Sunday, July 19, 2009

AM and the Colombian Festival.

A couple of weeks ago I was dragged to the Colombian Festival here in LA. I had never seen so many HOT girls in one single place who were not paid models (tacate, metro pcs, and from companies like that)

I went because I had spent the night at my friend's G house, and his girlfriend M was invited to the festival by her friend AM who is from Colombia. (hot girl I may add)

It was hot as hell! I would say it was about 90 degrees at the festival. Lots of "empanadas" and stuff I didn't know anything about.

As I usually do, I would "dissapear" from the group and would walk by myself from time to time just to come back to the group later.

During the first time I "got lost" I ended up sitting in a bech under the shade of a tree. And suddently I see "My group" in front of me, about 20 or 25 feet away. They were talking to a guy who was trying to sell them cable service or something.

That's when I noticed AM was looking at me. We looked into our eyes, and she turned away, but to turn back at me 2 seconds later.

She is a very friendly and hot girl, sadly she is not my type, so I didn't really make any conversation with her the whole time we were at the the festival. She would ask me if I wanted something to drink, and I would say "no"

So we left the festival at around 3pm. My friend G has a small car, so there were 5 people in it, his girlfriend was driving, and he was in the front seat. I was in the back seat, behind the driver, AM was sitting in the middle and another friend J was next to AM.

We had gotten just in the freeway back to LA when I noticed AM was very sleepy, I had my right arm streached out, kind of behing her head.

And I noticed she just let her head all the way back into my arm and closed her eyes. So I did the right thing, and whenever we would hit a bump in the road, I would move my arm a little, just to shake her head up and kind of wake her. I did it two times, and the second time, she woke up completely and looked at me, I smiled, and she smiled back.

I asked "Are you sleepy?" and she replied "yes".

And I said "come on, sleep" (all this in spanish)

With my right arm, I glently guided her head to my chest and she didn't put any fight. She slept for the rest of the trip cluddling(sp?) with me.

She has long black hair, and since we were driving with the windows all the way down (no AC) it got all over her face. From time to time I would get it off her face and try to put it behind her ears. She would kind of half smile everytime I did it.

Suddently my friend G turned around and saw how I was holding her, smilled and gave me the "hi 5" sign. I just smiled. Then her g/f turned around quickly, and then went back to the road, but just to turn arond again, as if she didn't believe what was going on in the back seat. Turn to the road once again and looked at me from the rear view mirror. Her expression was very serious as if she didn't like what we were doing.

We got home, and we all went our separate way, AM woke up, and I left the car. We all said good bye and etc etc. As I was walking to my door, I started thinking about that genious David De Angelo. He is the one who taught me that sometimes girls will like you if you ignore them or are just a little rude.

Anyways, I honestly don't want to see AM again if she is awake. But I would surely like to see her if she is asleep the whole time she is with me. :-)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Indian Guy & My Stone

I have so many things to say, but somehow I can't remember any of them now I have the time to write about them.

OH, I know what to write about. I'm going to write that Indian guy who showed up at work a couple of weeks ago.

I think it was a Tuesday or a Wednesday, I dont remember exactly, but it was either one of those days. I was in the back of the shop working in a refrigerator when I heard someone comming into the store. I went to the front who it was.

He wasn't very tall, about my same height, 5' 7", dark complexiton, a little chubby, I say anywhere from 160-170 lbs. He had a very thick accent, I have an accent when talking in English, but his was much more thicker, to the point I had to ask him to repeat everything he said.

After all language barries had been overcome, he told me to grab a piece of paper. He tore it apart from a bigger sheat, wrote something in it, and folded. He told me to close my hand and then he made a small prayer to my fist. He then took another piece of paper, wrote a something in it, turned it around.

He told me to tell him a number, and added that if the number he had written in the back of the paper and the one I was about to tell him matched, it meant he was able to tell me my past, present and future.

I though about it, and I decided to choose one of the numbers I normaly wouldn't pick, and since I'm a soccer fan I always pick the numbers that Ive used in my jerseys (21, 10, and 9).

Went ahead and picked 3. He smiled at me, and showed me the back of the paper (the paper had been in my sight the whole time to make sure I wasn't going to think he wore in it after I told him the number)

To my astonishment in the back of the paper was a number 3.

I asked him what was the prayer he made about. He answered it was a prayer for my good luck. He then proceeded to tell me I was a nice guy with a good heart.

To make a long story short, he did some tricks and told me stuff about my present. Then asked me if I wanted him to tell me my future. I told him i didnt want to know it because if I did, I was going to be fearful if any bad stuff was going to happen.

He said it was ok, and then gave a stone. He siad that that was "my stone" and I should carry it with me all the time because it was going to take care of me.

So for a couple of weeks I kept that stone in my pant's pocket, but I lost it last Saturday night when I went to a party to celebrate the 4th of July. I think it is in the pocket of my pants, but Ive forgotten to check.

Anyways, the guy left. But the next day, when I got to work my coworkers told me the guy from the day before had come back and asked to talk to me. Apparently he had something to tell me. Coincidentally that same day I came in to work late because I had to go to the bank to make a deposit and get gas before heading to work.

I wonder if it was my destiny to never know what the guy wanted to tell me.