Thursday, June 24, 2010

About Gay Marriage

Today I have decided to write about gay marriage and why I’m against it. First of all, and before you start calling me a “homophobe”, let me set things straight. I don’t hate gays or preach any sort of violence against them, in fact I condone any hate crimes. But that’s not the point of this post.

Since I was little, there has been an ongoing debate about legalizing gay marriage. At first the idea of two guys kissing was really gross. I could not understand why would a guy enjoy kissing another guy.

Then, as I grew older, I began to understand how the gay mentality worked and how they are not sick or any different from the rest of us “normal” people (no one is really normal, we just act that way). I learned gay people are good people, who just want to live a normal life and mean no harm to anyone. Just like the rest of us, they too just want to live happily.

So, for much of my teenage years, I was in favor of gay marriage. And I thought people who were against gay marriage were just a bunch of ignorant narrow minded religious nuts. You know, people who was happy living in 18th century America.

Time passed by, and suddenly I noticed something. I wasn’t really a “manly” guy. At 5’ 7” and 135 lbs I was very little, plus I was really shy. Lack of confidence followed me everywhere. That’s when for some reason I stumbled into David DeAngelo’s program of “How To Be Good With Girls”.

There I learned that if I wanted to be good with girls, I would have to be a man first. The problem was I never really had a roll model of how a man must be. My parents got divorced when I was 13, so I pretty much did what my mom told me to do. That also included accepting people who were “different” from me. Historically women have been a lot more open minded to accepting changes into their world. So it wasn’t a surprise when I asked my mom if she was OK with gay marriage and she answered “I would still love my son, if he turned out to be gay”. Still to this day, I don’t really know if she said that because she thought I was gay or not.

Remember, back then I was a very skinny delicate guy who didn’t like to fight or was able to handle confrontation. Even now, I still don’t like to fight, however, now I can get into fights if there’s no other way out; and with guys taller than me. Of course, now I’m 20 lbs heavier, run about 2 miles 3 times a week, and I can bench about 100 lbs (not much, but I don’t want big muscles, I just want to tone the ones I already have).

But the most important change has been my attitude. Before I used to be really shy, I just wanted people leave me alone, that’s why I got teased so much in high school. And now my attitude is that of “I’ll punch you in the face if you mess with me”. I have been in countless fights ever since, specially at work, where people only respect you when you can defend yourself.

Then something inside my head changed. I don’t know if was the testosterone levels raising in my body, or the rush I got when I get on my motorcycle and go really fast, but suddenly I didn’t think two guys or girls kissing was OK. I don’t know if you have ever felt that rush if you’re a guy, but if you’re reading, and you’re a girl it would be pointless trying to understand what I’m trying to say. It would be like a woman trying to explain to me how giving birth feels like. Nature didn’t give me the equipment to understand that kind of feeling because it is something only a woman can feel, and I’m not a woman.

It is a really strong feeling I had never experience until I followed David DeAngelo’s advice and began to “be a man”. As I’ve said before, I became more violent, and my opinion changed on subjects like gay marriage. It was then that I realized I was ok with it because it seemed like everyone was ok it too; tv, radio, most women, and nobody really wanted to be against it. So, like a good sheep, I followed everyone else around me.

I didn’t want the world around me to start accepting gay marriage, why? Because I think it is wrong; something our society should not accept. However, I knew they had the right to do with their lives what they wanted. They could be together and there was nothing I could do to stop that.

I didn’t want my kids to live in a world where two people of the same sex can get married and pretend everything was fine. Why? Because I don’t think it is ok for two people of the same sex to be considered at married.

Some people have said “marriage is a thing of love” and that’s why two persons who love each other should be able to get married if they want regardless of their sexual orientation. But I don’t believe that’s quite true. Yes, marriage is about love, however is it also about how society sees you. I don’t want to be part of a society that doesn’t see anything wrong with legalizing same sex marriage.

That’s why there is this battle going on. Some people are against and other in favor of gay marriage, and neither can’t leave society.

We need to keep our traditions, not only because it is the right thing to do, but because the whole future of our species depends on it. Other civilizations have accepted gay trends in their society (along with other, way crazier stuff) and look where they are now. Yes, those ancient civilizations are dead.

I got the feeling all of this is due to a lack of real men in our society. I have witnessed with my own two eyes how a “lesbian” girl felt for a jerk in a motorcycle. When? Well, I am that jerk in the motorcycle. This tells me the “girl in the relationship” is only with the other girl because she is really manly. And how lesbian can you really be when you’re with someone who looks, acts, smells, and sometimes even thinks like a man? Not very. It only took a jerk in jeans and a cool bike to bring her back. I knew she would had accepted a ride in my bike if I had offered her one.

What does all that tells me about society and this whole “inner sexuality” thing? Well, that although there are some genuine lesbians and gays, there are some who are just confused and are with a same sex partner because they are attracted to some of their qualities. In the case mentioned above, the girl is with the other girl just because the other girl has the qualities a man should have.

I’m against a relationship like that, not because I think they are sick, but because I don’t approve a girl and a girl should be together.

For now this all I have to say, but when I feel the need to keep talking, I’ll go ahead and do so.