mas seguro es que se este escondiendo” (most likely, she is hidding somewhere)

Then we cracked a couple of jokes from work. Like the morning when Jose (a worker from one of the building management companies we deal with) had showed up to work to kick my butt, but ended running away because P scared him away before he ran into me.

After setting the refrigerator in place, I pulled it against the wall. That’s when I noticed my friend wasn’t there anymore, and in his place, there was G’s girlfriend looking at me. I was still laughing and saying some stuff from work.

She looked at me and asked “Juan, por que eres tan grocero?” (Juan, why do you swear a lot?) and smile at me.

This caught me with my guard down completely. I answered, “Asi soy yo” (that’s the way I am)

Looked to my left, and there was AM looking at me. I looked into her eyes, and said “Que?” (What). She laughed for some reason. I took my stuff from inside the refrigerator, and left without saying anything. Headed back to G’s place to get my motorcycle and left to my home very tired.