Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Something Funny/Weird At The Taco Place

There's this place in LA where we pretty much go for lunch at work. It is located at..(ha ha, did you really think I was going to tell you where I get my tacos?)

Anyways, a couple of days ago we went there, found out that in the television in the sitting area where usually the "Canal 22" is on, now there's a children's DVD playing. A Bug's Life to be exact. Now, this was on Tuesday, but since Friday that DVD had been there because that time I got to see the end of it.

We decided to take a sit on the other corner where we usualy sit because "our table" was being occupied. I noticed that in the table next to us there are some plates, as if someone was going to come back for them.

I was watching the movie when I see the restaurant owner's daughter and her friend and sit in the table next to us.

Our tacos come and I realized they didn't put "salsa roja" on my tacos. (yes, I love salsa roja that much) So I got up and went to the salad bar for salsa roja. The girl is talking to her friend and I honestly didnt give her much attention. When I come back from the salad bar I realized she is on my way to get back to my sit.

I told her "compermiso" yes, in spanish, I'm THAT mexican

and without turning to me she just moves away and I say "thank you". All this happened with her facing her table.

So, we are eating our tacos and watching the movie (yes, I like kids movies, so what? :-P) And I noticed them, the girl and her friend getting up and preparing to leave. Then the girl takes out a little can thing with "altoids" on it gives them to her friend.

And then all of a sudden and without any warning, she turns around (all the way, at this point she was giving me her back) and asks me if I wanted one.

I looked straight into her eyes and I responded I didn't want just one, I wanted them all.

She just laughed and told me I could get two or three or as much as I wanted.

So I took her word and then asked my companion if he wanted one, and he said "yes".

We say "Thank You" and she leaves without saying anything else. Weird, eh? I know.

Now don't get me wrong...I didn't want to talk to this girl or anything. She did it all by herself. Even when I had seen her before in the restaurant, I had never pay her any attention, or was thinking of. She is a little young...I don't really know her age, but going by looks, I say she is about 15-17.

NO I'M NOT A PEDO or anything. This is something that happened on its own.

Well, this was another interesting thing that happened to me

1 comment:

Somfolnalco said...

specify girls age plz! haha. Get used to it. for some reason as we get older the younger ones get bolder. bad combo